Pro Investivity
7 min readApr 24, 2020

5 Must-Watch Movies To Develop Yourself

Movies have a lot to offer. I have enjoyed watching a lot of movies related to personal development. The movies I have discussed here still gives me goosebumps. These movies are like transparent glass, reflecting the fact of our daily situation.

Most of the movies I have included here are based on real-life stories.

While watching these movies, I have gained an absorbing profit. I decide to share it with you as it’s worth more than a million values.

1. The Pursuit of Happyness

The Pursuit of Happyness is based on the true story of Chris Gardener who struggled with homelessness while taking care of his young son.

Working as a salesman, he was unable to sell the much expensive bone-density scanners. It came to the situation that he didn’t have money to survive. The financial instability puts fire in his relationship with his wife, Linda.

The Pursuit of Happyness broadcasts the ups and downs a man had to face. Despite his dismal circumstance, Chris didn’t lose hope. He learns the importance of patience not just for him, but also for his son too.

Most of the time, he has to battle with every conflict of his life. Either it is personal, professional, or moral conflict. Even in the darkest situations, he tries to keep his son happy.

The best part for me is while he is outside his office, he sees every passing person happy. But when he enters his office, it’s completely opposite. All the employees are in a rush to make that sales call.

The movie has extended my view of personal growth. Back to my life, I considered the unbreakable difficulties of existence against me. But I was wrong. I could have chosen to live accepting all the irregularities and start flourishing.

It’s not late though. I have taken much from the movie and am inspired by the true story of Chris Gardener. I am applying the movie lessons and hope to do the same in the years to come by.

One thing you will take out of the movie is to not lose hope, even when the odds are against you.

If you haven’t watched the movie yet, then what are you waiting for?

During this Coronavirus pandemic lockdown, grab your chair and watch it. I promise that you will not regret watching this movie.

“This part of my life, this part right here. This is called happiness.”


2. The Shawshank Redemption

The highest-rated movie in IMDb, The Shawshank Redemption has gained huge publicity.

The story begins with the main character, Andy. He’s convicted of killing his wife and her boyfriend. He is sentenced to life imprisonment and is sent to a prison called Shawshank.

As a smart man, he finds ways to resist his suffering in prison.

During such difficult circumstances, he chooses to bring light into the darkness of prison.

Risking his life from time to time, he struggles to improve the deteriorating conditions of the prison. Notably, he works to improve the decaying condition of the prison’s library.

Red, a skeptic person, sees life blown on the blink of an eye. There is no hope for him in life.

But, Andy believes that there’s always hope.

For him “Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies.”

This movie reminds me of the story of a bird inside the cage waiting for the day of freedom to hover into the sky. The case is the same for Andy. This movie made me imagine a situation where there seems no hope in life at all. But as Andy said, “There’s always hope.”

I get to find the truth that even a single person can lead to change. From this movie, you can know about yourself and attain a successful journey.

Whenever we confront adversities, let’s lead like a game-changer while enjoying our personal growth.

“Get busy living or get busy dying.”


3. Life is Beautiful

Life is Beautiful is based on the true story of Rubino Romeo Salmoni, an Italian Jew who was sent to a concentration camp during the 2nd World War.

The movie starts with happy moments and comedy scenes.

However, the fictional character Guido and his son Giosue are later sent to the concentration camp with the outbreak of World War II. Not able to leave them alone, Dora, Guido’s wife, decides to go together.

The man conceals about the reality of the concentration camp to his boy falsifying it as a complicated game. He says that in the game, the boy has to score 1000 points to get a fighter tank.

The boy expects to collect 1000 points by having patience, struggling with hunger, and hiding from the guards. His eagerness to win the game stops him from breaking the rules his father had created.

Whenever soldiers find Guido breaking rules of the camp, they catch him. He winks at his child to fake out the reality. The innocent boy then believes this as a game.

The man narrates happiness to the boy even in such critical circumstances.

It conveys different emotions and characters that are inside the man. It is of the true being and living a simple yet beautiful life. This movie could be fruitful to Millennials as it shows how to accept challenges in personal development.

While watching the movie, I found myself in the position of Guido and saw life from his perspectives. This movie has taught me to accept whatever comes in being and become a person of words.

When we choose to live happily, nobody can stop us from doing so.

Life is so clear and beautiful that there are no requirements for its definition.

Challenges and sufferings are part of our growth.

These are the areas where many people give up. There are many opportunities to grow for us.

Within this time frame, let’s live our life to the fullest and erase all the negativism.

The movie is so true about our way to accept things on survival, I can’t wait to watch it again.

So when are you planning to watch this movie?

“Each man is questioned by life, and he can only answer to life by answering for his own life; to life he can only respond by being responsible.”


4. The Intouchables

When it comes to friendships, The Intouchables is the best movie I have ever seen. The film is inspired by the true story of a disabled person, Philippe, and his caregiver, Driss, whose relationship slowly develops into a deep, meaningful friendship.

Philippe believes in that strange person though his friends find Driss committing a crime. The movie also portrays the poverty of Driss. When he enters Philippe’s home, he is astonished to see such gigantic wealth there.

The disability of the man didn’t become a barrier to their friendship. Rather, it made a strong foundation of friendship between them.

With the right synergy among our friends, we can march towards our personal growth.

One thing you could take out of the movie is that when there is mutual trust between people, then that bond lasts forever.

5. Taare Zameen Par (Like Stars on Earth)

An award-winning Indian movie, Like Stars on Earth narrates the story of an eight-year-old boy, Ishaan, who is suffering from dyslexia. It’s a rare condition in which victims feel difficulties learning despite normal intelligence.

Unaware of his condition, his parents portray this as his excuse for laziness.

Later, Ram, an art teacher, becomes Ishaan’s tutor. Ram researches a lot about Ishaan’s condition. He then explains it to the class, inspiring his students.

Even though the movie displays the child, the ideas are still applicable to everyone. At the time of adversity, it is difficult to figure out the problems.

The movie clearly characterizes the need for personal development. Even more, the time you use to invest in yourself later result in fruitful conclusion. With the tutor, the boy finds the way to live life creatively.

For personal development, we might not have to hire a mentor. What we do need is to have our desire to explore our hidden treasures.

Ishaan’s story shows the path to personal development and favors success in continuous thriving.

Why wait for the opportunities to come in life?

Why not create that opportunity ourselves?

Let’s rise like a phoenix rising from the ashes. Let’s have the time for our personal growth. We can reach the enlightened stage of learning from movies like these.

What other movies can you add to this list that I may have missed?

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Pro Investivity We write to expand your investment while developing your personality. We emphasize on current steps for development.