Come on in and take a seat. We’ve got something to show you.

Good Audience
Published in
3 min readApr 1, 2018


from the ECC Team

Sapphire says “Hi”.

The menu has been carefully planned. The ingredients have been painstakingly assembled. The pots are boiling, and the tables are set.

We’re just about ready, and everyone is invited.

It’s our Grand Opening. Our cooks have been hard at work preparing the best we have yet to serve. Feel free to take a seat, and in the meantime, order your favorite beverage.

On the menu today is ANS with a side of Sapphire. You can read more about those below.

Please enjoy.

Details matter. It’s worth waiting to get it right.

— Steve Jobs

ANS and Sapphire. What are those?

ANS stands for Address Name Service. You can read more about it here. Think of it like a username or email address instead of a long wallet address. You don’t surf the web by typing in various IP addresses. We don’t think you should have to do that to share coins, messages, files, or anything else either.

Sapphire is our new desktop wallet. It was built from the ground up using modern software development best practices, with a goal of achieving the best possible user experience.

These new products are the first of many steps to bring blockchain to the masses. Everyone should be able to use our services, and we believe these help achieve that.

The marketing plan begins with a Thunderclap starting next week.

Once it does, it will run for 2 weeks leading up to the public release of ANS and Sapphire. We’re hopeful for a strong community reach on this one, so please join in. We have some heavy hitters coming in to help us get the word out as well.

Weekly Dev Stand-up

These past couple of weeks have been a major crunch for the team. From preparing and coordinating our upcoming marketing campaigns, to late night coding working out the kinks, we’re all a little beat up.

But it’s worth it. We know that we’re doing the right thing. Given the recent influx of news stories regarding privacy breaches, the world needs and wants us now more than ever.

Greg: ANS is now live on testnet. Working on fixing the remaining bugs.

Cristiano: Finished implementing theme support. Now working on tying in ANS functionality, code cleanup, and bug fixes.

Devin: I’ve been learning my way around the code this week. Implemented a Docker build environment into Sapphire so that dependency management is contained, and fixed a Mac build bug.

Dylan: Sapphire can now download what it needs on it’s own, and update itself as necessary. Working this week to wrap that up along with some other tasks.

Sean: Implemented multilingual support into Sapphire, fixed some Mac issues, cleaned up all the meta, and rebuilt the tray menu. Continuing work on bug fixing, creating a Light theme, and designing the Sapphire mobile app.

Troy: I’ve been investigating and testing new platforms for translation. Migration plan will be done this week.

Cheers until next time,
Sean (@smaho)

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