What is Project Draca?

Project Draca NFT
3 min readJan 26, 2022


My name is Ryker. The below information is recorded to the best of my ability. The actual dates are hard to track as much of our data information systems of the past have been destroyed and new systems have been erected to the best of our ability.

The First Sighting” (2310) — There was speculation that it was a government hoax. Reports of livestock being eaten, and scorched earth.

Bloodbath” — Governments are in panic as livestock are no longer targets. Humans became targets for dragons to feed.Dragons began laying waste to large populations. Heavy military actions took place, but due to the formidable armored bodies and speed of the dragons, we fought a losing battle.

Power” — It became evident that the dragons feed on power. A renowned scientist makes the observation that dragon hatchling growth is accelerated by being close to power plants and other large sources of energy output. Military observations of dragons feeding from power lines, and nuclear plants. Large nests are discovered in evacuated cities laid to waste by dragons.

Evacuation” — Humanity is forced into small dwellings outside of major cities — underground bunkers, and other more rural hidden communities. New human government regimes are erected from the former traditional governments. Humanity’s only chance of survival is to band together.

Draca Wars” — We observe dragons seem to group into hierarchical clans, and that there is conflict amongst these dragon clans. Our cities, our land, and our resources are the collateral damage. With this territorial conflict mounting, human and livestock became less of a feeding target for Dragons, and a battle of power over resources escalated.

Capture”- The first capture of a wounded dragon by humanity happened (est 2314), Heavy experiments were performed on this highly intelligent, large, flying creature, with extraordinary speed and strength. Through experimentation it is learned that Dragons have the ability to communicate in multiple tongues, including their own telepathic form of communication. They also possess “magic” abilities that cannot be explained by human science. Extraordinary abilities witnessed to date have included, telekinesis, telepathy, channeling electrical power, and fire generation.

New Breeds” — (est. 2315) New dragon species have been documented and seen.

Cyber” These large mechanical robotic dragons tend to be 1.5x-2x larger than a fully grown organic dragon. Little is known about them. Some speculate that they were created by humans to combat organic dragons, but dragons used magic to disrupt the programming. Others speculate that they were created by dragons themselves where they transferred consciousness to extend their mortality. They don’t bleed, they have unparalleled strength, and possess abilities beyond that of organic dragons, such as automated repair systems, and the ability to remote control other technological systems that aren’t shielded from hacking. The population of these large fearsome dragons appears to be less than 10% of all dragon sightings.

Defects” These are fully grown dragons that bear cybernetic implants. The range and scope of the cybernetic implants varies. Defect dragons appear to be products of experiments on dragons to merge technology and organic tissue. It has been observed that they can fly at accelerated speeds versus traditional organic dragons. Glitches have been witnessed as well, leading to erratic behavior. Defect dragons appear to be the most unpredictable of all dragons. If we can even call a dragon “predictable” Little is known about the cybernetic integration process and who first performed the experiments. There is speculation that this was an attempt by humans to control and weaponize captured dragons. Other conspiracy theorists believe defect dragons are a natural evolution and are born out of experiments by the dragons themselves.

Project Draca” — The current year is 2321… It’s been 11 years since the dragons returned. In an old abandoned lab we discovered scattered documents labeled “Project Draca”. To our best ability to piece together clues, we believe this all started from a black ops government experiment which involved bio-scientists using millenia old DNA found in a cave in central asia.

There are so many unknowns. Who are these scientists? How many rival dragon clans/families/herds are there? How skilled are the dragons at using technology? Are there humans working with some of these dragon clans? What is the endgame?

How you use this information is up to you.

