Vento - Automotive Commerce With Tolling

Oaken Innovations
5 min readJan 25, 2019


Vote for Vento - Automotive Commerce HERE — Project #21

Oaken Innovations has come full circle!
In February 2017, we accepted the first place award in the United Arab Emirates Blockchain GovHack technology competition, for our Tesla and Tollbooth application, focusing on mobility with blockchain-powered solutions.

We’re proud to announce Vento - an automotive commerce application with toll road and payments industry partners Brisa, Via Verde and A to Be, out of Lisbon, Portugal.

This automotive commerce application’s first use case is tolling, where we ran live toll transactions through our automotive commerce platform, using our tolling application. We used Ethereum-based Quorum for our federated blockchain with ERC20 compliant tokens, issued to consumers for use in the tolling application.

We developed a pilot that ran for three months as a parallel system to Brisa and Via Verde’s domain, so as not to disrupt current operations. Fully realized, our application’s aim is to provide consumers and automobiles with a seamless payments and remittance experience across all of Via Verde’s services. Vento provides Via Verde and all of Via Verde’s operators, like Brisa, instantaneous remittance for use of their services, while providing transparency of the transactions to all relevant and permissioned parties.

The long term vision of an application like this would have relay capabilities into a public chain, that would allow for asset backed Euro pegged tokens to be utilized for consumer and automobile payments across all services.

We've entered this Automotive Commerce project in to MOBI’s Grand Challenge Hackathon. We are one of many independent and industry teams competing in the first year’s round of competition.

IF you like our project, click here go to the projects page and give us a VOTE for Vento (project #21) at the bottom of the page .

While there, check out the other entries for this year’s MOBI Grand Challenge Hackathon.

For more Information on our project:

Oaken Innovations has teamed up with toll road operator Brisa, technology company A to Be and consumer company Via Verde to produce a live blockchain powered automotive commerce platform using tolling as the first application. Our entry is a Quorum/Ethereum powered enterprise blockchain platform with smart contract tolling applications and mobile and web front end. The idea for our submission is this: assuming future automobiles are enabled with blockchain-powered identity and the ability to pay for on demand services let’s first apply that to the number one payment action in automobiles today (tolling) and then expand across other services. We integrated directly into a live, production, environment to process real-time toll road transactions.

Our Submission Includes:

  • Quorum Blockchain Environment
  • Tolling Application Smart Contracts
  • Transaction Simulator
  • Consumer Mobile Application
  • Enterprise Web Application
  • Project Website with Video

The Partners:

  • Via Verde — consumer facing company, operator services integrator, part of Brisa Group.
  • Brisa — toll road operator, part of Brisa Group
  • A to Be — technology innovation company, part of Brisa Group

The Pilot:

With the help of the technology innovation subsidiary of Via Verde, A to Be, and toll road operator, Brisa, we ran a parallel system of toll road transactions for a subset of users. This parallel system was fed live toll road transactions, as if the platform was integrated into a live environment. We hosted this platform on an Azure EU instance.

Within our system, the operator, the parent company and the consumers (automobiles) were each assigned a wallet or equivalent smart contract. Automobile wallets were credited with tokens to use within the toll road infrastructure. As our users used the toll road systems, we remitted tokens from the automobile wallets to the operator and to the parent company to demonstrate accounting and remittance of toll road use by segments, all in the same operation.

The Value:

With our system, Brisa, Via Verde and the toll road user all experience the utility of instantaneous remittance with cryptographic assets. For the client, the value here is a better user experience and the foundation to expand payment services to their mobile devices for mobility payments and general consumer payments. For Brisa and Via Verde, the value is the opportunity to dis-intermediate payment services providers and streamlined and transparent financial operations among all operators, not just including Brisa.

The Future Vision:

For our first iteration of this automotive platform, we've started with the #1 payment activity within automobiles, tolling, and we used the existing hardware infrastructure.

Future plans for this platform include:

  1. Car Wallet Integration — partnering with an OEM to integrate their automobile wallets
  2. Gate-less Tolling — amending the hardware infrastructure by integrating with trusted car identity and location data for gate-less tolling
  3. Consumer Mobile Extension — extending the ‘toll-tag’ to the users’ mobile devices as a consumer payments service for mobility and general consumer transactions.

Thank you for your time!

