20 Essential Linux Commands Every User Should Know

2 min readAug 24, 2023


Introduction: Linux is a powerful and versatile operating system that has become a cornerstone of modern computing. Whether you’re a seasoned system administrator or a casual user, understanding the basic Linux commands is essential for efficient navigation and management of the system. In this article, we’ll explore the 20 most useful Linux commands that can help you streamline your tasks, manage files, and interact with your system more effectively.

1. ls - List Files and Directories: Learn how to navigate through your filesystem and view the contents of directories using the ls command.

2. cd - Change Directory: Master the art of moving between directories using the cd command.

3. pwd - Print Working Directory: Discover where you are in the filesystem by using the pwd command.

4. mkdir - Make Directory: Create new directories effortlessly with the mkdir command.

5. rm - Remove Files and Directories: Learn how to delete files and directories using the rm command, and understand its various options.

6. cp - Copy Files and Directories: Copy files and directories from one location to another with the cp command.

7. mv - Move and Rename Files: Master the mv command to move files and also rename them simultaneously.

8. touch - Create Empty Files: Learn how to create empty files quickly using the touch command.

9. cat - Concatenate and Display File Content: View and concatenate the content of text files using the cat command.

10. grep - Search Text Patterns: Search for specific text patterns within files using the powerful grep command.

11. nano or vim - Text Editors: Explore basic text editing using terminal-based editors like nano or more advanced ones like vim.

12. top - Monitor System Processes: Monitor real-time system processes and resource usage with the top command.

13. ps - Display Running Processes: List running processes using the ps command and its various options.

14. chmod - Change File Permissions: Understand how to change file permissions using the chmod command.

15. chown - Change File Ownership: Learn how to change the ownership of files and directories with the chown command.

16. df - Display Disk Space Usage: Check disk space usage on your system using the df command.

17. du - Display File and Directory Space Usage: Find out which files and directories are taking up the most space with the du command.

18. wget - Download Files from the Web: Learn how to download files from the internet using the wget command.

19. ssh - Secure Shell: Initiate secure remote connections to other machines using the ssh command.

20. tar - Archive and Compress Files: Master the art of creating compressed archive files using the tar command.

Conclusion: These 20 essential Linux commands provide a solid foundation for navigating, managing, and interacting with your Linux system. Whether you’re performing routine file operations, monitoring system resources, or accessing remote machines, these commands will empower you to work more efficiently and effectively within the Linux environment. As you continue your Linux journey, building on this knowledge will open doors to more advanced tasks and possibilities.

