Northwestern’s Chapter Retreat and Secret Santa

2 min readFeb 19, 2016


Forming a Northwestern RISHI Family

Getting to know our new members: Forming a RISHI family

While the primary goal of the Northwestern chapter has been and always will be to promote and develop our initiatives in Charnia, Haryana, this would not be possible without the entire Northwestern chapter working together. Aside from weekly general member meetings to work on our projects, our chapter is also emphasizing holding social events so that members can get to know each other better.

The first social event of the year started shortly after we finished recruiting new members after the start of the school year. A chapter retreat, which had been in the works for a while, was organized by Pooja Avula, Northwestern’s Director for Programming. The retreat was held on October 25th. We rented a house in the Eagle Ridge Resort in Galena, Illinois, about a three hour drive from Northwestern University. Although there were some minor hiccups during the three hour drive to the resort, the retreat was definitely a success! Spending time away from Northwestern was a nice break from schoolwork and allowed everyone to get to know each other well.

Northwestern’s Chapter Secret Santa

Before the end of the quarter, our chapter also held a secret santa, again organized by Pooja Avula. The secret santa was a great success and an excellent way to see all of our members before winter break. Started last year, we hope that our annual secret santa will become a Northwestern chapter tradition.

As we move forward, our chapter will continue on holding more social events as a way to get to know RISHI members outside of the organization and also build a better team dynamic within our organization.

Article by Chintin Pathak

Originally published at

