Project Shivom — Only ICO backed by three different government officials

2 min readApr 14, 2018


The future of genomic data is here and it’s Shivom!

Shivom, the blockchain project with the goal of becoming the world’s largest genomic data hub, has gained notable momentum in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space and continues to do so as it’s public token sale draws close. To date Shivom has captured the attention of cryptocurrency leaders, government administrations including those in India and Europe, artificial intelligence scientists, and experts in digital data security. Shivom with its unique use of blockchain technology is well on its way to revolutionize the storage and analysis of DNA data and empoy it for guiding and improving precision medicine and biotechnology R&D.

Shivom is headed by a team of geneticists, scientists, digital currency experts, and proficient business developers. The project is one of the most anticipated blockchain projects of the near future, and with the ability for users to control their genomic data using advanced encryptions, provision of incentives to volunteers who donate data for medical research, and the ability to use services and apps in a decentralized marketplace, it is set to revolutionize not just the course of genomics but also global healthcare as a whole.

Shivom has recently announced a number of exciting partnerships, including those with the government in Andhra Pradesh to sequence up to 60 million people in that province of India, starting with a pilot study after the close of the token sale, as well as with publicly traded company Genetic Technologies Limited for development of predictive genetic tests and use of accredited laboratories. A number of influential officials such as Former Prime Minister of Estonia, Taavi Rõivas and European member of parliament, Antanas Guoga and top notch scientists have joined the Shivom Innovation Council to help guide the company’s growth and development efforts, and we are in line for more exciting partnerships and developments in the coming weeks!

For more info visit our website — Stay tuned!

Shivom Team




Powering the next era of genomics through #blockchain technology — protecting identity, personalising healthcare, transforming lives