Promo Guild
3 min readJul 28, 2018
  • Welcome everyone!
    I would like to tell you about the project which already started just a day ago, in other words, to tell you the background.
  • Watching the development of crypto-currency projects, we often faced a situation when the Development team does not pay enough attention to the promotion of its product, or acts inconsistently with the hired promotion specialists
  • Any project, even promising and perspective coild fade away without proper promotion, and remain unnoticed.
  • We decided to change this situation and create an open and convenient Workspace platform that would link together product promotion specialists of and customers interested in their services.
  • So, our project is called Promo Guild and this name is quite consistent with the principles by which we would like to organize joint work — high participants motivation, trust and light competition.
  • In order to implement this, we would organize a Workspace platform in which for transactions and payment for services will be used its own coin, and the Administration will act as a guarantor of transactions and escrow, carrying out an arbitration if it necessary.
  • We are open to cooperation with product promotion specialists and teams at the cryptocurrencies sphere, other projects developers and investors.
  • We can offer you the ways to participate in our project that may really interest you.
  • What PromoGuild Workspace is and how will it work?
    Let’s take a closer look in examples.
  • The new crypto project developers are going to announce their idea.
    The idea is not bad itself and there is a possibility of technical implementation, but in order to obtain investment it is necessary to interest people.
  • Unfortunately, developers do not have the appropriate skills, so they have to look for experienced professionals.
    By regular methods, they find several Promotional Groups that can help them. Perhaps the developers were lucky and they immediately found the right specialists.
    But there is a big chance that they would not be satisfied with the price of work, performance time or they simply could not find a common language.
  • How should go the same situation with the PromoGuild Workspace participation. Developers register on the Workspace platform and using the built-in tools, create a request, specifying their requirements and the available budget in the PGD. Their request is visible by registered Promotional teams and individual specialists.
  • For example, a well-known Promotional team agrees to perform the request with the specified budget, but then an other Newbie team offers to do the same at 15% cheaper.
  • After thinking, the developers make a decision to stop at the first option and the budget is transferred to the escrow wallet.
    After work is complete, the developers close the request with their comments and the budget is transferred to the promo group that completed it.
  • If the request is not completed, or it is completed incorrectly, the case in Arbitration is opened first (administrators of Workspace, dealing with conflicts).
  • As a result of Arbitrage actions, the amount reward for the promo group can be reduced or even canceled (with a corresponding decrease in the level of trust in the promo group). The same thing works in the opposite direction. If, for example, the terms of work were delayed due to the fault of the customer, his level of trust will be lowered, the promo group will receive a full reward, and most likely, compensation from Promo Guild loyalty program.
  • As you can see, such an aggregation system is convenient and reliable, and the payment system based on its own cryptocurrency PGD allows you to pay quickly and safely.
  • More info about us:
  • Bitcointalk —
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  • Whitepaper —