Workspace first look

Promo Guild
11 min readAug 5, 2018


What is Workspace?

Workspace is an aggregation platform that allows professionals and customers from different areas to work together effectively.

What makes our platform unique?

Workspace will have several extremely useful and interesting features which extend the functionality far beyond the «simple aggregation platform».

1. Ability to create your own groups /companies/ within the system

2. Protection system both for the customer and the contractor

3. Advanced Analytics system

4. Possibility to use several types of payment

5. Internal personnel management system

6. Ability to create reports

First of all, there is some information about the internal payment system, conflict resolution and types of accounts used at Workspace platform.

The main payment system used on the Workspace platform is its own cryptocurrency PGD.

The choice of cryptocurrency as the main payment system is due to the following factors:

1. Transactions are in the blockchain, which allows easy and convenient costs management.

2. The PGD cryptocurrency is not a state currency, which allows Workspace using regardless of the place of residence.

3. The Proof-of-Stake /POS/ system allows you to refuse commissions when making transactions. Coins generated by the POS system are used to maintain the operation of the platform.

4. High security. When using the platform, you can use both the built-in PGD wallet and the local one, which critically reduces the chance of losing funds.

Remind main characteristics of PGD cryptocurrency:

Promo Guild Coin Specification

The name of the coin: Promo Guild

Ticker: PGD

Type: POS/MN

The number of POW blocks: 2000

Block rewards:

1 — Premine

2–1501–0 PGD

1502–2000–0.1 PGD (Checking MN rewards)

2001-… — 10 PGD (POS)

Maximum possible number of coins: 50 000 000

Premine: 500 000 PGD

Masternode Collateral: 5000 PGD

Distribution of awards
: 50% MN 50%stakes

Block reward: 10

Number of confirmations: 5

Number of confirmations to miners(coinbase): 50

Block time: 2 min

We will tell you about the types of accounts used at Workspace platform.

1. Unregistered. User without registration. It has the ability to view open requests without comments, advertising section of the registered groups.

2. Registered. That user has the right to create requests and accept them. Dashboard and Analytics system are available. It is possible to create request with a payment type different from the PGD payment. Acceptance of the request is possible only with the PGD payment system. It is possible to create a multi-request (request with several required specialists).

There is access to the internal PGD wallet.

3. Registered Group. Group has the opportunity to take in a group of other users and accept multi-request, self-dispensing, internal experts, depending on requirements. The overall rating of the group is equal to the sum of the ratings of specialists in it. Group Analytics and the ability to distribute the received payment among specialists are available. PGD payment system only is avaiable.

4. Premium. Similar to Registered, a subscription using PGD is required to receive. It provides user the ability to accept requests with any type of payment. Allows you to set the contact information for direct interaction with the customer/contractor. Requests created by a premium account user are located on the top selected section pages. Account allows user to set your own logo and banner in the advertising section of Workspace.

5. The Premium Group. Similarly to Registered Group, a subscription using PGD is required to receive. It provides possibility to set the contact information for direct communication with the customer, to set your own logo and banner in the advertising section of Workspace, to accept requests with any type of payment. It also provides access to Advanced Analytics.

6. Premium Company. Improved version of the previous account type allows to connect your own SIP-telephony and set your own rules for receiving calls. It provides possibility to install your own ads in the HR-section of Workspace. This type of account gives access to the mail, with addresses of the form *user*.*companyname *, or you can connect your own mail. It also provides B2b technical support, full version of Analytics including Analytics for calls, allows to create internal requests working within the company.

We have sorted out the account types, now let’s run through the main features of the platform.

1. Possibility to create your own groups (companies) within the system.

The main feature of the platform. It allows you to unite both small groups of specialists who want to earn together, and companies who want to fully conduct business within the Workspace platform. In fact, this feature allows you to create your own company and start a business in fact in a few clicks, having access to all the necessary tools. For customers, this feature allows effective evaluation of the received responses based on the rating of groups (companies) and the ability to choose the most interesting and profitable option for them.

2. Protection system both for the customer and the contractor. Through the use of payment system, using PGD, it is possible to protect the interests of both the customer and the contractor. In the currently available systems, for the most part, only the system of protection of the customer from defective work is used. In this case, the contractor shall be held a part (or full) of funds. But cases where the performers become victims of unscrupulous customers are also not rare. This unmotivated refusals of payment, and obviously unrealistic deadlines and the demands made after the commencement of works, and more. At the same time, the loss of the rating of an unfair customer worries very little and this is not a deterrent. The Workspace platform solves this problem. First, when paying using PGD, the funds are first on a separate PGD wallet, from where they are transferred to the contractor only after confirmation of 100% of the work. In this case, the rating of the contractor and the customer increases. In case of a conflict, first there is an appeal to the arbitration, which understands the situation and makes a decision. If the contractor, for example, violated the deadlines, by agreement with the customer, the contractor may not be issued a full amount, the rest returned to the customer. In the opposite case, if the problem was on the part of the customer, the contractor not only receives a full award for the performance, but also compensation from the Workspace platform itself.

3. Advanced Analytics system. The Workspace platform uses advanced Analytics, similar to those found in large CRM systems. Customers and contractors can effectively monitor their own activity on the platform, getting visual information about their effectiveness. These same tools will help to plan a long-term campaign, or suggest the cost of work on the request implementation, as well as the need for certain specialists.

4. The possibility of using several types of payment. The default payment system is PGD. Only this type of payment is protected and arbitration works only with It. But it would be incorrect to limit users, so the Workspace platform supports the ability to install absolutely any type of payment. In this case, the payment agreement works directly between the customer and the contractor. The only limitation — to create and receive additional payment types, the contractor must have a subscription to Premium.

5. Internal personnel management system. For groups and companies there is a possibility of effective personnel management within the Workspace platform. You can install special roles that are not directly related to the work on the request. For example, the owner of the group or of the company may establish the role of the Project Manager to conduct successful requests, or HR to search for new professionals. This makes it possible to effectively remove the load from specialists and allow everyone to do what he likes.

6. Ability to create reports. How to evaluate the effectiveness of the group or company? The built-in automated reporting system of the Workspace platform will help you with this! Depending on the account used, the system of creating reports on the items of interest is available to users.

We’ve gone through the main features of the Workspace platform, now we’ll show you how it will work. For clarity, we will analyze the typical situation on the side of the customer and the contractor from the beginning to the end of the work.

On the customer side.

The developers of the new crypto project are going to announce their idea. The idea is not bad itself, there is a possibility of technical implementation, but in order to obtain funding it is necessary to interest people and hire some additional specialists.

Unfortunately, developers do not have the appropriate skills, so they have to look for experienced professionals. The usual methods they find a few people who can help them. Perhaps the developers were lucky, and they immediately found the right people. But there is a big chance that they are not satisfied with the price of work, time of performance, or they simply can not find a common language.

And then it turns on Promo Guild Workspace.

Developers register on the platform and create an request in the Dashboard. To do this, they select the desired request type (for example, New Cryptocurrency) and describe the necessary work. The system, based on the request types and keyword using, automatically suggests an approximate budget, and what specialists will be required. Developers edit the request settings and send it to the pre-moderation.

Items are available for editing:

- Required specialists

- Budget

- Term of execution

- Additional requirement

- Type of payment

For example, developers need a Web designer to design a website, a marketing Manager, a couple of promotion Specialists, a Technical Writer and a Translator.

For request validation is assessed by the administrators of the Workspace. In the case of the validity and non-infringement of the rules of the platform, the request is shared on the Dashboard. Also, with the selected payment system PGD, the request is assigned to a separate PGD address, through which payment will occur in the future.

Some time after the request on the Dashboard, several groups and one company respond to it. In the first group, in the presence of the whole set of necessary experts, with the budget they agree on, ready to get to work. The second group does not have an interpreter, but they agree to a much smaller budget. The company has a high rating, all available specialists, but at the same time, the company offers to change the type of payment to “Your own cryptocurrency” (that is, to pay for the shares in the premium of the customer’s cryptocurrency) and work on a full prepayment.

A small addition: individual specialists can also respond to the Request, indicating the percentage of the budget that would suit them, as well as describing additional proposals. The customer can accept offers by appointing executors to separate positions in the order.

For example: on request, a web designer with a high rating, a good portfolio and a proposal to make an original interface for the wallet. Customers accept his offer and close the position of the web designer in the request. The available budget displayed is reduced and the position is shown closed. Now, teams and specialists can only respond to other positions.

Continue. For example, the developers decided, due to the limited budget, to accept the company’s offer. The request status «in-progress» and it disappears from the General list in the Dashboard. Now all correspondence and comments are available only to the customer and the performers.

Since the payment type was set different from PGD, further payment issues are already between the customer and the contractor directly.

The deadline was set at 2 weeks, with the announcement of the project itself was to happen within a week, that is, web design and translation at this point should have been ready, and the work of other specialists was just beginning.

In case of payment of PGD, specialists who have completed the work can close their part of the request and, in the absence of claims, receive their part of the payment.

In this example, the payment does not pass through PGD. The work on the project is over and the performers, for their part, close the requests. The customer has no claims, so also closes the request. It goes to the archive of work performed (at the request of the customer and the contractor, open or closed) and there is a rating. Contractors participating in the request receive a rating separately (if they are in the group or in the company, this leads to an increase in the overall rating of the group or company).

The result: the Request is executed, all the participants are happy.

On the contractor side.

For example, let’s take a group that originally invested in the project Promo Guild and received a “eternal” premium subscription.

To begin with, the Creator of the group adds his specialists to it. It can be both people who worked with him initially, and specialists from outside.

Note: when you are in the group, you do not need to have a Premium account to receive a payment share by completed requests, even if the payment is different from PGD. In this case, the distribution of the award for the request is the account owner of the group, or a specially assigned person.

Then there is filling in the contact information for those who want to work directly and placing ads in the advertising section of Workspace.

Already at this stage, the first customers may appear.

Further, the head of the group or company can both independently respond to requests, assigning specialists according to their knowledge and skills, and set up roles to search for profitable requests engaged by an individual.

The Workspace platform has a separate chat for groups and companies, which supports internal links, file transfer and the ability to create separate channels with different types of access. For example, a channel for management, a channel for ads and so on.

So, the desired requests is, and the Manager appoints the experts.

The Workspace platform supports simultaneous work of specialists on different projects. The head of the group through the Analytics system receives all the necessary information on the requests that are in operation and the degree of their readiness.

As already described by the customer, the team leader (or a person assigned to them) may close requests in part, as soon as they are ready.

At any time, the head of the group or company can receive a report on the indicators of interest to him. For example, it turns out that the company has received more requests over the past month than the specialists in it can perform, which led, in some cases, to the failure of the terms and dissatisfaction of customers. According to the reports, the head sees in which areas there is a problem with this and decides to take the group of additional specialists.

Using the headhunt tab, the Manager (or their assigned HR) announces the search for the right specialists.

When the right person appears, the Manager can evaluate his rating, portfolio and schedule an interview both in the built-in chat and using the video conference system. Also, this system can be used for meetings with colleagues.

So, the work on the application is completed, the customer is satisfied. In case of payment of PGD, the budget of the application is transferred to the head of the group or company that distributes it among the participants. The allocation rules are set by the group leader and are considered an internal matter of the group or company.

For Premium Company accounts, as it was already written, there are additional features that allow you to transfer your business completely to the Workspace platform. In this case, the main tool can be considered the system of internal applications, which can be fine-tuned for the needs of your company. Such a system will be very convenient for companies that receive the main flow of customers not through Dashboard requests, but directly, through calls, or other means of communication. In this case, the head of the company (or his appointed managers) can directly assign internal applications for their employees, or Vice versa confirm the execution of their tasks.

We have finished the main functions of the Workspace platform, I hope it was interesting.

Now we have a short list of technical tasks and requirements:

Solutions used for Workspace platform modules:

CRM functions — BPIUM core or analogue

Built-in PGD wallet functions —

Database functions —

Video conferencing functions–

Chat functions –

Necessary technical equipment for the platform –

Or analogue

Now we are looking for investors, who wants to participate in project, join us in Discord, Bitcointalk, Twitter and Telegram.

