Navigating Sobriety: The Best Drug Addiction Recovery Podcasts of 2024

Progressing Not Perfecting
30 min readJan 31, 2024


Addiction recovery is a journey filled with challenges, triumphs, and the need for ongoing support. What better way to navigate sobriety than with the absolute best addiction recovery podcasts for 2024? I listen to them daily, and thankfully, the world of podcasts has emerged as a vital resource for those of us seeking to overcome addiction. In this post, we will delve deep into my favorite drug addiction recovery podcasts for 2024. Each of these podcasts, hosted by individuals who have faced their own battles with drug addiction, offers a unique blend of personal stories, expert insights, dark humor, and practical advice to help you or your loved ones navigate the path to sobriety and healing.

Next week, I will be publishing the same kind of post for alcohol recovery podcasts. In these posts, they are not listed in any particular order. They are numbered only for reference, and I love all of these podcasts equally. Again, my choices are in no particular order. All of my choices have different points of interest for me, as I’m sure they will for you. Every one of these choices gives loads of value to every listener. Authenticity is extremely important to me, and every one of these creators gives me a seriously authentic vibe, throw in a strong desire to help others. Much like myself and for me, it’s what I relate to. Check them out and let me know what you think. If there is a podcast you think I should check out and add to the list, let me know, even if you are the creator. This list will be ongoing, and I will be adding to it indefinitely. Let me know if I missed someone.

What Makes the Best Addiction Recovery Podcasts for 2024?

Before we dive into my favorite drug addiction recovery podcasts, it’s essential to understand what sets an excellent podcast in this genre apart. Here are some key factors to consider when evaluating addiction recovery podcasts:

  • Authenticity: A great addiction recovery podcast is anchored in authenticity. Hosts and guests openly share their personal experiences, struggles, and triumphs. Authenticity fosters relatability and helps listeners feel understood and less alone in their journey. As I mentioned above it’s the most important thing to me.
  • Diverse Perspectives: The best podcasts offer a diverse range of perspectives, covering various types of addiction and recovery methods. They recognize that recovery is not one-size-fits-all and explore different pathways to healing.
  • Expertise: Reputable addiction recovery podcasts often feature guests with expertise in addiction treatment, mental health, therapy, and related fields. These experts provide valuable insights and evidence-based guidance.
  • Empathy and Compassion: Podcast hosts should approach their content with empathy and compassion. They create a safe, judgment-free space for listeners to explore their own experiences and emotions. This is essential.
  • Practical Advice: Practical tips and strategies for recovery are crucial. The best podcasts offer actionable advice on maintaining sobriety, managing triggers, and improving overall well-being.
  • Community Building: Many addiction recovery podcasts foster a sense of community by sharing listener stories, hosting support groups, or providing resources for further connection.
  • Mindset: A positive and empathetic mindset is the backbone of a great addiction recovery podcast. It fosters authenticity, compassion, and relatability, allowing hosts to connect with their audience on a deep level.
  • Dark Humor: This one is important to me because it’s just something I enjoy, personally. This might not be everyone’s thing, but it is mine, and when dark humor is used judiciously and sensitively, it can add a special and unique dimension. It allows hosts to address challenging topics with authenticity and relatability, often resonating with individuals who’ve experienced addiction themselves. However, a good balance is crucial, as excessive dark humor can potentially alienate or trigger some listeners. Ultimately, a great addiction recovery podcast with dark humor leverages it as a tool to break down barriers, providing moments of levity while maintaining a respectful and supportive tone in addressing the serious aspects of recovery.

Now, let’s explore my favorite addiction recovery podcasts:

1. The Hope Chase Podcast with Angie Ox

The Hope Chase PodcastPhoto byHope Chase Podcast

The Hope Chase Podcast

About the Creator:

The Hope Chase Podcast is a source of inspiration and practical advice for those navigating the challenging journey of addiction recovery. The show’s creator, Angie Ox, is not only a certified addiction recovery coach but also a person who has personally experienced the struggles and triumphs of overcoming addiction. Having been in recovery for several years, Angie leverages her unique blend of professional expertise and personal experience to help others find their path to sobriety.

Angie’s commitment to her work goes beyond the professional realm. She’s deeply passionate about sharing her message of hope and recovery with those who need it most. Her belief in the possibility of change and the power of resilience shines through in each episode of the podcast, making it a heartfelt and uplifting resource for listeners.

Focus of the Podcast:

The Hope Chase Podcast will first and foremost welcome you to the ‘sh*t show.’ Angie is determined to share her story with the same message that I am constantly screaming from the rooftops: CHANGE IS POSSIBLE! Another commonality between us is that we both share a lifelong heroin addiction. Angie has seventeen long years spent on drugs and incarceration, and I have a little over twenty. I’m sure you are beginning to see why Angie’s podcast aligns with my mission and journey.

Angie’s unique perspective is one of the key elements that sets this podcast apart. She successfully blends her professional knowledge with personal insights to deliver practical advice and hope-filled encouragement to her audience. Each episode serves as a reminder that recovery is possible, and that every individual’s journey, though difficult, can lead to a life of freedom and fulfillment. Angie is a true inspiration and I am really hoping to hear from her for possible future collaborations.

Why It’s Great:

The Hope Chase Podcast stands out in the landscape of recovery podcasts due to Angie’s empathetic and compassionate approach. She understands firsthand the struggles associated with addiction and uses her experiences to provide practical, actionable advice to her listeners. Angie’s open and honest discussions about her experiences with addiction and recovery resonate deeply with listeners, making the podcast a comforting and inspiring source of support.

Angie has no problem sharing the damage that her drug use caused to her life and her body. I found this extremely inspirational because my addiction caused serious damage to my body, especially my hands, which are permanently scarred and damaged as a result of needle use. I have spent the last almost eight years trying to hide my hands in embarrassment when they should be seen as a trademark, displaying how much I have overcome and that there is no use being embarrassed by something I did to myself. This is definitely something we should be talking about. (More to come on this.)

Where to Find It (Aside from the Button ☝️☝️☝️):

The Hope Chase Podcast with Angie Ox is available on several popular podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart, and Google Podcasts. Angie also has a YouTube channel. This accessibility ensures that Angie’s message of hope can reach a wide audience, providing support and encouragement to those who need it most.

2. Back from Broken with Vic Vela

Back From Broken PodcastPhoto byVic Vela Colorado Public Radio

Back From Broken Podcast

About the Creator:

Back from Broken is a potent and highly influential podcast fronted by Vic Vela, a figure of inspiration in the sphere of addiction recovery. As a seasoned news host who has personally battled addiction, Vic brings an intriguing mix of journalistic professionalism and personal experience to the podcast. His own journey to recovery has not only shaped him but has also enkindled a passion to assist others who are grappling with similar trials. This passion echoes in every episode he hosts, making him a truly authentic and relatable host.

Vic’s resilience and determination are integral to his identity, both as a host and as a person. Despite facing significant challenges throughout his journey to sobriety, his resolve to overcome addiction never wavered. Today, he channels the strength and wisdom gleaned from his personal struggles into his podcast, becoming an emblem of hope for many listeners.

Focus of the Podcast:

The primary focus of Back from Broken is on narratives of recovery, resilience, and redemption. Each episode is imbued with intimate and deeply moving stories from individuals who have grappled with various forms of addiction and emerged victorious. The narratives extend beyond drug and alcohol addiction, touching on overcoming mental health challenges and life crises.

Vic’s empathetic interviewing style creates a safe and supportive space for guests to open up about their darkest times, as well as their triumphs and valuable lessons learned. This candid exploration of personal experiences provides listeners with valuable insights and a beacon of hope on their path to recovery.

Why It’s Great:

Back from Broken sets itself apart with its authentic and honest approach to discussing addiction and recovery. Vic’s personal experiences with addiction lend a unique depth and credibility to the podcast, while his journalistic prowess ensures each story is delivered with the utmost respect and integrity.

The podcast does not shy away from discussing the harsh realities of addiction. Instead, it delves into the heart of these issues, shedding light on the struggles many face but few discuss openly. However, it is not all about darkness and despair. At its core, Back from Broken is a podcast that underscores the possibility of recovery, the resilience of the human spirit, and the power of redemption. This potent blend of authenticity, honesty, and hope makes the podcast an indispensable source of inspiration for those navigating similar paths.

Where to Find It:

Back from Broken is a staple of Colorado Public Radio, which is where you can always find it, but Back from Broken is also available on s, including Apple, YouTube, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. This broad availability ensures that Vic’s message of hope and recovery can reach a diverse audience, providing much-needed support to those embarking on their recovery journeys.

3. Chasing Heroine with Jeannine

Chasing Heroine PodcastPhoto byChasing Heroine Podcast

Chasing Heroine Podcast

About the Creator:

The Chasing Heroine Podcast is a powerful and inspiring platform for those embarking on the journey to recovery. Hosted by the dedicated and fervent Jeannine, the podcast serves as a beacon of hope and a source of practical advice for its listeners. Jeannine is a figure of resilience and determination, having battled the storms of addiction firsthand and emerging victorious with several years of sobriety under her belt. Her personal experiences and insights into the trials and triumphs of recovery are what drive her to share her wisdom and support with others who are navigating the choppy seas of addiction.

Jeannine’s commitment to her podcast transcends mere professional obligation. She is amazing. I love her nrg. Her fervor for aiding others in their recovery is palpable in each episode, setting a tone of genuine compassion and understanding that fosters a strong connection with her audience.

Focus of the Podcast:

The Chasing Heroine Podcast primarily zeroes in on the multifaceted journey of addiction recovery. The podcast offers a rich mix of personal narratives of recovery, insightful interviews with experts in the field, and candid discussions on a range of topics pertinent to addiction and recovery. A standout feature of the podcast is the frequent focus on Jeannine’s own experiences with addiction and recovery, lending a personal and relatable touch to each episode.

The podcast also focuses on fitness as a means to succeeding in recovery. Jeannine shares how physical fitness paved her way to recovery and a healthy mind state. We really have no idea the impact that just eating healthy and moving our bodies can have on us until we decide to do it. Jeannine will help you get there.

The podcast stands out for its unique perspective on the recovery journey, emphasizing the personal growth, resilience, and strength that can be cultivated through the process. Jeannine’s empathetic approach to discussing serious and often challenging topics provides a sense of comfort and support to her listeners, making the podcast not just informative but also a source of solace and encouragement.

Why It’s Great:

The Chasing Heroine Podcast shines brightly in the realm of recovery podcasts, thanks largely to Jeannine’s compassionate and engaging presentation style. Her knack for intertwining serious discussions with empathetic understanding crafts a nurturing and relatable atmosphere for listeners. The podcast’s extensive range of topics ensures that each episode is not only rich in information but also relevant to various stages of the recovery journey.

Listeners have consistently praised the podcast for its unwavering authenticity and the sense of community it fosters. Jeannine’s open and sincere discussions about her own experiences with addiction and recovery strike a deep chord with listeners, making the podcast a potent source of support and motivation for those at various stages of their recovery journey.

Where to Find It:

The Chasing Heroine Podcast can be easily accessed on several popular podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. This wide availability ensures that Jeannine’s message of hope, recovery, and resilience can reach an extensive audience, extending a helping hand to those who need it most.

4. Addicts in the Dark with Quick Nick

Addicts in the DarkPhoto byAddicts in the Dark Podcast

Addicts in the Dark Podcast

About the Creator:

The Addicts in the Dark Podcast is a beacon of hope for those embarking on the journey to recovery. The podcast is hosted by the dedicated and passionate Nick, who uses his platform to share the strength and inspiring stories of others who are navigating the choppy seas of addiction. One hour, one anonymous caller. As someone who has personally experienced the struggles of addiction, Nick’s insights resonate deeply with his audience. His commitment to the podcast and its mission is evident in each episode, creating a genuine connection with his listeners.

Focus of the Podcast:

The primary focus of the Addicts in the Dark Podcast is the journey of one anonymous caller and their story of navigating addiction recovery. Nick’s own experiences with addiction and recovery feature prominently in the podcast, lending a personal and relatable touch to each episode.

The podcast stands out for its unique perspective on the recovery journey, emphasizing the resilience, strength, and personal growth that can be cultivated through the process. Nick’s empathetic approach and honest discussions provide a sense of comfort and support to his listeners, making the podcast not only informative but also a source of solace and encouragement.

Why It’s Great:

The Addicts in the Dark Podcast shines brightly in the realm of recovery podcasts due to Nick’s compassionate and engaging presentation style. His knack for intertwining serious discussions with empathetic understanding creates a nurturing and relatable atmosphere for listeners. The wide range of topics covered in the podcast ensures each episode is not only rich in information but also relevant to various stages of the anonymous caller’s recovery journey.

Listeners have consistently praised the podcast for its authenticity and the sense of community it fosters. Nick’s open and sincere discussions about his own experiences with addiction and recovery resonate deeply with listeners, making the podcast a potent source of support and motivation.

Where to Find It:

The Addicts in the Dark Podcast can be easily accessed on several popular podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. This wide availability ensures that Nick’s message of hope, recovery, and resilience can reach an extensive audience, extending a helping hand to those who need it most.

5. Lock Stock and Two Joking Addicts with Man O and Dean R

Lock, Stock, and Two Joking AddictsPhoto byLock, Stock, and Two Joking Addicts Podcast

Lock Stock & 2 Joking Addicts Podcast

About the Creators:

Lock Stock and Two Joking Addicts is a unique and inspiring podcast hosted by the charismatic and dynamic duo, Man O and Dean R. Both hosts have personally battled with addiction and have been through the arduous journey of recovery, making them uniquely qualified to discuss the subject matter. Their shared experiences form the backbone of their insightful discussions and provide a layer of authenticity to the podcast that is truly engaging.

Their commitment to the podcast isn’t just professional; it’s deeply personal. They use their platform as a means to support, inspire, and connect with others who are navigating their own paths to recovery. By sharing their stories, they offer hope and reassurance to those who are in similar situations, creating an uplifting and supportive community for those in recovery.

Focus of the Podcast:

The primary focus of Lock Stock and Two Joking Addicts is on the journey of recovery, but with a unique and engaging twist — the hosts use humor as a tool to tackle the often challenging and serious topics of addiction and recovery. This approach makes the podcast both accessible and enjoyable, offering a fresh perspective on a topic that can often be daunting.

The podcast is a rich tapestry of content, featuring a blend of personal narratives, insightful interviews with other recovery advocates, and candid discussions on a wide array of topics relevant to addiction and recovery. The hosts’ own experiences with addiction and recovery are frequently at the forefront, adding a deeply personal and relatable element to each episode.

Why It’s Great:

Lock Stock and Two Joking Addicts stands out in the vast landscape of recovery podcasts due to its unique blend of humor, authenticity, and empathy. The hosts’ dynamic and engaging presentation style, coupled with their ability to tackle serious subjects with humor and light-heartedness, creates a warm, inviting, and relatable atmosphere for listeners.

The diverse range of topics covered in the podcast ensures that each episode is not only informative but also relevant and engaging for listeners at various stages of their recovery journey. The discussion is always insightful and thought-provoking, offering listeners a wealth of information and practical advice.

Where to Find It:

Lock Stock and Two Joking Addicts can be found on several popular podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. This broad availability ensures that the hosts’ messages of hope, recovery, and resilience can reach an extensive audience, providing valuable support and inspiration to those in need.

6. The Real Answer to Addiction Podcast with Chris Dew

The Real Addiction PodcastPhoto byThe Real Addiction Podcast

The Real Answer to Addiction Podcast

About the Creator:

In the vast realm of recovery podcasts, The Real Answer to Addiction Podcast stands out. Hosted by the passionate and dedicated Chris Dew of Chris Dew Ministries, this podcast serves as an inspiring platform for individuals navigating the choppy seas of addiction whether you are spiritual or you have never set foot inside of a church. As someone who has personally battled with addiction, Chris’s insights into the trials and triumphs of recovery are invaluable. His personal journey and his own experiences with spirituality make him uniquely qualified to discuss the multifaceted issues surrounding spirituality and addiction recovery.

Chris’s commitment to the podcast is deeply personal. His dedication transcends professional obligation, creating a palpable connection with his listeners that’s rooted in shared experiences and mutual understanding. His mission is not only to share his wisdom but also to offer support and foster a sense of community among those who are on a similar journey.

Focus of the Podcast:

The Real Answer to Addiction Podcast is primarily focused on the spiritual journey to recovery from addiction. It offers a rich mix of content that caters to various aspects of recovery. This includes personal narratives of recovery, insightful interviews with experts in the field, and candid discussions on a range of topics pertinent to addiction and recovery.

A distinguishing feature of the podcast is the frequent focus on Chris’s own experiences with addiction and recovery. These personal narratives lend a relatable touch to each episode, making the podcast feel like a conversation with a trusted friend rather than a lecture.

The podcast stands out for its unique perspective on the recovery journey. It emphasizes the personal growth, resilience, and strength that can be cultivated through the process of recovery. Chris’s empathetic approach to discussing serious and often challenging topics provides a sense of comfort to his listeners, making the podcast not just informative but also a source of solace and encouragement.

Why It’s Great:

The Real Answer to Addiction Podcast shines brightly in the realm of recovery podcasts due to several key factors. Chris’s compassionate and engaging presentation style is a major draw. His knack for intertwining serious discussions with empathetic understanding creates a nurturing and relatable atmosphere for listeners.

The podcast’s extensive range of topics ensures that each episode is rich in information and relevant to various stages of the recovery journey. Whether listeners are just starting their journey or are well into the recovery process, they’re bound to find episodes that speak to their experiences.

Listeners have consistently praised the podcast for its authenticity, and the sense of community it fosters. Chris’s open and sincere discussions about his own experiences with addiction and recovery resonate deeply with listeners. The podcast has become a potent source of support and motivation for those at various stages of their recovery journey. It has also become a place where listeners can feel seen, heard, and understood.

Where to Find It:

The Real Answer to Addiction Podcast can be easily accessed on several popular podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. This broad availability is a testament to Chris’s commitment to spreading his message of hope, recovery, and resilience as far and wide as possible. It ensures that his invaluable insights can reach an extensive audience, offering support to those who need it most.

8. The Dopey Podcast

The Dopey PodcastPhoto byThe Dopey Podcast

The Dopey Podcast

About the Creators

The Dopey Podcast is a unique and engaging platform hosted by the dynamic duo, Dave and Chris. Both Dave and Chris have personal experiences with addiction and have faced the challenges of recovery, making them uniquely qualified to discuss the myriad issues surrounding addiction and recovery. Their shared experiences and insights lend authenticity and depth to the podcast, creating a genuine connection with their audience.

Their commitment to the podcast is deeply personal. They use their platform to support, inspire, and connect with others who are navigating their own paths to recovery. By sharing their stories, they provide hope and reassurance to those in similar situations, creating an uplifting and supportive community for listeners.

Focus of the Podcast

The Dopey Podcast primarily focuses on the journey to recovery, offering a rich blend of personal narratives, insightful interviews, and candid discussions on a wide array of topics relevant to addiction and recovery. The hosts’ experiences with addiction and recovery often take center stage, adding a deeply personal touch to each episode.

The Dopey Podcast takes a unique prospect on addiction, choosing not to filter the actual use and abuse of substances, adding a tad of humility and an overdose of dark humor. I must admit that this take can be extremely therapeutic. People who have not used drugs before and who hear these stories will never use drugs. Some of those in recovery need to talk about their experiences to process and heal. Some of the stories are hilarious, but most make it very clear by the end that the stories were not a good time.

The podcast stands out for its unique blend of humor and honesty. Dave and Chris tackle serious subjects with a light-hearted approach, making the podcast both accessible and enjoyable. Ultimately, the Dopey Podcast underscores the resilience, strength, and personal growth that can be cultivated through the recovery process.

Side Note:

Before you dive into The Dopey Podcast, it’s essential to be aware of its unique approach. This particular podcast often utilizes dark humor and shares raw, unfiltered war stories about addiction as part of its narrative. While these elements can be empowering and relatable for some listeners, they might be triggering for others. If you find that such stories and humor could adversely affect your emotional well-being or exacerbate any personal triggers, I strongly recommend exploring one of the other podcasts on our list. Recovery is a deeply personal journey, and it’s crucial to prioritize your mental and emotional health throughout the process. There are plenty of other excellent podcasts that offer alternative perspectives and supportive content to assist you on your path to sobriety and healing.

Why It’s Great

The Dopey Podcast stands out in the realm of recovery podcasts due to its unique blend of humor, authenticity, and empathy. Dave and Chris’ dynamic and engaging presentation style, coupled with their knack for intertwining serious discussions with humor and light-heartedness, creates a warm, inviting, and relatable atmosphere for listeners.

The podcast’s diverse range of topics ensures that each episode is not only informative but also relevant and engaging for listeners at various stages of their recovery journey. Feedback from listeners often praises the podcast for its authenticity and the tangible sense of camaraderie it fosters. The hosts’ open and honest discussions about their own experiences resonate deeply with listeners, making the podcast a powerful source of support and motivation.

Where to Find It:

The Dopey Podcast can be found on several popular podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. This broad availability ensures that Dave and Chris’ messages of hope, recovery, and resilience can reach an extensive audience, providing valuable support and inspiration to those in need.

9. That Sober Guy Podcast with Shane Ramer

That Sober Guy PodcastPhoto byThat Sober Guy Podcast

That Sober Guy Podcast

About the Creator:

That Sober Guy Podcast is an enlightening and inspiring platform hosted by the dedicated and passionate Shane Ramer. Shane has personal experiences with addiction and has faced the journey of recovery, making him uniquely qualified to discuss the intricate issues surrounding addiction and recovery. His shared experiences and insights lend an air of authenticity and depth to the podcast, creating a genuine connection with his audience.

His commitment to the podcast is not only professional; it’s deeply personal. He uses his platform as a means to support, inspire, and connect with others who are navigating their own paths to recovery. By sharing his story, he provides hope and reassurance to those in similar situations, creating an uplifting and supportive community for listeners.

Focus of the Podcast:

The primary focus of That Sober Guy Podcast is the journey to recovery. The podcast features a rich blend of personal narratives, insightful interviews with other recovery advocates, and candid discussions on a wide array of topics relevant to addiction and recovery. Shane’s own experiences with addiction and recovery are frequently at the forefront, adding a deeply personal and relatable element to each episode.

The podcast stands out for its unique blend of honesty, compassion, and humor. Shane tackles serious subjects with a light-hearted approach, making the podcast both accessible and enjoyable. Ultimately, That Sober Guy Podcast underscores the resilience, strength, and personal growth that can be cultivated through the recovery process.

Why It’s Great:

That Sober Guy Podcast stands out in the realm of recovery podcasts due to its unique blend of humor, authenticity, and empathy. Shane’s dynamic and engaging presentation style, coupled with his knack for intertwining serious discussions with humor and light-heartedness, creates a warm, inviting, and relatable atmosphere for listeners.

The podcast’s diverse range of topics ensures that each episode is not only informative but also relevant and engaging for listeners at various stages of their recovery journey. Feedback from listeners often praises the podcast for its authenticity and the tangible sense of camaraderie it fosters. Shane’s open and honest discussions about his own experiences resonate deeply with listeners, making the podcast a powerful source of support and motivation.

Where to Find It:

That Sober Guy Podcast can be found on several popular podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. This broad availability ensures that Shane’s messages of hope, recovery, and resilience can reach an extensive audience, providing valuable support and inspiration to those in need.

10. The Addiction Podcast Point of No Return with Joanie Sigal

The Addiction PodcastPhoto byThe Addiction Podcast

The Addiction Podcast

About the Creator:

The Addiction Podcast — Point of No Return is a compelling and insightful platform hosted by the dedicated and passionate Joanie Segal. Joanie brings a wealth of knowledge and understanding to the complex issues surrounding addiction and recovery. Her commitment to the podcast is not only professional; it is deeply personal, as she uses her platform to support, inspire, and connect with others who are navigating their own paths to recovery.

Focus of the Podcast:

The primary focus of The Addiction Podcast — Point of No Return is the many different roads to recovery and the many processes involved in getting there. The podcast features a rich blend of well-known guests, personal narratives, insightful interviews with other recovery advocates, and candid discussions on a wide array of topics relevant to addiction and recovery. Joanie’s own understanding and insights into addiction and recovery add a deeply personal and relatable element to each episode.

The podcast stands out for its unique blend of honesty, compassion, and understanding. Joanie tackles serious subjects with a compassionate approach, making the podcast both accessible and enlightening. Ultimately, The Addiction Podcast — Point of No Return underscores the resilience, strength, and personal growth that can be cultivated through the recovery process.

The homepage reads, “Our guests run the gamut from musicians, actors, sports figures, experts, MDs, family members, law enforcement, and clergy to a wide array of addicts who have overcome challenges and are now successful. The podcasts are ‘story’ oriented and, for the past year, are also captured on video and posted on our YouTube Channel.”

Why It’s Great:

The Addiction Podcast — Point of No Return stands out in the realm of recovery podcasts due to its authenticity, empathy, and insightfulness. Joanie’s dynamic and engaging presentation style, coupled with her knack for intertwining serious discussions with understanding and compassion, creates a warm, inviting, and relatable atmosphere for listeners.

The podcast’s diverse range of topics ensures that each episode is not only informative but also relevant and engaging for listeners at various stages of their recovery journey. Feedback from listeners often praises the podcast for its authenticity and the tangible sense of camaraderie it fosters. Joanie’s open and honest discussions about addiction and recovery resonate deeply with listeners, making the podcast a powerful source of support and motivation.

Where to Find It:

The Addiction Podcast — Point of No Return can be found on several popular podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. This broad availability ensures that Joanie’s messages of hope, recovery, and resilience can reach an extensive audience, providing valuable support and inspiration to those in need.

11. The Way Out Podcast with Charles Levoir & Jason Rudeen

The Way Out PodcastPhoto byThe Way Out Podcast

The Way Out Podcast

About the Creators:

The Way Out Podcast is a dynamic and inspiring platform co-hosted by the dedicated and passionate Charlie LeVoir and Jason Rudeen. Both Charlie and Jason have personal experiences with addiction and have navigated their own journeys of recovery, making them uniquely qualified to discuss the intricate issues surrounding addiction and recovery. Their shared experiences and insights lend an air of authenticity and depth to the podcast, creating a genuine connection with their audience.

Their commitment to the podcast is not only professional; it’s deeply personal. They use their platform as a means to support, inspire, and connect with others who are navigating their own paths to recovery. By sharing their stories, they provide hope and reassurance to those in similar situations, creating an uplifting and supportive community for listeners.

Focus of the Podcast:

The primary focus of The Way Out Podcast is the journey to recovery. The podcast features a rich blend of personal narratives, insightful interviews with other recovery advocates, and candid discussions on a wide array of topics relevant to addiction and recovery. Charlie and Jason’s own experiences with addiction and recovery are frequently at the forefront, adding a deeply personal and relatable element to each episode.

Why It’s Great:

The Way Out Podcast stands out in the realm of recovery podcasts due to its unique blend of honesty, authenticity, and empathy. Charlie and Jason’s dynamic and engaging presentation style, coupled with their knack for intertwining serious discussions with humor and light-heartedness, creates a warm, inviting, and relatable atmosphere for listeners.

The podcast’s diverse range of topics ensures that each episode is not only informative but also relevant and engaging for listeners at various stages of their recovery journey. Feedback from listeners often praises the podcast for its authenticity and the tangible sense of camaraderie it fosters. Charlie and Jason’s open and honest discussions about their own experiences resonate deeply with listeners, making the podcast a powerful source of support and motivation.

Where to Find It:

The Way Out Podcast can be found on several popular podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. This broad availability ensures that Charlie and Jason’s messages of hope, recovery, and resilience can reach an extensive audience, providing valuable support and inspiration to those in need.

12. The Sober Stu Podcast with Stu Jenkins

The Sober Stu PodcastPhoto byThe Sober Stu Podcast

The Sober Stu Podcast

About the Creator:

The Sober Stu Podcast is a truly inspirational platform hosted by the dedicated and passionate Stu Jenkins. With personal experiences with addiction and recovery, Stu is uniquely qualified to discuss the intricate issues surrounding addiction and recovery. His shared experiences and insights lend an air of authenticity and depth to the podcast, creating a genuine connection with his audience.

His commitment to the podcast is not only professional; it’s deeply personal. He uses his platform to support, inspire, and connect with others who are navigating their own paths to recovery. By sharing his story, he provides hope and reassurance to those in similar situations, creating an uplifting and supportive community for listeners.

Focus of the Podcast:

The primary focus of The Sober Stu Podcast is the journey to recovery. The podcast features a rich blend of personal narratives, insightful interviews with other recovery advocates, and candid discussions on a wide array of topics relevant to addiction and recovery. Stu’s own experiences with addiction and recovery are frequently at the forefront, adding a deeply personal and relatable element to each episode.

Why It’s Great:

The Sober Stu Podcast stands out in the realm of recovery podcasts due to its unique blend of honesty, authenticity, and empathy. Stu’s dynamic and engaging presentation style, coupled with his knack for intertwining serious discussions with humor and light-heartedness, creates a warm, inviting, and relatable atmosphere for listeners.

The podcast’s diverse range of topics ensures that each episode is not only informative but also relevant and engaging for listeners at various stages of their recovery journey. Feedback from listeners often praises the podcast for its authenticity and the tangible sense of camaraderie it fosters. Stu’s open and honest discussions about his own experiences resonate deeply with listeners, making the podcast a powerful source of support and motivation.

Where to Find It:

The Sober Stu Podcast can be found on several popular podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. This broad availability ensures that Stu’s messages of hope, recovery, and resilience can reach an extensive audience, providing valuable support and inspiration to those in need.

13. The Recovery Unscripted Podcast with David Condos

Recovery Unscripted PodcastPhoto byRecovery Unscripted Podcast

Recovery Unscripted Podcast

About the Creator:

The Recovery Unscripted Podcast is a riveting platform hosted by the dedicated and insightful David Condos. David, an experienced journalist with a keen interest in mental health and addiction recovery, brings a wealth of knowledge and understanding to the complex issues surrounding addiction and recovery. His commitment to the podcast is deeply professional, using his platform to explore, inspire, and connect with others who are navigating their own paths to recovery.

Focus of the Podcast:

The primary focus of The Recovery Unscripted Podcast is the journey to recovery. The podcast features an impressive array of guests, including leading experts in the field of addiction recovery, mental health professionals, and individuals sharing their personal recovery narratives. These diverse perspectives provide a comprehensive overview of addiction and recovery, making each episode not only informative but also intensely engaging.

Why It’s Great:

The Recovery Unscripted Podcast stands out in the realm of recovery podcasts due to its in-depth discussions, high-profile guests, and David’s skillful interview style. David’s dynamic and engaging presentation style, coupled with his ability to ask thought-provoking questions and delve into complex topics, creates a thought-provoking and insightful atmosphere for listeners.

The podcast’s diverse range of topics ensures that each episode is not only informative but also engaging for listeners at various stages of their recovery journey. Feedback from listeners often praises the podcast for its depth, authenticity, and the compelling conversations it fosters. David’s open and insightful discussions resonate deeply with listeners, making the podcast a powerful source of information, inspiration, and support.

Where to Find It:

The Recovery Unscripted Podcast can be found on several popular podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. This broad availability ensures that David’s messages of hope, recovery, and resilience can reach an extensive audience, providing valuable insights and inspiration to those in need.

14. The We Are Superman Podcast with David Clark

We Are Superman PodcastPhoto byWe Are Superman Podcast

We Are Superman Podcast

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About the Creator:

The We Are Superman Podcast is a transformative platform hosted by the inspirational David Clark. Clark, an ultra-marathon runner and author, offers a unique perspective on addiction recovery, having personally battled and overcome severe alcoholism and obesity. His commitment to the podcast extends beyond professional interests; it’s a deeply personal journey that he shares with listeners, making him a relatable and authentic guide in the realm of recovery.

Focus of the Podcast:

The primary focus of The We Are Superman Podcast is on the transformative journey of recovery, with a particular emphasis on how physical fitness and mental resilience can help individuals overcome addiction. The podcast features an array of guests, including athletes, mental health professionals, and individuals sharing their personal narratives of recovery. These diverse perspectives provide a comprehensive understanding of addiction, recovery, and the power of the human spirit.

Why It’s Great:

The We Are Superman Podcast stands out in the realm of recovery podcasts due to its unique blend of raw honesty, authenticity, and motivational storytelling. Clark’s dynamic and engaging presentation style, coupled with his knack for intertwining serious discussions with motivational insights, creates a powerful and uplifting atmosphere for listeners.

The podcast’s diverse range of topics ensures that each episode is not only informative but also incredibly inspiring for listeners at various stages of their recovery journey. Feedback from listeners often praises the podcast for its authenticity, motivational content, and the tangible sense of empowerment it fosters. Clark’s open and honest discussions about his own experiences resonate deeply with listeners, making the podcast a powerful source of support and motivation.

Where to Find It:

The We Are Superman Podcast can be found on several popular podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. This broad availability ensures that Clark’s messages of hope, recovery, resilience, and personal empowerment can reach an extensive audience, providing valuable support and inspiration to those in need.

15. Recovery (Sort Of) with Billy & Jason

Recovery (Sort Of) PodcastPhoto byRecovery (Sort Of) Podcast

Recovery (Sort Of) Podcast

About the Creators:

The Recovery Sort Of Podcast is an enlightening and inspiring platform hosted by the committed and passionate friends Billy and Jason. Both Billy and Jason bring personal experiences with addiction and recovery, making them uniquely qualified to discuss the intricate issues surrounding these topics. Their shared experiences and insights lend a level of authenticity and depth to the podcast, creating a genuine connection with their audience.

Focus of the Podcast:

The primary focus of The Recovery Sort Of Podcast is the journey to recovery. The podcast features talks on mental health, spirituality, addiction, and many other recovery topics. The hosts chat with mental health and addiction recovery advocates. The personal experiences of Billy and Jason add a deeply personal and relatable element to each episode, making it more than just a podcast but a platform for shared experiences and growth.

Why It’s Great:

The Recovery Sort Of Podcast stands out in the realm of recovery podcasts due to its authenticity, relatability, and empathetic approach. Billy and Jason’s dynamic and engaging presentation style, combined with their ability to intertwine serious discussions with compassionate understanding, creates a warm, inviting, and relatable atmosphere for listeners. The podcast’s diverse range of topics ensures that each episode is not only informative but also relevant and engaging for listeners at various stages of their recovery journey.

Where to Find It:

The Recovery Sort Of Podcast can be found on several popular podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. This broad availability ensures that the messages of hope, recovery, resilience, and personal growth from Billy and Jason can reach an extensive audience, providing valuable support and inspiration to those in need.

Conclusion (For Now)

Recovery from addiction is a deeply personal journey, but it doesn’t have to be a solitary one because you have ME. No, I’m playing, but the podcasts I’ve shared offer a treasure trove of information, inspiration, and support to individuals and their loved ones. Whether you’re seeking personal stories, expert guidance, a sense of community, epic addiction fails, or dark, explicit recovery humor and stories, these podcasts are invaluable tools on your path to sobriety and healing. I enjoy each and every one, and I am grateful for each and every one of the amazing creators. They make me feel not so alone, and to me, that is invaluable.

As you know, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to recovery, and finding the right resources and support is essential for your success. Dive into these podcasts, explore their episodes, and you may uncover the guidance and encouragement you need to embark on your own transformative journey towards a brighter and substance-free future. The power to overcome addiction and build a fulfilling life is within your reach, and with my blog and these amazing podcasts, you have support every step of the way. We gotchu, and we are all in this together. The addiction community is one of the tightest & toughest there is.

I will keep adding to this list moving forward, so if you know of an awesome podcast that you think deserves the recognition, send it to me so I can check it out and possibly add it to the list. I am also creating a list of actual drug addiction recovery blogs and podcasts. I will be doing the same for alcohol recovery blogs and podcasts. If you have other ideas for ‘Best Lists,’ send those too. You know I love love love hearing from you. Remember you are loved and you do flipping matter.

If this post…

If this post resonated with you or you have something you would like to add or share, please do so in the comments below. You know I love to hear from you. You are all awesome, and just in case nobody has told you today, and I am sure they have, you are special, you are valuable, and you matter. Light, love, and Metta, friends!

Post Off Quote

“Happy people build their inner world; unhappy people blame their outer world.”


Post Off Affirmation (Until Next Time)

The infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind reveals to me my true place in life and reminds me of the potential I hold within to be and do whatever I want in life. I am powerful and I am loved endlessly.



Progressing Not Perfecting

Eight years sober from an addiction that destroyed me. The person I am now is the OG-She that rose from the ashes and now I help others rise.