Proof Of Fade
2 min readSep 18, 2022


“What kind of life do you lead? Where is the culture? Where is the higher idea or ideal? Is it possible to live in this air? Must not the social class or race which lives in this way perish? …

‘’Please boss, it’s been a whole month. Can I please have some money?’’

You wake up, you go to school. You wake up, you go to college. You wake up, you go to work. Then one day, you don’t wake up and there are no more days.

You are a pion, a peasant, a nobody. You are poor.

‘’Someone has to cook the fries.’’ ‘’put the wagies back where they belong! It’s 9 p.m. they better clock in!’’

Travel back in time, stand in-front of your ancestors. Who fought saber tooth tigers or escaped the Mongol hordes or managed to dodge bombs in the second World War. All the shit they went through. Just for you to be born, and to now look at you. Look who you are, listen to your life story. Listen what you do on day to day basis. They would feel nothing but shame. Your ancestors did all that struggling to survive, all the crap they went trough just for you to be born.

Why? So you could get abused by some scam-artists pretending to be developers? By people Pretending to be someone they’re not? Thats what your ancestors died for? Thats the end of your bloodline? Do you feel no shame?

This is the truth, and truth is not what you want it to be it is what it is
and you must bend to its power or live a lie. You gotta tell yourself stories that violate every law of the universe just to get through the goddamn day? What’s that say about your reality?

You have two choices.

  1. You either listen, and join us.
  2. You pretend everything’s going to be just fine if you carry on as before.

- Anon