Dear Manager, no time left to manage your own life?

4 min readNov 8, 2016


Dear Manager, when was the last time you had dinner without getting interrupted by a phone call? Can’t remember?

Maintaining a balance between work and personal life is a tricky task to do. And unknowingly, most of us are failing at this task. Failing everyday without even realizing it. Most of the managers working in big corporate organizations, usually known as 9 to 5 working bunch, have a pretty sorted life, we all think.

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Fancy salary packages, nice working environment, big buildings, power etc., all these things look so good from the outside. Work on weekdays and socialize on weekends. Well let me tell you something my friend, the reality is far from this.

Being and working in such an environment, it’s quite normal not to notice how unhealthy this is for you. You have slipped into a routine of work followed by more work followed by a break of one or maybe two days, probably thinking about meetings lined up the next week, with no time to be with yourself. If you’re thinking about work while you’re at home and about home while you’re at work, are you really giving your full attention to either? No.

This is why you need to strike a balance where you eventually reach that point in the day when all of your work issues stay at work, allowing you to be present at home — physically AND mentally. The first thing you need to remind yourself here is that work is a part of your life, NOT your life. There are other parts and you need to take out time for these parts too.

The first thing you need to remind yourself here is that work is a part of your life, NOT your life.

We know work-life balance may sound like a dream to many. Of managers worldwide, 46 percent are working more than 40 hours per week, and 40 percent say their work hours have increased in the past five years. Looking at these statistics, striking a balance between work and personal life can be pretty daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Adopt these few things at work to get a little more off-work self time -

Say goodbye to old traditional ways of working

Smart work is considered to be a more important skill than hard work these days.There is still no substitute for hard work, just that there are better ways to perform the hard work to avoid few inconveniences. And, that’s what smart work is all about.

But sadly, most of the managers out there seem to lack such skill, and stick to the old corporate ways of management. Unaware employees, undefined tasks, chaos between departments, all this leads to decline in efficiency at workplace stretching the timespan of work.

Such problems can be avoided by adopting new ways of management, which would surely give a kick to one’s work. Get creative and step out of traditional processes. Start using a project management tool and see how it transforms the way you’ve been working in the past for good.

Create boundaries and stick to them

There should be a certain time each day when you stop doing everything else and focus on recharging yourself for the next day. Read a book, take a shower, watch your favorite television show, spend time with family, or take your pet out for a walk.

Create a system that works for you and stick to it. Focus on automating what you can, outsourcing what you cannot, and making better use of your time. You don’t have to answer each and every phone call or email right away. Schedule a time to read, reply to email and phone calls and save time.

Collaborate with like-minded people

A Good manager must have the ability to identify what’s unique about each person, capitalize on their strengths and make sure the team works well together. Appoint like-minded people, who will be fit for working with the other team members toward the common goal. Find out what they are most productive at. Collaborate their talents and skills towards one grand result.

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Putting together a good team is the first and most important part of management, which can save a lot of time. If you’ve succeeded in doing so, you’ve already won half of the battle.

Organize yourself and you’ll see how perfectly you manage your work-life balance. Because balance is the key to productivity, happiness, satisfaction, and pretty much everything.

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