Eating habits that are making you less productive at work

5 min readSep 12, 2016


We are what we eat. But, what are we eating? That’s the big question. Researches have shown that our eating habits have a big role to play in our productivity. They have also shown that majority of the working professionals have poor eating habits. And, this is the reason for them being less productive.

So what is it that we are eating wrong? What are the foods that are eating up our productivity? In this post we are going to discuss about the poor eating habits that we possess and their impact on our productivity. So let us have a look at them, one by one -

1. Early morning caffeine overdose

Coffee kills productivity. I know, for most of you it would come across as a shocker, but science says that coffee does not enhance your productivity. We all believe that coffee induces our productivity. But, a recent research from John Hopkins University concluded that the feeling of euphoria that coffee drinkers get is something that non-coffee drinkers are experiencing on a regular basis. As a matter of fact, this rise in productivity is because the withdrawal signs of coffee reduce your performance, and leave a negative impact on your mood. So, when you get back on your regular coffee diet, you feel more whimsical.

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2. Breaking the breakfast habit

Breakfast is the most important meal of your day. And, that’s not just a hearsay. There’s scientific logic behind it. If we observe carefully, the word breakfast is made up of two words break and fast. When you are eating in this first meal of the day, you are actually breaking a fast of more than 12 hours. The food that you had consumed during dinner is already digested, and the nutrients have already been absorbed. So when you skip breakfast and start working like a regular day you are actually running your body’s machine without supplementing it with fuel. The result — you get fatigued quickly and in worst cases might even experience dizziness.

3. Overeating is eating up your productivity

So you skipped breakfast, and now to compensate it you are having a lavish meal during lunch. But did you ever realize the impact of this? A study conducted to check the results of overeating can explain it to you in the best possible manner. The results of this study (conducted between people who overeat and normal population) concluded that overeating resulted in heightened cravings of carbohydrate, increased hunger, as well as rise in sadness. At the same time feelings of relaxation, satisfaction and tranquility saw a steep decline. The results say it all.

If you want to feel satisfied and relaxed at work, then stop overeating during lunch hours.

4. Junk food items are ruining your body’s physiological processes

Hippocampus is that part of the brain which affects a person’s learning capabilities. And, according to one of the studies, eating junk food leads to negative impact on the hippocampus. In another study, it was found that trans fat, which these junk food items are brimming in, leads to reduction in one of the vital fatty acids (DHA) in brain. This fatty acid plays an important role in learning processes. You might be trying ways to be more productive at work. Or, getting your team a project management tool to streamline processes. But, by indulging into burgers and sandwiches during office hours, you are doing more harm than good to your productivity.

5. Frozen and processed foods don’t help either

Continuous munching at work is usually observed. But what do you munch? Cookies? Donuts? Fries? Chips? Frozen foods? They are a great way to replenish your hunger, but when you look at their nutritional value they are not really an ideal option. These processed foods contain refined carbs, which give an instant energy boost. However, this energy gets consumed quickly and results in sluggishness. So rather than depending on these processed and frozen foods, eating whole foods like fruits, nuts, oats, yogurt and similar other options can be a great and a healthy idea.

6. Long breaks in-between meals

Our body is equivalent to a machine. Just like a machine requires fuel to work properly, our body also requires fuel. That fuel is glucose, which is supplemented by the breakdown food that we intake. This is why a regular intake of food is imperative if you want to maintain your body in an active and functional state. If you don’t munch in between your meals, you might not experience an immediate response. But, you will see a decline in glucose levels within the body, which is ultimately going to take your productivity down the drain. In fact, scientific studies have shown that healthy snacking promotes cognitive functioning of the brain.

7. Improper fluid intake is going to leave you drowsy

As important it is to consume the right set of food items to remain productive, it is equally important to suffice your body with the right amount of fluids as well. Not having the right amount of liquid intake eventually leads to an impairment of concentration ability of the individual, and at the same time it deteriorates your memory. Incorporate lots of water and juices in your diet, and you will start to see an immediate rise in your productivity levels.

Those were some of the most commonly observed food habits, which almost all of us can relate to. But, I’m sure not many of us would have ever thought that small things like replacing a burger in lunch with a whole snack like oat meals can bring a change in one’s productivity levels.

You might be wondering, are there any super-foods that make us more productivity? No, there are no super-foods that can make you go insanely productive and take your working capabilities through the roof. But, there is one thing that can help you to stop being less productive. And that thing is — eating right!

And, I’m certain that after reading this post you will work on bringing the change that’s needed in your diet to become more productive at work.

So, what are you having for lunch today? Munching on that favorite cheeseburger from your favorite food joint? Or a BIG MAC! Or, following the advice and having something healthy?

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