With great power comes great responsibility

4 min readNov 17, 2016


First of all, let me tell you that this adage, which became popular after the Spiderman movie, has its roots way back in history. Jesus says in Luke 12:48, “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”

So, it goes without saying that power, and the responsibility it brings along, have been known to mankind since ages. But, only a few have managed to handle power and the responsibilities associated with it.

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I’m not going to talk here about the political agendas. Nor about the people who have the power to change the world. I’m going to keep my focus on a niche of which I’ve been part of all these years. Yes, I’m going to talk about the power that comes with being a manager.

In simple words power is the ability to influence the decision making of a person, a team, or an institution. In the modern business, managers are the one who have this power. They are the ones who have to take the decisions on how to run a team? What you need to do to get the cash flowing? Why did the project fail? And, many more.

So, it won’t be wrong to say that a powerful manager can be difference between a successful business and not so successful one. But, what are those responsibilities that we are talking about here?

Let me share some of those responsibilities with you -

To build leaders

Being a manager, it is your responsibility to lead the team. But, is that it?

No, the job does not end here. You have to instill belief in each team member that they are leaders of their own work. Share accountability with them. Motivate them to have confidence to lead the team if a situation arises. A great is not the one who is just leads the team, but is the one who builds leaders within the team.

Take risks

I’m a huge Batman fan. So, I would like to mention this quote here,”It’s not who we are underneath, but what we do that defines us.”

As a manager, you have to take the risk. Sometimes they will pay off, sometimes they won’t. But, in the end just like the Dark Knight rises, you have to rise from the ashes and give it your best shot. That’s how great leaders are made.

Lead by example

One of the biggest responsibilities that comes along with being a manager is to set an example.

Being a manager, the team expects you to come up with strategies and ideas that can inspire them to innovate. You are the one who has to inspire the team to break all the barriers of productivity. And, the only way you can achieve that is by not just giving orders. But, by doing the things yourself that you expect others to do.

Care for the team

When you care for your team, they will care for you. It’s as simple as that!

Empathy is the basic human feeling that you cannot neglect. If you want to succeed as a manager you ought to garner that feeling of mutual trust within the team. And, a tried and tested way to achieve that is to care for your team. After all, you are working with real humans and not machines!

An eye on the bigger picture

Yes, getting in success in whatever projects the team has in hands forms a big part of the job of a project manager. But, it becomes even more important to be keep an eye on the bigger picture.

As they say if you want to thrive, and not just survive in any industry, you must always have a prepare for the future. This is the reason that a manager must always focus on not just present but keep an eye on the bigger picture.

Adding these traits in your lifestyle is imperative if you want to become the next big fish in the market. If you are happy being a manager who just assigns tasks to the team, then it is time you start to look at the bigger picture? Is that what you want to do for your entire life? Or, would you like to make a difference in someone’s life?

I’m sure this post will motivate you to become better not just as a manager, but as a leader as well. Like the title says, “with great power comes great responsibilities.” So, it is time you realized those responsibilities and start acknowledging them!

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