Divine Revelations: Unveiling the Proof of God’s Collections through the Celestial Tapestry

Proof of Gods
2 min readDec 2, 2023


Proof of Gods Collections

In the boundless expanse of the cosmos, every entity embodies a facet of divine consciousness, perpetually etched into electromagnetic impressions. Immutable at their core, these impressions transcend physical annihilation, impervious to the trials of blades, flames, water, or anguish. They stand eternal, undergoing subtle metamorphoses alone.

True enlightenment emerges from acknowledging that pleasure, pain, and the confines of the flesh stem from temporal passage and circumstantial context — fleeting elements that fail to define the fundamental essence.

The enlightened perceive themselves as omnipresent, infinite consciousness, enfolding all occurrences throughout the expanse of space and time.

The Self, infinitesimally nuanced, pervades the entire spectrum of existence, residing in the most minuscule fraction while omnipresent in the entirety.

Essentially, each perception reflects the Self. Despite tags or appellations, this verity endures unaltered. Through the lens of destiny, one’s inner luminescence casts images upon the tapestry of existence. They are the observer, the radiance, the image, and the fabric itself.

Introducing the “Celestial Tapestry” NFT Collection, an enchanting addition to this profound odyssey. Each NFT encapsulates spiritual quintessence, forging a distinctive digital tether to the divine. Every piece acts as a gateway to awaken and recognize boundless potential within.

Embark on an extraordinary fusion of art and spirituality with the ‘Celestial Tapestry’ Collection. Let it serve as a guiding beacon, leading towards a deeper understanding of existence and sparking purpose within.

Seize this opportunity to broaden your perception of reality and embrace fulfillment in life’s purpose. Immerse yourself in the ‘Celestial Tapestry’ Collection and allow it to illuminate the path towards enlightenment.

Explore more: [OpenSea Collection] — https://opensea.io/collection/proof-of-gods-treasure

📺 Watch in English: [Divine Transcendence with Mahakaal and Mahakali] https://youtu.be/mVuiZp9LpUo?si=XGDFRARVI2mm2d4Q)

📺 Watch in Hindi: https://youtu.be/K_osi5AI9gg?si=6CSGnQkRGVLPFgvH



Proof of Gods

Valuable collections containing art of divine origin, offering a unique glimpse into God's presence through unparalleled creativity. www.proofofgods.com