
2023: THE YEAR OF COVENANT NEWNESS UPON THE EARTH 🌍 | #CovenantNewnessUponTheEarth

Prophet David & Co.
25 min readFeb 14, 2023


GOD has a great plan for the earth in the year 2023. And He gave them profitable to us for doctrine, for reproof, for prophetic correction, for instruction in righteousness set expressly over the below four themes from the months of November to December, 2022.

  1. On Nigeria;
  2. On the World-at-large;
  3. On the Nigerian Ekklesia, the Church;
  4. and to the author of this prophetic treatise.

Do pray, listen to Him and meditate on these prophetic instructions. For by it Angels honour their manifestations of said instructions for your sake. GOD bless you. Amen. 🙏


“Nigeria… .”

“Another name for Nigeria is ‘the people doing themselves’; the ORIGINAL self-saboteurs.”

“Listen, of the prophecies I gave you before Buhari rigged himself into power for his second term in office, they are still in operation. Still same zero percent score for Nigeria on all fronts.”

“And until one finishes, the next instruction for the polity won’t come. I won’t speak. The former prophecy is very instructive this 2023 election year. I would update you of this election in January. But till then, CONFUSION IS THE INHERITANCE OF THE WICKED.”


“I will assist many people this year 2023. I will settle and help many in 2023.”

“I say it again; I will assist many in 2023. I, GOD, will settle them. I will bring divine-settlement unto the legal quarrel Darkness has with the ancestral witchcraft, marine, magical and occultic foundations of many people on ‘earth-physical’. And in 2023 also, I will settle the quarrel I too have with many. I will help them.”

“I will help many people this year, 2023.

… I will help the forgotten and the forsaken; …

… I will help those Failures of society; …

… I will help the cheated with mark of generational curses of cheating reigning in their foundation;…

… I will help the defeated; …

… I will help the caged; …

… I will help the bewitched fighting battles stronger than them; …

… I will help those wrestling with the troubles of their foundation over financial lacks around them; …

… I will help the lost who don’t know where they are going in life; …

… I will help the frustrated who Satan has condemned to suffer before they amount to anything in life; …

… I will help the condemned and the ashamed; …

… I will help the indebted; …

… I will help the destitute whom their family have given up on; …

… I will help those the law of karma is rightly fighting; …

… I will help those who put themselves into trouble; …

… I will help those old ministers that have disappointed Heaven by the ‘spirit-of-confusion’ living inside them; …

… I will help those who their opened doors have been locked and keys of breakthroughs thrown away; …

… I will help those with the familiar spirits of their grandfathers and/or their grandmothers INSIDE them uttering and controlling their existence on a daily; …

… I will help the occultic; …

… I will help those ministers I’d long forgiven but who are still carrying the evil mark of limit on their spiritual operations; …

… I will help those who limits have been placed on them because of errors in direction of the spirit; …

… I will help the unbelieving; …

… I will help the foolish witches, wizards and water spirits agents doubting My deliverance power and stubborn yet afraid to come out of darkness because Satan long kept their spirits under his ‘rock-of-oath’ and would kill them instantly immediately they dare confess; …

… I will help the barren and the unfruitful; …

… I will help those who in ignorance, in stubbornness and in household manipulation slept with witches, wizards, familiar spirits, water spirits agents and ghosts; …

… I will help those unfairly initiated into their family witchcraft and community witchcraft (at school, at work, etc); …

… I will help the deathly-sick; …

… I will help those whom household powers dragged down from ‘the journey of their speed in life’ through the past errors of their sexual immoralities; …

… I will help those in soul-ties by sex through tricks of charms on them and by their shared blood; …

… I will help those whose Glory has been eaten-up by curses, spell and charms of the idols of their ancestries; …

… I will help those that are dead (unbeknownst to themselves) yet walking around alive; …

… I will help those who stole from the Church’s accounts, projects and treasuries; …

… I will help those who were deceived into marriage to a child of the devil — especially a marine agent (either by manipulation or of their own uncontrollable covetous lust for material things); …

… I will help those who are strong to become stronger; …

… I will help those who have lost time, fortune and fruitfulness to the devourer… and so many wearied souls out there We’ve marked for My restoration. I will help. NEWNESS; A NEW CHAPTER IS ABOUT TO BE OPENED UNTO EARTH THROUGH MY MOUNTAIN ‘IN’ YOU.”

“Listen, anyone that is suffering now, that is being persecuted… that person should suffer now because it won’t last again. For this year 2023 shall settle it! This said year shall be THE YEAR a lot of people will permanently reference to for many many years to come as their CHANGE OF STORY YEAR. They would gather many ‘witnesses’ to tell them My obvious new blessedness surrounding them saying, ‘It was in the year 2023, GOD my Creator and Father helped me!’”

“Son, I, your Father, is still in the business of helping people. Tell them. I have helped nonentities before and made them the symbol of new story on earth. From one generation to another, from one era to another I CHANGE PEOPLE’S STORY. Even you, I have helped! I made you what you are by the Higher Ranking you are in the realm of the spirit; the ‘earth-spiritual’. Under normal circumstances and human positioning, you are not meant to be so but I, your Father, helped you. In similar manner, I would help many people.”

“There are ‘two earth’ 🌍 and man’s education can’t ever switch between both parallel universe. It doesn’t have such ability! It takes only My mighty power at Creation to switch at will and still remain normal. The same power I mightily used to both raise JESUS your Master from the dead and set Him on HIGH at My right-Hand-side far above the three-dimensional plains of the universe.”

“So, I dare ask humanity with all its scholarship studies to tell Me how and why I created Time to measure the span of this present universe, since they claim to know better than Me. Have their limited minds ever conceived if the ‘daily war between LIGHT and Darkness’ is coming to an end… and that I could use a suckling baby to fulfill such plan, as I wish? Did I not do same with Babalola when I helped his era? Is man questioning what I can do in 2023 and going forward through ‘My Dominion Portal’ I made you open and establish for Me as you operated on four dimensional plains: Against the caged water kingdom (70%); against dry places of demons (30%); against the 3rd heaven’s junction of intercepting and warring Angelic forces on assignment to earth (0%); and before My Throne of Grace (100%)? Never-before-seen on a mortal in your era let alone a small boy like you.”

“Even as I shift the spiritual protocols of these dimensions with the arrival of Angelic visitors carrying COVENANT NEWNESS upon the ‘earth-physical’, can any of their scholastic backings and researches (through their manipulations and ignorance) figure out how to communicate with these interplanetary creatures in 2023 and onwards? Is their minds even sanctified enough to decipher such spiritual complexities?”

“As for you, David, I am confident of your aliveness and alertness to this spiritual realm — ‘the first earth’… the ‘earth-spiritual’. I Am confident because you know from MULTIPLE ENCOUNTERS that authority is NOT by popularity! Authority is when a man is a MAJOR Stronghold in the ‘realm of the spirit’ — that is, in the ‘earth spiritual’ where Angels dwell, where Satan operates from, where demons dwell, where the spirit of humans dwells as well as where the Holy Spirit Himself DOMINATES from as the universe’s Caretaker. FOR IF ANYTHING MUST HAPPEN ON THE ‘EARTH-PHYSICAL’, ITS AGENDA MUST HAVE FIRST BEEN CONCLUDED IN THAT ‘EARTH-SPIRITUAL’. This was how those living in the Dry places and Enlightened water plains of the ‘earth-spiritual’ hatched and concluded COVID-19 on March 25, 2019; of which I told you to tell them. Why? Because as you know… and as you’ve seen, there are Villages, Counties, Towns, Cities and ‘two sections’ of both the DARK and LIGHTED dominions in this spirit world. And in this realm are few of My MAJOR Strongholds that must compulsorily be there by an Higher Ranking in ‘learned alignment’ to Me so they constantly adjust this earth to My taste else Satan and his fellow MINOR Strongholds have a field day on ‘earth 🌍 physical’. Don’t listen to condescending fools… You are one of those important MAJOR Strongholds I constantly use at will; even as you sleep unawares. I ALONE HELPED YOU TO BE ANOTHER THING TO THIS EARTH.”


“Education is backward when it comes to THINGS OF THE SPIRIT. This is another world! This is another world!! This is another world!!! Education supports more of the Old Testament than the New Testament. We are talking about an ‘earth-spiritual’ (THE SOURCE behind the ‘earth-physical’) where Holy Spirit is Chief Executive Officer of both worlds and JESUS the Owner… and you are bringing the divine knowledge of this indisputable supernatural reality that determines all life forms into the ‘captivity’ of education?”

“In the beginning… the Holy Spirit was upon the face of the depth of the water spirit kingdom, that were once ‘let loosed’; where Darkness solely monopolized all progresses, inventions and the Laws of Nature of the ‘earth-spiritual’. And I, GOD said, ‘Let there be Light,’ and there was LIGHT. And I saw that it was good; that this Light casted its DOMINANCE over ‘earth-spiritual’. Yet, I paused and did the mysterious instead of acing Darkness on-the-spot. Rather, I divided the ‘earth-spiritual’ into TWO sections by percentiles: the LIGHTED plain with all of earth’s progress buried in it is (at 70%… permitting water demons Rent-seeking ‘now caged’ Tenants to dwell in it) and the DARK dry plains with 30% serpentine MINOR Strongholds demons inhabiting it. By this experiment, I created the First man… the First MAJOR Stronghold; with the sole purpose of ‘partnering’ with the Holy Spirit to strategically span all three-dimensional plains as a form of prototype of ‘Inclusive-Dominion’… and final checkmate. But this First Adam failed dominate so the Second Adam (JESUS Christ) came to the scene in a ‘boss move’ thousands of years later to show how its done across all three-dimensional plains: the 30% of Dry places in Judea, Samaria …; the 70% ENLIGHTENED cosmos of the ‘uttermost part of the end’ as well as ‘the end of the world’ (of marine principalities and powers) UNDER JESUS’ DOMINION; and finally the 3rd heavens were Wicked forces resist Angels to reign as [sun/moon/stars/other] gods over the universe. For only and alone by the power of the Holy Ghost can you as a MAJOR Stronghold go into these 30% Dry places (where territorial MINOR Stronghold demons dominate from), and then cause Signs, Wonder, Miracles and Healing and supernatural provision there by THE MARVELOUS HELP OF GOD. And also by same Holy Ghost can you go to the 70% principalities and powers (that is, the half-humans half-fishes) living INSIDE this ENLIGHTENED waters holding the best governance, the best technology, the best wealth and best progress at bay because of the LIGHT of the Holy Spirit, and then hijack it FOR the ‘earth-physical’. And finally, challenge dominant WICKED ‘Princes of Darkness’ in the 3rd heaven-lies.”


Notice: Holy Ghost is not Holy Spirit. Both were interchanged simultaneously. One is His title, the other is His identity.

“Education is irrelevant in spiritual matters that holds these TWO earth 🌍 TOGETHER. If it were, I then ask, ‘Do they speak English or any ‘earth-physical’ ancient and current languages in the spirit realm?’ Don’t be dull. Only arithmetic calculations from the ‘earth-physical’ is allowed in this spirit world because in the first place, it came from there; there being the ‘earth-spiritual’. Arithmetic calculations is one of the spiritual Morse code of both the ‘earth-spiritual’ and ‘earth-physical’. Arithmetic calculations is one of the devices of prophecy in the realm of the spirit — that is, the ‘earth-spiritual’. And by luck did a possessed Set of occultic humans had access to it because they COLLECTIVELY had a ‘demonic encounter’ with a very strong desert MINOR Stronghold demon as such arithmetic had its way into the ‘earth-physical’. In similar fashion, Cain INVENTED weaponry in Dry places of the ‘earth-physical’ — that is, in the lands of wanderings — through his DEMONIC ENCOUNTERS with very strong desert MINOR Stronghold demons. And just as I’ve told you years ago; it is not your Guns that kills or its bullet that kills, it is the spirit of the MINOR Stronghold behind weapons of death read into it that kills. People that produce weapons know this.”

“Education. The breakthrough that gave education a place on the lips of fools is, as you know, the very illiterate Isaac Newton’s scientific Law of Gravity. The spiritual concept of Strongholds is very powerful, beloved! And I’d in years past explained this to you before. I remember I said in 2017 that what Isaac Newton did was a VERY DANGEROUS thing. There is a law of the ‘earth-spiritual’ that couldn’t be CAUGHT and translated by the Latin, English, Dutch, Spanish and French languages of these occultic ‘men of Enlightenment’ into the physical. Those dull humans, though high society Renascence men were not Strongholds; their water demon masters too were not either — those were caged water spirits Tenants, and still are till date. But the UN-EDUCATED Newton, a scum of society, whom by My Divine Favour, was a MAJOR Stronghold. And by the Holy Ghost, he one day, in his own era’s reigning post-pandemic season — the Bubonic plague, suddenly CAUGHT a ‘dangerous vision’ about the Law of the ‘earth-spiritual’ that couldn’t be interpreted to his earth’s language(s). But on brooding on the matter a bit further, he screamed out a simple sentence: ‘What goes up must come down!’ That was it. Isaac, THE SAVED SOUL, was coasting in Space travels by #BulltSpeed. In his ancient time?! An era when there was no rocket launcher? No aerospace technology? Yet this nonentity of a soul whom I ALONE helped (in a year generations later called his ‘Miraculous Year’) dragged the directions of an entire OLD world.. ‘old order’ into another realm; A NEW ENCOUNTER WITH THE EARTH-SPIRITUAL.”

“By his theory of universal gravitation (I.e., the Law of Gravity), a rush of ‘opened doors’ for other Laws began flooding in to back up the DARKEST activities and havoc of ‘marine demon-possessed humans’ onto the ‘earth-physical’. The occult John Locke, Jean Jacques-Rousseau and other marine human demons (half-man, half-fish) began reshaping ‘earth-physical’ for their masters: the marine spirits Tenants.”

“Where was the Church who is the INHERITANCE of the riches of the GLORY of JESUS… who are the fullness of Him that filleth all-in-all (that is, the veer Custodians of an expected #InclusiveDominion on all three multiverses: the heavenlies, the waters and the dry plains) in all of these world-order defining moment? Answer: In error and division!”

“Up until then, the Church could erroneously burn REAL magical witches on stakes and no satanic ‘strike back’ would happen — forget Hollywood’s victimhood many depictions of the Church in the practice of its exorcism/deliverance. The Church had theocratic control of governments and systems (but unfortunately ruled badly). But with breakthroughs in enlightenment (through Newton) human witches, wizards and marine spirit’s half-man half-water creatures now had NEWER Laws to create different DARK versions of what is called the CONCLUDED WORKS OF DARKNESS. It means, if you wanted to do evil in government on ‘earth-physical’, all you need do is create and project concluded DARK laws onto it and it stays permanent. Little-by-little, these devils began taking societies and shaping it to their TASTE.

“For instance: National Constitutions are just empty papers; the spiritual had already been written. You think ‘marine demon-possessed’ politicians and judges on the Left and on the Right of politics around the US Constitution are not in cahoots TOGETHER as a ‘United front’ to keep the documents of their fathers — the paper Constitution — infallible? You think they don’t know what is LIGHT and what is Darkness? Get Me; I didn’t say what is ‘Good and what is Bad’. Devil operates his deception within the context of bad and good. Ask Trump who tried to act as a ‘good’ messianic Stronghold WITHOUT the empowerment and approval of the Holy Spirit. They ruined him politically and otherwise. Trump must have been crazy to ever think he can reverse such centuries-long CONCLUDED spiritual laws just as they screamed in their respective covens, ‘Trump is destroying the Laws our fathers created unto this earth-physical.’ You just go and ask their colleagues Abraham Lincoln and JFK who tried to be My MAJOR Strongholds without the Holy Spirit.”

“America is an idea of the ENLIGHTENED water spirit Tenants. Ask their key leaders. THEY DON’T HIDE FROM THIS FACT. Unlike Nigeria, My Land, America is an idea I permitted these beings to create. It is why spiritually it is called the ‘Land of the free’ (of ENLIGHTENED water spirit Tenants who are still caged till the Church’s #InclusiveDominion for the next thousand years appear). It is a spiritual Land of high imaginations and ideologies that exalteth themselves against My knowledge dictating (by distorted education) and still dictating to Society a form of UN-RIGHTEOUSNESS as we see it done in geopolitics. For when the WICKED are in Authority, as ‘enslaved servants’ of MINOR Strongholds, the people mourn… the Citizens cry out for injustice. But when the RIGHTEOUS are in Authority as My MAJOR Stronghold, the people rejoice. The Land of Nigeria is NOT so. After it is the Land of ancient Israel 🇮🇱 . Therefore, any politician and judges of the devil reigning in Nigeria today shall be forgotten soon in the ‘New Nigeria’ of tomorrow. Wait son; you will witness it.”

“And since Isaac Newton’s DANGEROUS theory till now, if EVIL powers wanted to cast a spell or bewitch an individual or lineages or groups, they create CONCLUDED Dark laws onto the ‘earth-physical’ for such person(s). Newton, the un-educated (who later because of his brain was made President Emeritus of the British Royal Society) created THE TEMPLATE for America to ever ever exist. Unfortunately, they manipulated him to keep sleeping around with the finest of women. He was the star of his era and the women kept saying, ‘This man is smarter and wiser than our fathers.’”

“Revisionists even dare to claim Albert Einstein was a better genius. Newton a man whose ideology created Modern Society? And you know as I’ve long told you in 2016 that this Freemasons ENLIGHTENMENT Einstein is a dull guy. All of them are dull. They were not patient with the Holy Spirit (the Caretaker of the 70% water plain) because He is a Spirit who is not easily seen. You need patience and calmness to operate with Him. But rather, they ALIGNED with the water Tenants (the half-human half-fish demons who paid them occasional visits with a lure of the samples of ENLIGHTENED world’s inventions and wealth that actually belongs to JESUS). That is why I say they are very dull. Greedy ambitious people are ALWAYS dull. They are not patient to see the full picture of things. But the gospel of Christ’s Inclusive-Dominion over all three (3) plains is My power of salvation unto EVERY ONE that believeth. For if they’d believed JESUS Christ at that moment through humility and brokenness of heart, and not doubted GOD and/or be greedy, they would have ENCOUNTERED the Caretaker — who is the Holy Spirit.”

“All these scientists you’d read in school are dull. This your Society of enlightenment historians and journalists simply packaged them as propaganda to you people. These guys are nothing compared to the illIterate Isaac Newton who read the book of Revelation, believed JESUS, avoid joining Freemasons at the last minute, ENCOUNTERED the expression of the Holy Ghost (to invent the Law of Gravity and others) and is now seated in Heaven today. Them — his contemporaries as well those after him that’d believed the deceptive ENLIGHTENED plain Tenants? Answer: THEY ARE SWIMMING IN HELL NOW. Distorted education caused this. Be careful of what you read. Till Newton left earth, he never left his fascination with the LIGHT of the Holy Spirit over the three-dimensional plains. Just because of one ENCOUNTER! Throughout his days, his remaining inventions centered around the Holy Spirit’s LIGHT.”

“As a Scholar, if you don’t accept Christ, and then ‘partner’ with His Holy Spirit, you are dull. Isaac Newton wasn’t. Thus, GOD made him the father of earth’s ‘Modern Society’. 2023 too is your Newton-like ‘Miraculous Year’. This year spiraled from 2020’s lockdown year!”

“Now these… should know permanently that education is ‘earth-physical’ NEVER ‘earth-spiritual’. Even Muhammad and his co-bandits weren’t educated yet they had an ‘encounter’ with a MINOR Stronghold in the Dry plains of the ‘earth-spiritual’ called Allah, and then brought arithmetic calculations from that world INTO the ‘earth-physical’ for life.”

“Son, stay connected to Me as My MAJOR Stronghold. And just as I told you in 2020 post COVID-19, I would plug your head to My Heaven and all rest three-dimensional plains, and then shall you, your lineage and anyone connected to your ministry INVENT what you see in the ENLIGHTENED plains of the Holy Spirit, and then bring unto ‘earth-physical’. My covenant with you shall not be broken. Let the Church worldwide keep taking from you…, keep cheating and keep not doing the RIGHT thing. In the long run, they should know that when I finally COMPLETE this cycle of you Leading them, as My trusted MAJOR Stronghold, and then one of them come before Me to greedily desire it…, I would kill him/her Myself. Can these clueless unrighteous polluted ministers meet you one-on-one after spending years to spy on your device, to then say, ‘I have a word-of-knowledge from the Spirit for you,’? Was it from the Holy Spirit or they added 1+1 from what they’d seen to say nonsense? Holy Ghost punishes the tongue that blaspheme such against His revelational gift!”

Holy Spirit ended. 


“See son, further corrupted education is not attached to your Calling; only self-education. I Am your education! I need the virginity of your mind for My RAW Pentecostal power. But same can’t be said among these un-rated ministers. So, they’d better shut up their proud, arrogant and condescending lips before I shut them and their unstable-mindedness down for life. Who is that man to question Me? MAN CANNOT GO BEYOND WHAT I CREATED HIM TO DO. Capacity at creation to pay HARD SACRIFICES and endure shame is what qualifies. And if a rogue-minister, out of his greedy-ambitions, dare say, ‘GOD use me too,’ because he bitterly covets another man’s Assignment, I would take MERCY away from him and end him because I know what every man thinks. They should be careful; they should stick to doing the exploits assigned to their purposes. Research it: Any man that ever became anything of substance on ‘earth-physical’ today — even indirectly on those for Satan, always towards My agenda, I helped. My GRACE helped them when they had no place and Authority in this dangerous ‘earth-spiritual’. I helped your ancestors! I helped Presidents and still helping; I helped business Leaders and still helping. I helped them all even as they were bloodthirsty occultists. I AM THE ONLY HELPER OF MAN. I Am the One who plants and make it come out in accordance to My will.”


  • For Ministers
  • For the Church of Nigeria


“There’s spiritual poverty on the altars of these ministries, yet their fathers would soon be leaving Earth . Look at the vacuum created. Look at the direction My Hand is pointing to. Take a look at this vacuum.”

“What I told you in private for your own benefit as I did for My ancient servants of thousand years past, keep to yourself. For My plan I gave you of many generations (also of yet un-born Saints) that would come under this very ‘Dominion portal’ you alone opened in 2014, which ushered in these Sets of Angels at work on earth for this dispensation, do keep. However, if you wish to reveal it to these ministers, that’s up to you and the Holy Spirit.”

*** Definitely on December 31st for the briefing. If led otherwise, 10 years later.


“My signs… financial riches to you humans are not important to Me. All these Heavenly good pleasures are to your benefits and the the joys of My Angels who are in constant awe of My majesty. These earthly things are protocols attached to your Callings and SERVICES to Me. For instance; the purest largest expensive raw gold on earth you humans kill yourself for and ruin your Glory for are simply dusts I’d scattered onto earth from the ORIGINAL Gold in Heaven. This can be seemingly understood to how the dusts off your shoes falls on your rugs on brush off. Can you then say these un-important irrelevant dust off your shoes are more VALUABLE than the shoe itself — even to what is worn on your entire body?”

“What to Me I’m most concerned about is how The Church publishes My LIGHT into the DARKEST world as of a spiritual CONQUEST.”

“Unfortunately, the ‘spirit-of-confusion’ dwelling inside their spiritual heads has now cascaded down to the hearts of each congregants.”

“Inside the ‘spirit-of-confusion’ is envy; …

… inside it is hatred; …

… inside it is disunity, strife and division (spirit of the crab); …

… inside it is comparison, competition and ambition at-all-costs; …

… inside it is calculated wickedness and manipulations; …

… inside it is blackmail and lies; …

… inside it is threats and murder; …

… inside it is cheating and exploitation (use-and-dump spirit); …

… inside it is the spirit of waste and jezebelic control; …

… inside it pride and destructions; …

… inside it is greedy enlightened doctrines of evil strongholds and wicked forces; …

… inside it is limits in spiritual operations; …

… inside it is vainglory and self-seeking greed; …

… inside it is betrayal and coordinated usurping; …

… inside it you have both Benchwarmers and Pharisaic spirits holidaying inside the inner witnesses of wicked hypocritical Congregants. …

… And verily verily, inside same ‘spirit-of-confusion’ is where the devil’s Synagogue itself is built on. The fire of Baal from their altars now warms and heal their churches. The Nigerian Church which once was on the right track of RIGHTEOUSNESS because of the revivals of the past is gone.”

“Imagine these same people are now asking Me through their intercessory prayers to save the Church of Nigeria from religious Jihadist-terrorists and Buhari’s wicked policies. But I ask them a question: ‘Should I answer it wholesale.., and to whom Am I answering it for? You mean the same wicked Set of people (pastors and members alike) who do wickedness to their fellow brethren-of-Faith; even inside the same loveless local churches?”

“Are you saying I should deliver the Wicked from the Wicked when you know My nature throughout scriptures is to always deliver the Righteous from the wicked and never go against My word? I judge both the Righteous and the wicked. But I Am angry with the wicked every day.”

“None of you in the Church of Nigeria is Holy; none of you is Righteous. It’s just that some of you have mastered the art of not being caught in your secret evils; before the gullible oblivion to your deceptions. Your consciences are already dead! Let us tell ourselves the Truth as I bring assistance soon, in 2023. You people are already a Set of ‘fraud of the Spirit’ confusing and often driving away the Angels of your respective ministries with a two-faced hypocritical nature. There is no difference between the Wells both you and unbelievers are drinking from. You think they don’t see what you do? Your fraudulent spirit can’t call these Outcasts frauds. No!”

“Today you decry and collectively lament over the Muslim-Muslim ticket of an evil political Party on this now Dry Land of demons that I’d at Genesis created as a Fruitful Land full of Angels; just as ancient Israel 🇮🇱. See, I Am not aware of the afflictions of the Church in this nation. You are only reaping the Darkness you sowed on this Land. This Truth alone should set you free, but no, you are as an adamant adder.”

“The impurities among these your embarrassing generation of churches emboldened the ‘power of the wasters’ to destroy many young lives. They’ve gone the way of Baal. Many have never used 1% of their Glory. Many of these destinies are delayed because there is Baal’s strange fire on your altars. Many of these destinies were diverted because of this hypocritical lifestyle of yours. Wake up your spirits and UNITE.”

“That’s why I keep reminding you son to remain holy, to remain humble and remain untainted for their sake and their #InclusiveDominion. Don’t you know you are very dangerous to Satan?”

“Higher encounters makes a man DANGEROUS to Satan.”

Today, you are the main person on earth he watches, 24/7. And as I told you in 2021, he’s been serious about it… desiring to sift you as wheat just right after this COVID-19’s lockdown. You sin, he accuses you straight before the Heavenly Council. You can’t afford to be like these people. You just can’t. You carry a MANDATE for countless generations and most IMPORTANTLY a new world to come.”

“Did I not in early 2022 inform you of what the Church in their bad character did against T.B. Joshua? They persecuted him and continued in it even after his death. Your fathers even joined dead fools I’ve long damned to persecute Joshua in his lifetime. He suffered from his very own fold — the ‘Body of Christ in Nigeria’! Yes, the very strong powers and voices from his foundation gave rise to this wickedness from you people but surely his blood was asking for vengeance for a complete one year after his departure. And I answered. I waited on them for repentance but eventually answered.”

“I Am a just GOD. I hate robbery for justice. I don’t take sides. JESUS owns GRACE — not Me. You can’t use it to manipulate Me. I Am the Father and life form of both the spiritual world and physical world. I know what every being is thinking before they even thought of thinking it. I Am the First and Last ink to every conception. I Am the ever constant Stability of Time. I Am the Adjuster of destinies. I Am the only Deity ALL worlds and dimensions must bow to. I Am GOD, the Almighty.”

“And as I used T.B. Joshua’s case to show you a mystery, I told you that at exactly one year after the blood of a just Saint that is crying for vengeance over false accusations, deliberate wickedness and gross persecution hasn’t been appeased to, I would deal with the government(s) and individuals that tormented that Saint on earth. Even if My SPECIALLY loved Servants are among them. I would especially deal with those ones. They should know better. That’s why Nigeria cannot be great again until the blood of Christians that Jihadist-killers mercilessly wasted have been atoned for. Till this earth ends, the generations of Buhari and those ‘Boko-devils sponsors’ would keep having cases to answer before My Judgement Seat. Violence would never leave Nigeria for what they did on this Fruitful Land; until I say so.”

“But you, I exempted you from My wrath for reasons known only to Me. Besides, you didn’t know. You only copied what your fathers-of-faith did, and then spoke while I was still angry with Joshua over certain things before he passed on. Be careful copying what I did not approve.”

“T.B. Joshua is a generational gift; a once in a lifetime seed. His ministry shall never die! It shall reign far powerful and globally like Foursquare Church.”

“Only Adeboye quickly sought forgiveness with his family before the timeline expired just right when he sensed My rage hovering around his spirit. Others have already heard from Me. Yes, these ones sucked Glory to its fullest but I the GLORY-Giver lives In holiness. The only thing that saved most of your fathers from My then wrath was because they walked in TRUTH throughout their lives than you. They were submitted to Me and still are, so I counted it unto them for RIGHTEOUSNESS. Look to your fathers’ humble perfections.”

“The Nigerian Church is where ministers celebrate the reproach of their colleagues in private and in public. I’ve long abandoned this assembly of polluted wicked ministers reaping the disunity within them. In their impurities will I keep using the wicked to punish and purify them. And in their purity will I only return as of old. That’s why you only move when I tell you to move; you do when I tell you to do; you talk when I tell you to talk. You do otherwise, Satan would claim you like he has done your Set who believe they’ve arrived. These ones; these bad-characters think I’m handing THE MANTLE of this era to them. [Scoffs…]. Tell me; did anyone deceive your fathers in their obscure era with the spirit-of-confusion in their form of ‘social media back then’? If the Christendom want you to inspire them to know the next direction of their yearly ‘profits’ as always, they should talk and let Me know!”

“Nigeria is a failed State with zero ratings in the morning, zero ratings in the afternoon and zero ratings at night; because the Church of Nigeria with ZERO real power is a ‘failed’ Body. You people are not going anywhere! Just rotating round same circle.”

“Your early risers prayers, daylight prayers and night times prayers — even using technology for reach — followed My approval under the Dominion Portal of 2014 you laboriously ALONE opened. Yet. behind-the-scenes you as one bunch divert church funds I kept in your care for evil, take money from politicians to manufacture fake prophecies and dare commit sexual immoralities and sodomy? I don’t rate these ones. Every thief has a reason for stealing and so does every Judge a judgement. When it became one too many, the sentences became severe. Watch.”

“Yes, I did not by GRACE attach the ‘covenant-of-purity’ to their Callings when sending them to earth but your Bible says, ‘When you love RIGHTEOUSNESS, I GOD will revisit My plan for you on earth so as to upgrade it.’ Rather, the Church of Nigeria is a deformed Body that kills their Prophets just so they can ‘inherit’ the ungiveable Gifts of those they want dead, and then use these gift Sets to fulfill a ‘grand idea’ in their dull empty heads. For these same ones to now open their mouths and pray that I use them, I would release demons to devour them and their iniquitous requests.”



We bother not revealing… lest we wake-up the ‘spirit-of-confusion’ GOD had already used this prophetic treatise to demystify and push towards our individual perfections.

Let us sing this song 7X 🎵

“We are grateful Oh Lord /2X …

For all You have done for us, …

Hallelujah, we are grateful Oh Lord!”

I pray for you: The GRACE of JESUS to SEEK only the Kingdom — His #InclusiveDominion — across all three-dimensional plains, and then SEE all your ‘earth-physical’ needs constantly met, receive now, in JESUS’ name! The yoke is broken! In JESUS’ name. Amen. 🙏

Prophet David Omoaregba



Project’s Twitter: CompanyOf3000



Prophet David & Co.

Welcome to a Prototype of GOD’s Inclusive-Dominion for the Year 3000 AD. #InclusiveDominion | prophetdavidandco@proton.me