Why do we like/are nostalgic about old cartoons or films?

2 min readJun 11, 2023


Recently we have thought films and cartoons are no longer exciting or worth watching. But when we watch their promo or trailer, we see they have worked very hard (animation, stunts, VFX, storyline, etc.). But still, they don’t excite us, and we become nostalgic about old films and cartoons. And if we observe, we find out that their stunt, VFX, etc. were not good as they are. Then why does this thing happen?

It is because of the connection between old times and old cartoons/ films. We remember the feeling those cartoons or films gave at that time because we were young, so we don’t have responsibility, tension, stress, etc. These old cartoons or movies make us remember of tension-free life. I used to watch lots of comics on vacations. So, cartoons were connected to the feeling of holidays, i.e., no school, no homework, no exam, etc.). This is why we tend to like old cartoons/films.

But as we grow and learn about the reality of life and become responsible, our tension or stress grows. We procrastinate due to stress, and in turn, procrastination increases pressure. So we feel that we need to complete the task without it, we won’t feel good or enjoy it. But after completing one job, we get another and again procrastinate. In this way, the cycle of stress continues, and we never appreciate anything, whether it is new movies or cartoons.

In reality, new cartoons or films are like the unique experiences that nature/life wants to give us. But we don’t like them and always compare them to past experiences. We want to get our happiness of old times back. So, we need to find contentment in what life gives us.

