Do You Need a Robot Vacuum for Allergy Relief in Summer?

Do you have watery eyes on windy days or are you constantly stuffy whenever it rains? It’s no surprise. Weather is actually a common trigger for allergies. Even so, the link between the weather and your symptoms is dependent on what you’re allergic to.

Summer is fast approaching and people will instinctively open doors and windows for fresh air. However, more dust and pollen in your home might increase the likelihood of a summer allergy.

In fact, indoor allergies tend to worsen during summer when allergens like molds attain their peak. Fortunately, a robot vacuum can help offer relief in the summer.

Types of Indoor Allergies Causes

While numerous allergens can elicit symptoms, the most common indoor allergens are dust mites, pet dander, mold, and cockroaches.

Dust mites

Dust mites typically live in bedding, beds, and upholstered furniture in most homes. Symptoms of dust mite allergy include a runny nose and sneezing. Many people with this allergy also exhibit signs of asthma, for instance, difficulty breathing and wheezing.

Pet Dander

Pets elicit allergic reactions in some people, making it difficult for them to be around animals such as cats or dogs without exhibiting uncomfortable symptoms, for instance, itchy eyes, a stuffy nose, and sneezing.


Molds are a kind of fungus that typically lives outdoors. However, you can find them in virtually any indoor environment. They can elicit hay fever and asthma symptoms. They pass through open windows and doors easily and settle indoors where there are excess humidity and heat.

Molds can produce severe allergic symptoms, with black mold even causing major problems both in healthy individuals and especially in persons with severely compromised immune systems.


In particular, people are allergic to the waste, bodies, and saliva of cockroaches. Signs of cockroach allergy include frequent sinus and ear infections; chest tightness, wheezing, and itchy eyes.

Using a Robot Vacuum Cleaner for Allergy Sufferers

A robot vacuum cleaner is a better option for allergy sufferers because it functions silently, without allowing dirt to scatter in the air. Moreover, it doesn’t leave dirt behind, and you can easily leave your home after deploying the cleaner to operate. A robot cleaner comprises a chamber for dirt collection and sensors that can detect dirt, along with a charging port, and drops.

Proscenic 820T for Allergy Sufferers

The Proscenic 820T is a valuable investment for every allergic sufferer. The appliance operates via three cleaning modes, unlike most robot vacuums, which merely go in arbitrary directions, leaving numerous unclean spots.

The 3-in-1 cleaner features sweeping, mopping, and cleaning modes. You can also schedule cleaning periods effortlessly and select the cleaning mode you want.

The Proscenic 820T features ultrasonic radar detection, anti-fall sensors, and a hair sensor. The sensors allow the appliance to get underneath and around furniture, making it ideal for eradicating pet hair and dust mites. The fact that you can also control it via remote control makes it an important feature of a smart home.

If you’re looking to invest in a vacuum cleaner that will help you handle indoor allergens, consider the Proscenic 820T for best results.

