Open public testing of the Big Update’s features on the Jungle EOS Testnet is launched

2 min readFeb 28, 2020

Ready, steady, go! Open public testing of the Big Update’s features on the Jungle EOS Testnet is launched. An awesome chance for every prospector to test his skills for finding gold and land rich with resources. Develop your business plan. Discover what it’s like to be a gold seeker; to search for gold, to produce tools for other players, to mine minerals, to carry cargo and to build relationships with other prospectors. Take your business to the next level by cooperating with your fellow citizens. Take your gold pan and let the adventures begin!

We have great news to announce! Everyone can participate in the Prospectors test, so ask your friends to join you!

Even if you don’t have an EOS account and know nothing about blockchain, you can participate in the Prospectors testing.

This testing is held on the EOS testnet. So a Jungle account is all that you need to take part in it. If you don’t have a Jungle account, no worries! We will help you to create one right on the Prospectors website! Also, please pay attention not to use an EOS mainnet account during registration.

Now about the differences between the testing version and the real game.

We want to emphasize that all your achievements throughout the testing won’t be saved after the game launch. However, you will gain valuable experience in practicing the skills you will need in the Prospectors world.

During the testing, the game will be accelerated to see a bigger perspective:

  • the time needed for building will be reduced by 10 times;
  • speed of workers movement will be increased by 5 times;
  • amount of materials needed for a building construction be reduced by 10 times.

The main goal of testing is to catch and fix any bugs in the UI/UX and world economy. We are excited to show you the Prospectors world and to hear your feedback and comments. The Prospectors team will focus all attention on processing feedback quickly, and continue to make improvements.

Join Prospectors testing right now! Go to

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