The Andela Women Tech Leadership program

Prossy Nakimera
2 min readJun 16, 2018


The Andela Women Tech Leadership program is a 6 weeks comprehensive program supporting ladies on their journey to become leading technologists. The program focuses on software delivery, entrepreneurship and leadership.

I am excited to be a part of the first cohort in Uganda that began on the 7th of June 2018. The program kicked off with an installation process and program launch by one of Andela’s founders, and current president of Andela, Christina Sass.

Christina shared with us an inspiring story about her challenging journey as a woman, working with men in big positions. I got to hear about the birth of Andela from one of the amazing brains behind it. Andela has been and continues to impact the lives of people like me on the continent (Africa). It gives us an opportunity to learn through programs like the Women Tech Leadership Program. The day was crowned with cake cutting and snacks. Food excites me a lot, it’s no secret. I got the opportunity to cut cake with Christina and other ladies. I encourage ladies to take on every opportunity that comes their way, including this one.

Andela Women Tech Leadership program launch

We received a project that we are already working on and we were assigned groups lead by Learning Facilitators. Our Learning Facilitators are Andelans that take time off their busy schedules to guide us on a daily and meet with us at least twice a week. On top of that, we continually receive resources to help us improve our programming skills while learning something new each day. We really appreciate you.

Besides the project, we have had a Technical Thought Leadership Session. During this session, a senior Andela software consultant shared with us his journey as a software developer, husband and father. We also got to share about our expectations from the program.To crown the week, we had a Leadership Webinar session by Agnes Muthoni, the current director of Pr-Fellowship Andela. She shared with us her story and encouraged us to stay focused despite the challenges.

So far, I have met and heard from so many amazing people. I have learnt a lot as a female software developer. I am grateful to Andela Uganda for the opportunity. For the ladies currently on the program, stay committed, learn, share and shine. I strongly encourage other ladies to apply for the next cohort. It’s free of charge by the way.



Prossy Nakimera

Artist by talent | Designer by choice | Software Developer | Child of God