Self Prostate MassageTherapy Benefits

Prostate HealthCenter
2 min readSep 27, 2019


prostate massagers for medical purposes

The prostate is a gland located between the bladder and the penis, in front of the rectum, usually a size of a walnut. The primary function of the prostate is to secrete the fluid that protects and nourishes the sperm. Many men perform prostate massage regularly and report great benefits both health wise and sexually. Prostate massage is a type of a massage or stimulation of the prostate gland and can be performed with the use of a finger or ideally by a prostate massager device. Prostate massage is most effective when you do it yourself since you know best how to apply the correct amount of pressure to the area or to insert the massaging device gently, although some prefer to have a partner perform the massage for them There are two ways in which you can massage your prostate gland:

Internal Massage — Before you start this procedure, make sure that you wash your hands first and trim your fingernails. Find a quiet and private area for a more relaxed experience. Once you are ready, insert your finger into your anus as gently as possible. Be very slow and extra careful as this is a sensitive area. Your prostate gland can be felt with your finger, its round shape and you have to do a bit of searching at first or look up online for the visuals of the exact location of it on the body. Once you have located it, massage it gently for some time by pressing on it with your finger. Much easier and effective way to perform prostate massage is by using prostate massager such as the Sonic Prostate Massager.

