What is Yandex Toloka — useful tips on how and how much you can earn

Prostudio Digital Agency
30 min readSep 27, 2020

Yandex Toloka — what is it and how to use this service? In this article, we will talk about a resource for making money on the Internet without attachments: consider reviews about this site, discuss how to make money on Toloka and how much you can earn. We will test the service, analyze sample tasks, and teach you how to use them. We will answer your frequently asked questions: how do I earn more money, register or delete an account, and withdraw money? However, most readers interested in this resource are concerned about one key question: “Yandex Toloka-is it a divorce or not and how much do performers really earn?”. Let’s try to find the answer to this question together.

Table of contents:

What is Toloka?

Before we begin to analyze the service, let’s find out what the word “Toloka” means, since some task performers are not aware of the meaning of this ancient Russian term.

Toloka is a term for a type of Christian mutual assistance. As a rule, Toloka referred to performing urgent tasks that required the participation of a large number of people, for example: mowing hay on a large plot of land, cutting down forests, planting and further harvesting. Also, under the pretext of Toloka, people were agitated to perform public works related to improving the quality of life of the population, such as building schools, churches, roads and houses for those in need of housing. This format of volunteering was practiced in Russia, Ukraine, Estonia, Lithuania, Belarus and Latvia.

We have found out what the service’s name means.let’s discuss it now: what is the essence of the So-called Yandex Toloka earning site?

What is Yandex Toloka

Yandex Toloka is a service that allows you to complete tasks for a financial fee. Here you will not be required to have any work experience or in-depth knowledge in any field. Because the task types are fairly simple, similar to working on boxes. However, immediately answering the question: “how to make money on Yandex Toloka” — you will not have to view viral content and mindlessly put likes under a photo or video.

Your main task is to test various services and answer questions related to improving the products of Yandex itself or its partners, i.e. customers. You also check the quality of work performed by your “colleagues”. We will learn more about the types of activities below.

And what do we end up with: “Toloka-a site for earning money on the Internet” — sounds very unconvincing, doesn’t it? Why should Yandex pay third parties for simple tasks?

The answer is very simple — according to the information provided by the serviceYandex Radar, the Yandex search engine processes more than 180 million requests every day:

Yandex Radar chart: number of search engine users

The system is not able to function flawlessly with such a large volume of data passing through it. What we mean is that when you enter a query in the Yandex search bar, you usually get a meaningful response to it. This happens because the algorithms of search engines, as well as assessors (employees of search engines) check the relevance of responses to search queries, and the system, in turn, tries to give the most relevant information to users, but this does not always happen “smoothly”. Sometimes assessors make an error or the system crashes and as a result, the output does not match the request intent.

For example, if you were asked to “Buy a scooter”, you would see resources that sell sleeping underwear. Freelance Toloka employees are responsible for recognizing such errors.

The principles of the service’s operation are based on this example. Performers, so to speak, optimize the work of search engines by performing tasks such as correcting topographical queries, conducting analysis for the quality of photos or videos, detecting non-functioning material or not suitable for viewing, identifying the relevance of responses to the requested information, and so on.

Initially, assessors independently coped with this work. But the number of resources is growing exponentially, so moderators have started to fail to process all their data in a timely manner. As a result, Toloka was created as an auxiliary tool for improving the quality of content. If you are interested in the process of selecting a relevant response to a query, you can read our articles about Key Collector and WordStat.

We hope that we were able to explain in detail what the Yandex. Toloka service is all about and why this portal was created. But before we get to the main questions: “how to work in Yandex Toloka?” and “is it really possible to earn money by performing simple tasks?”, let’s discuss the question that interests a considerable number of self-employed users, namely: does the company pay taxes for employees?

In some cases, the service pays the taxes for the contractor

This issue is rather sensitive and poorly covered. Let’s figure it out together. By and large, the profit received for completing tasks, starting even from $0.01, is taxable. By signing a work performance agreement with the resource, the performer confirms that they are obligated to cover their own tax payments.

This trend is more than understandable. Since many users work directly in Toloka in order to occupy their free time with useful activities and earn multiples of adding money to their phone balance or paying for travel to work.

Therefore, the organization does not consider it necessary to make deductions to tax authorities from such minor transactions — this procedure remains on the conscience of each performer.

Information about paying taxes for the performer in Yandex Toloka

However, there are Tolokers for whom the service is one of the main types of earnings and the terms of cooperation for them are already completely different. If the contractor’s profit becomes more than $1000 for 1 year, the organization undertakes to make deductions to the tax and even pension funds. Also, if necessary, the service will provide a 2-personal income tax reference.

To sum up, after the performer crosses the $1000 limit, the resource blocks payments for work until the employee provides their passport data, SNILS and TIN.

Is it possible to earn money on Yandex Toloka — is it a divorce or not

Is it really possible to earn money on Yandex. Toloka? — it all depends on what figures in your understanding correlate with the word “earnings”. As a rule, the service does not pay large amounts for the work performed, but most tasks are not complicated and can be completed fairly quickly.

Of course, if you have a main job and the service is an evening pastime for you or a part-time job during your lunch break, then you can not count on more than 30 rubles for 1 hour.

However, if your main type of earnings is working on a Toloka resource and similar portals, then over time you will adapt to the type of tasks. You do not have to spend time on detailed familiarization with the instructions, and you will immediately fulfill them. Therefore, due to fast and automatic work, the amount of material processed by you will significantly increase and your earnings may grow by 50–150%. As you can guess for yourself — it all depends on the human factor:

  • speed of information perception and analysis;
  • a comfortable time to perform work (morning, afternoon, evening, night);
  • ability to work;
  • disciplines;
  • ability to abstract during working hours.

In other words, the better you do at completing tasks, the higher your rating. The higher your rating, the more different types of tasks will be available to you.

This platform can be considered as one of the types of earnings, combining it with work on analogs. We’ll look at how much Yandex. Toloka pays for tasks a little later, because now we are getting close to an important topic, namely, getting acquainted with the functionality of the tool itself.

How to make money in Toloka-step-by-step instructions

To begin with, we would like to note an important fact — unlike many other similar services, Toloka controls all stages of the performer’s activity for most tasks. That is, many services provide you with a task, give you time to complete it, and then you can leave the vastness of this platform and perform the work using a special tool that is not associated with the service, for example: Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Word or Google Docs. However, Toloka does not allow you to do this on your own — almost all types of work are performed without leaving the service, using Yandex products, with the exception of certain tasks, such as viewing videos or photos on partner sites or private clients. However, even this content can also be viewed without leaving the site, if desired.

There are 2 key types of earnings on Toloka:

  1. Walking tasks — this type of task is displayed only from the mobile app, because the system understands the type of device you are using and generates the corresponding activity type. Therefore, if you have been successfully completing tasks related to photo-fixing certain objects for a long time, working only from your smartphone, and your rating has grown significantly, but for some reason you started working via a computer on the Toloka site, then your indicators may significantly drop due to a sharp change in your target activity.
  2. Work at home — here all activities take place, as a rule, through the computer. In other words, you don’t work in the app, but on the site and complete tasks such as evaluating publications; simple photo moderation; pairwise comparing sites; and answering banal questions such as which signal is lit at the traffic light. Some types of these tasks will also be available to you through the app, but not all of them.

Register and log in to Yandex Toloka

How do I register, log in to my merchant profile, go to my Yandex Toloka page and start working there? There is nothing complicated here, let’s analyze everything in stages.

In order to register, you will need an account in the Yandex system. So if you don’t have one, first create your email address. According to the service’s rules, only people over the age of 18 can work. Because while performing some tasks, you may come across inappropriate content that is not intended for teenagers ‘ perception. For example, material with erotic content or creepy fragments from accident scenes.

In order to register in the Cleanup, you should:

  1. Select the Yandex account that you will use to register and work with in the future (if you have several of them).
  2. Go to the siteYandex Toloka and click on the “Join”button.
Step 1 to 2: instructions on how to register on Yandex. Toloka for an artist

3. Fill out the registration block — be sure to provide correct information about yourself, since false information can play a cruel joke on you in the future, in the form of tasks that you will not be able to complete. The string where you need to enter your age does not function correctly. In other words, just entering the date of birth is not enough. After you enter the day, month, and year, a window with the calendar and the date you entered will appear to the right of the line. In order for the system to process the received information correctly, you need to confirm the date in the calendar window. Also, don’t forget to agree to the privacy policy (we recommend that you read it first).

Step 3: instructions on how to register on Yandex. Toloka for an artist

4. Before you “set sail”, we recommend that you read the contents of the quick reference about Yandex.Toloka’s capabilities, so that you don’t have any unnecessary questions during the initial stages of your work.

5. After all the above actions, click the “Go to tasks” button.

Step 4 to 5: instructions on how to register on Yandex. Toloka for an artist

Yandex Toloka travel guide

When registration is complete, you will be taken to the tasks section, which we will review later. In addition, there are auxiliary sections:

  • in progress — informs you about the progress of tasks selected by the performer that have not yet been completed;
Section: using Yandex. Toloka
  • awards — shows the list of awards received for your work;
Section: Yandex. Toloka awards
  • profile — a user’s personal account that contains information about your skills, personal data, and rating. Here you can also view your task history, select a withdrawal method, view your referral program, and view notifications;
Section: Yandex. Toloka profile

messages — in this section, you can communicate with customers, as well as receive news alerts from Toloka.

Section: Yandex. Toloka messages

We recommend that you periodically monitor changes to your rating, as it may rise and fall daily.

If you have any questions, you can click on the question mark icon located in the upper-right corner of the page. This section contains all information about the service.

Your account information is located to the right of this icon:

Green icon-informs you about the amount that is on your balance.

Gray icon-informs you about the amount that you haven’t received yet for the completed work, since the tasks are still being reviewed by a moderator or requester.

Earnings and help icons in Yandex Toloka

Training and further completing tasks

Don’t rush to reject a task if you see a price for completing it: $0.01 or even $0. The payment is indicated for training, after which the price for this type of work increases, according to how well you have mastered the material. How does the system recognize your level of competence? The answer is very simple — with the help of an exam.

Do not be afraid of this procedure. Each task is accompanied by detailed instructions and during the training you will have the opportunity to prepare. If, however, you have difficulties passing the test, do not give up and try to find new tasks. Since a preliminary technical report will be required for most of the work. In addition, exam questions are updated quite infrequently and you can easily find answers to training on the Internet, on the same Yandex products, such as Yandex.q.

Examples and interpretation of tasks

There are many different tasks available on this platform, so here are some examples of the most common ones. You can also sort the jobs from largest to smallest according to price, date of placement, recommendations based on frequently used or selected. These settings are made through the filter located under the sections.

Task sorting panel in Yandex Toloka

In addition to sorting tasks, you can configure the output of certain tasks from certain clients. This filter is located in the right section of the page.

Filter for issuing tasks in Yandex Toloka

Evaluation of content quality ($0.01 to us $3.5)

As a rule, the performer needs to evaluate the quality of images, videos, text, or audio accompaniment of certain material. The most important thing in this task is to first read the instructions to understand exactly what is required of you. Because you don’t always need to evaluate the overall content of the material. For example, there are photos where you need to analyze a particular object or video, that is, you need to evaluate a particular passage or one person.

Task in Yandex. Toloka: evaluating the quality of content

The relevance of the videos ($0,01 — $0,03)

You need to determine which video clip corresponds to the search query. If the video clip is not relevant, you should note that it is not relevant. You can view the video either on the resource page or follow a link to the requester’s own site.

Task in Yandex. Toloka: relevance of videos

Checking comments for toxicity ($0.01 — $0.02)

Sometimes there are swear words in the comments to the companies that are hosted on different platforms, for example, the card of the organization in Google or Yandex maps. The performer’s task is to search for text that contains profanity or insults to users.

Task in Yandex. Toloka: checking comments for toxicity

Comparison of search queries ($0.01)

There is a target search query and an auxiliary one. In principle, the secondary one duplicates the main one or clarifies it. It is necessary to understand whether they are actually connected. It takes from 1 to 3 minutes to complete a single task of this type. If you encounter issues with videos, you will encounter a problem in the form of ads before viewing the video. Unfortunately, AdBlock won’t help you with this issue, because the system requires you to disable this extension before completing the task, otherwise, the videos just won’t start.

Task in Yandex. Toloka: comparison of search queries

Analysis of the relevance of the response ($0.01 — $6)

Despite the fact that search engine algorithms are constantly improving, they are not yet able to process and analyze all the semantic aspects of search queries, which are quite a small number. In other words, you are conducting a comparative analysis of the relevance of the response to the search query. This is why this type of task may occur very often. They are not difficult in themselves, however, they must pass training that is not paid for. If you consider this service as one of the main types of earnings, we recommend that you do not ignore the training, but go through it, since later you will be able to access some of the highest-paid tasks. In fact, the relevance of a search query response is a very important topic for discussion among various IT professionals. Our digital Agency has been working in the field of SEO-promotion of resources for more than 8 years. In addition to providing services in this industry, we also provide initial consultations to our clients.

Task in Yandex. Toloka: analyzing the relevance of the response

Video or audio recording ($0.03 — $5)

Users of certain phone models or laptops that are required for this type of task are offered a job where they need to show the functionality of their gadget’s microphone or camera. Also, there are tasks where you need to record on video the answers to a list of prepared questions.

Task in Yandex. Toloka: recording video or audio

Natural responses ($0.05 — $0.08)

If you are completing tasks in Toloka for the purpose of having an interesting time, you will most likely like this type of work. Its purpose is to make adjustments to the responses of Alice’s virtual assistant. To do this you will need to analyze its responses to users questions and choose how high quality they are:

  • bad;
  • good;
  • neutral.

At first, you may have some difficulties when performing this task, but over time you will “gain a hand” and will quickly cope with the work.

Task in Yandex. Toloka: natural responses

Pairwise site comparison ($0.01 — $1)

Site comparison is one of the most difficult tasks to perform, so it is very important to study the instructions in detail before completing it.

Task in Yandex. Toloka: pairwise site comparison

Moderation of posts, articles, and ads ($0.02 — $0.03)

There may be various tasks in this category. An example of one of them is correcting typos in search queries. For example:

  • “CCPIT oldlink” — “to buy a refrigerator»;
  • “gjcvjnhtnm abkmv” — “ watch a movie»;
Task in Yandex. Toloka: checking for typos

Clicking on Yandex or Google, you will be provided with clues from which you must choose the correct answer.

Walking tasks ($0,1 — $4)

Such tasks are designed to work in the field, that is, on the street. You won’t have any problems getting them, even if your geo position is constantly changing. The most common types of tasks are:

  • take snapshots of the entire building;
  • take photos of certain parts of the building (Windows, entrance, banner on the building, steps, and so on);
  • calculate the number of vehicles that have passed in a particular road section during the specified time period.
The field in the application Yandex cleanup

These tasks are only available from smartphones, via the Yandex. Toloka app.

We have reviewed the types of tasks that are most common. In fact, the service has a lot more of them. You may encounter various tasks, for example: classifying information, searching for errors in translation, passing surveys, or finding inaccuracies in voice acting.

Differences between working on the site and in the app

According to my personal experience, as well as a survey conducted among Toloka employees who have been working with the service for more than 1 year, tasks are easier to complete through the app. Since the UI is the application interface design the UX design has been developed more thoroughly than on the site, starting with the layout of forms and buttons, ending with the visual component and ease of completing the tasks themselves, which are predisposed for mobile devices. However, the problem is that not all tasks available on the site will be available via the app. For example, editing an image or comparing small details in a photo. You should also keep in mind that the available tasks related to moderation of photos and similar works will be difficult to complete, since the content with images is not adapted for mobile devices.

We conducted a small test and found out that when using the app on iPhone 6, the task output is completely different than on the iPhone XR. More precisely, the number of task types is significantly reduced when working through an outdated model.

The only types of work that can be done through the app and will not be available on the site are field tasks, or more precisely, walking tasks. These types of tasks usually pay more than most simple tasks on the site. And, for performing complex tasks, it takes a lot of time to prepare and further execute them. However, walking tasks are quite problematic in many regions in autumn and winter due to weather conditions. Most often, such work is not taken as a basis, but performed in parallel with the main tasks. For example, on your way to a store, you pass through a Park. Toloka may display a task for you — to take a photo of the fence of a given taxi company. By spending 5 seconds of your time on this order, you can earn from 0.05 to 0.1$. But, as practice has shown, few people will run around the city for a whole day, most people will get tired after a couple of hours.

We talked about the types of earnings on this platform, let’s analyze: how to withdraw money wages Yandex cleanup.

How to withdraw money

This is how money is withdrawn in Toloka:

  1. Go to the “Profile” section.
  2. Select “My money”.
  3. Select the output system.
  4. Specify the withdrawal amount.
Step 1 to 4: withdraw money from Yandex. Toloka

5. Confirm the withdrawal amount with a text message code.

Step 5: withdraw money from Yandex. Toloka

6. You can make sure that this operation was successful in the messages section.

Step 6: withdraw money from Yandex. Toloka

If you are withdrawing money for the first time, the transfer procedure may take from 3 to 5 days. In subsequent times, up to 5 minutes.

System for output:

Yandex money-minimum transfer amount: $0.02; Commission: 0.1%.

PayPal-minimum transfer amount: $0.02; Commission: 2–7%, depending on the transfer amount.

Papara-minimum transfer amount: $ 0.5; Commission: 2%.

To the phone number — the minimum transfer amount: $0.02; Commission: 4%.

Skrill-minimum transfer amount: $1; Commission: 1%.

Payoneer — minimum transfer amount: $20; Commission: 2%.

How to delete an account

To delete your Yandex. Toloka account, you need:

  1. Go to the “Profile” section.
  2. Click on the “Edit” button located to the left of the “Personal data” header.
The step from 1st to 2nd: instructions on how to remove an account in Yandex cleanup

3. On the personal data page, select the Delete profile command located in the lower-right corner.

Step 3: instructions for deleting your Yandex. Toloka account

Job recommendations and tricks for beginners

In this section, we will discuss what difficulties service performers may face and how to solve them. We will also look at how to properly build your business in order to earn more money during a standard period of your working time.

Profitable and easy tasks on the site

On this platform, you may encounter so-called “good” or “ bad “ tasks. In other words, you can spend no more than 20 minutes on some tasks and earn $0.2 — $1. But there are also orders that can take more than 1 hour to complete and earn you $0.01 — $0.03. Let’s look at which types of tasks are most profitable. Some of them we have already considered earlier, but on these examples we will analyze exactly the ratio of time spent and earnings.

Evaluating the quality of related queries ($0.01)

The meaning of the task is very simple — there is a main query and an auxiliary one. You will need to specify a definition for the second one. That is, what exactly it does: it replaces, generalizes, or details the target query. The average execution time is no more than 2 minutes.

The relevance of the videos ($0,01 — $0,03)

Note whether the video content matches the search query or not. There are quite a large number of tasks of this type, with an average completion time of about 5 minutes.

Image quality analysis ($0.01 — $0.03)

You need to evaluate how well the photo was taken. Excellent — you can see all the elements of the photo. Satisfactory-a photo with average lighting and not everything can be clearly defined. Unsatisfactory-the photo turned out to be blurred, or small in size and it is almost impossible to make out the contents on it. The task takes no more than 10 minutes to complete.

Correcting errors in query writing ($0.02)

Correcting incorrectly entered words in the request (examples are given above). If you are having trouble sorting it out, you can get help from search engines and see the results for these queries. As a rule, the number of issues should not exceed 12. The execution time is about 3–5 minutes.

Helping Alice ($0.05 — $0.08)

Your task is to evaluate the responses of Alice’s search assistant. It doesn’t work right away. But after you get used to it, the time to complete the task will be no more than 10 minutes.

Why tasks aren’t loading

Why aren’t tasks opened or loaded in Toloka? In principle, the reasons are almost the same as on most similar services.

  1. Problems with the site itself: software updates, server overloads, and so on.
  2. In the case of an app, it may be that your mobile device is outdated and cannot download the material.
  3. You have a lot of programs running in parallel. Forcibly close all processes and restart your device.
  4. Your smartphone doesn’t have enough memory — get rid of unnecessary apps and content.
  5. Your cache is overloaded — clear it.
  6. Check if your Internet connection is not lost (it may also be due to your speed).
  7. Make sure that extensions that might prevent you from starting the service are disabled. To do this, you need to open the site in incognito mode. If the resource is being started, it may be because of them.

Technical support contacts

As we have already mentioned, the service has a question mark icon, which you can click to get the answer to most of your questions. However, all responses are template-based and are based on frequently encountered problems that the performer may encounter. What to do if you need help in Toloka and you didn’t find the information you need.

Unfortunately, the resource doesn’t have a contact phone number. Therefore, if you want to contact a Yandex. Toloka representative, you will need to fill out the feedback form. What does this require:

  1. Click on this link.
  2. Open the tab “something doesn’t work on the platform”.
  3. Select “Other”.
  4. Then click on the phrase “Feedback”.
Step 1 to 4: getting feedback from Yandex Toloka technical support

5. Fill out the feedback form.

Step 5: getting feedback from Yandex Toloka technical support

As a rule, you will be contacted within 2 days.

How a rating is considered in Toloka and how to increase it

Previously, Yandex. Toloka had two types of rating: relative and absolute. It was all very simple to understand. But recently, these divisions have been removed and linked to the overall rating. After that, it became extremely difficult to understand the rating calculation process. As a result, a lot of guesses and assumptions on this topic appeared. The service, in turn, “does not reveal the cards” and how the system actually functions, no one can know for sure. Personally, we hold a certain opinion, however, do not take the following information at face value.

Despite the fact that 2 rating types were linked to 1, it now contains 4 components:

  1. The number of tasks that users perform.
  2. The quality of the work performed.
  3. Speed of execution.
  4. Frequency of execution.

For example, a person only performs the “relevance of videos” task with a frequency of more than 30 times a week, while coping with the task instantly and efficiently and, let’s say, making mistakes in 10% of the entire list of tasks related to this topic. How can I calculate its rating? The calculation formula should look like this:

  • the artist’s initial rating is 100;
  • the initial rating of the task itself is 100;
  • execution speed indicator-1;
  • the performance quality indicator is 0.9 (10% — errors);
  • the regularity indicator is 1.

Calculation: 100 + 100 * 0,9 * 1 * 1 = 190.

For example, the user will perform a different type of task in parallel, but not as efficiently — allowing 50% of errors in the work.

This means that the calculation will look like this: 100 + 100 * 0,9 * 1 * 1 + 100 * 0,5 * 1 * 1 = 250.

We hope that we were able to clearly explain the rating calculation process. However, we would like to note once again that this is just speculation, based on reviews from Yandex Toloka performers and personal calculations based on examples of completing tasks. Only Yandex can really know how everything is organized. Now we’re getting to the question of how to make more money in Toloka.

How to earn faster and more money

Here is a list of some recommendations that you can follow to increase your rating, the number of tasks you receive, and your earnings.

  1. Try to work more on weekdays — on Saturdays and Sundays, most people work part-time on the platform. In this regard, all “delicious” tasks are snatched up very quickly, and the server is overloaded and begins to slow down. If we consider the most profitable time to work on weekdays, then, as a rule, it is: from 23: 00 to 08:00 in the morning; from 10:30 to 12:30; from 15:00 to 16: 30.
  2. Do not get carried away — at the “first stage” after training, when you will think that you have already learned everything and know everything, do not take up 3 or 4 tasks at the same time — do everything in stages. Moreover, the training contains the most common tasks, but not all of them. Therefore, first of all, choose 1 or 2 tasks and get them done. In this way, your rating will increase, and therefore your payment for tasks will also increase.
  3. Master hot keys — this skill will significantly speed up the work process. For example, by clicking “Enter” after selecting an answer, you will confirm your decision and move on to the next part of the task. The keys: 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on correspond to the answer options.
  4. Look for similar tasks in terms of meaning — let’s say you have adjusted to evaluating the relevance of text responses to user queries. Try performing tasks of the same type, only with videos. Because the meaning of the task and the sequence of actions are no different. Therefore, you will not spend a lot of time and effort on such work.
  5. Expensive, does not mean good — for example, the average payment for the activity “site Evaluation” is $0.05 — $0.1. But, you will kill a lot of time to study the instructions. At the same time, the price for comparative analysis of images is $0.02. Considerably less isn’t it? However, it is much easier and faster to complete this task. In other words, during the time of performing one site evaluation task, you will have time to complete about 7 to 8 tasks for comparing images. As a result, you will earn more.
  6. Take a responsible approach to your work — in passing banal surveys, do not click at random. Even after training, read the instructions again. In other words, try to do your job well. The service also pays bonuses to the best employees. To get a reward from $10 to $100, you need to complete at least 25 tasks in a row and keep your rating at least 90%. The bonus amount depends on the task complexity.

In addition to all of the above, you can earn extra money on the referral program. The meaning of the program is simple-bring a friend. Everyone who clicked on your generated link will bring you a profit from their earnings:

  • You can earn 20% of the profit from each invited performer on the “ field tasks»;
  • 5% from all other types of work;
  • 5% of the monthly bonus.

To copy a referral link you need:

  1. Go to the “Profile” section.
  2. Select “Referral program”.
  3. Click on the phrase “Copy link”.
Step 1 to 3: getting a link to the referral program

We have reviewed a number of basic points that answer the question: how to make more money in Toloka. However, it will take a long time to master the intricacies of working with the service and follow all the above tips without much effort. Is it worth it? It is necessary to understand how much, in principle, you can earn on this platform?

How much money can you really earn in Yandex Toloka

If you sit on forums on the Internet, you can come across different reviews about how much you can earn on Yandex.Toloka, but which of them are honest and which are not — remains a mystery. We conducted a study on this topic and indicated the average earnings of users who devote no more than 2 hours a day to work, working part — time 2–3 times a week. And also, the maximum earnings of people for whom the service is one of the main activities and they work daily. These indicators were calculated based on feedback from performers who were included in the survey.

How much money can you earn on Toloka per day

  • Additional activity (2 hours per day) — $0.4 ≈ 30 rubles.
  • Main activity (8 hours per day) — $6.5 ≈ 500 rubles.

How much money can you earn on Yandex. taxiper month

  • Additional activity (12 days per month) — $4.6 ≈ 350 rubles.
  • Main activity (24 days per month) — $156 ≈ 11,800 rubles.

An illustrative example, the history of accruals for 1 month, and a performer who moonlights on the platform in his spare time:

Indicators of earnings in Yandex cleanup for a month

Customer service

We will not consider in detail which projects you can create for an order and which you can not. You can find examples of them yourself in the tasks section. Let’s look at the main points: how to register and post a task.

How can a requester register in Yandex Toloka

  1. Create a Yandex account (if you don’t have one).
  2. Go to the sitecreated for customer registration.
  3. Click on the “Start” button.
Step 1 to 3: Yandex. Toloka registration instructions for customers

4. Select the “Create tasks” goal.

Step 4: instructions for registering in Yandex. Toloka for customers

5. Fill in all the registration details (please provide your current contact information, since you will need to confirm your phone number at the next registration stages).

Step 5: instructions for registering in Yandex. Toloka for customers

6. Come up with a nickname — as you will be treated the performers in the messages.

Step 6: instructions for registering in Yandex. Toloka for customers

7. Confirm your contact phone number.

Step 7: instructions for registering in Yandex. Toloka for customers

8. First familiarize yourself with the features of the Toloka service.

9. Click the “Create task” button located in the upper-right corner of the page.

The step from the 8th to 9th: the instruction at check in Yandex cleanup for customers

How to post tasks:
There are ready-made templates for generating tasks. If you didn’t find what you were looking for, choose “Empty template”. We will look at the creation process for ready — made tasks, since they are identical to empty tasks.the only difference is that for empty tasks, you create the task yourself, and for ready tasks, you only adjust the data that has already been generated.

  1. Select a template.
Step 1: instructions for placing a task on Yandex. Toloka

2. Adjust the task in the template.

Step 2: instructions for placing a task on Yandex. Toloka

3. After you have adjusted the task, click on the phrases “Save changes” and “Finish editing”.

Step 3: instructions for placing a task on Yandex. Toloka

4. Then you need to add a so-called task pool, where you can set up criteria for selecting performers, quality control, and pricing.

Step 4: instructions for placing a task on Yandex. Toloka

5. After making all the pool settings, don’t forget to save your changes.

Instructions for placing a task on Yandex. Toloka: pool editor
Step 5: instructions for placing a task on Yandex. Toloka

6. After completing all the above operations, you will only need to top up your account and “start the pool”.

Toloka Analogues

Below, we have provided information about similar services to Toloka, and you can decide which ones are the most profitable or least profitable.


This service is intended for accepting orders and issuing them to performers in cruise marketing and applications aimed at social activities. On the one hand, the advantage of UNU is that it is aimed at working with tasks in a relatively narrow activity and the performer does not have to master all the subtleties of work for a long time. But, this is also its disadvantage. Because the scope of tasks is very limited for employees.

The minimum cost for completing a task starts from 20 kopecks. By and large, the most important advantage of the platform is that almost all tasks are very simple and do not require prior training, for example: put a like, subscribe to the community or leave a comment. However, if we are talking about comments about organizations on specialized resources — you need to write them correctly and follow the rules of the platform that you write to. Learn more about how to leave a review on Google Maps, Yandex Maps or Web of Trust, you can find in our articles.


An online resource where you can perform non-complex tasks. The pay for the work is very reasonable, compared to competitors. However, the number of tasks is not large enough to be considered as an exchange for basic earnings. When comparing it with Toloka, performers are also not required to have in-depth knowledge of any topic.

The Commission for withdrawing funds is approximately the same, but the advantages are that the number of familiar e-wallets for most users is significantly higher: Yandex.Money, Qiwi, and WebMoney. The minimum withdrawal amount is 50 rubles. There is also a referral program. Completed tasks are reviewed within 3 to 10 minutes. The minimum cost for completing a task is 50 kopecks. In addition, you can become a customer on this platform.


A service that you can use both through the app and on the site. The resource is very similar to Toloka in its type of building communications with customers and performers. However, the significant differences are that the task types on Workzilla are more diverse. There are some easy and complex tasks, but most of them take significantly longer to complete than in Toloka. But the amount of earnings is much more. Once you get used to it, you can earn 10,000 to 30,000 rubles per month. It all depends on how well you understand the specifics of certain tasks. Since this exchange is designed for freelancers specializing in various industries: web design, programming, copywriting, SEO-optimitization, setting up contextual advertising etc. In other words, in addition to the usual tasks: write a review or put a like, there are tasks that can take several days to complete. In addition, the types of work can be both online and field-based. For example, you can work as a secret buyer. You can find work on the resource for both an expert in a particular field and a novice. Task output is generated according to the user’s rating. That is, usually a new employee of Workzilla will have to perform 5–10 simple and low-paid tasks to raise the rating and get a “delicious” job.


An exchange that allows you to earn money by performing simple tasks: put a like, write a review, participate in voting, register in the specified app, and watch a video. All tasks are of the same type and pass through 2 stages of verification:

  1. Approval by a moderator.
  2. Verification by the requester.

If all tasks are completed the first time, without errors — your rating increases. In accordance with this, the price for your services also increases. Experienced performers who have a high rating can get a permanent job and become moderators of the service.

Reviews of the service — personal opinion


“Yandex Toloka-earning money without attachments on the Internet”. In my understanding, however, this is a very high-profile statement, which cannot be correlated with making a profit of 500 rubles for a full working day. Of course, earnings — the concept is very relative, but we all understand that this amount of money is clearly not enough for a person even for the needs of basic necessities.

Therefore, it is not necessary to focus on this resource as a target activity. The service is clearly not suitable for this role. Rather, it is a good way to earn extra money for students, in between lectures or in the evenings over a Cup of tea. Also for people who are looking for an interesting time after work. For example, if you are walking around a city, you can check to see if the service has any walking tasks in the vicinity. So that this walk will bring you a small financial bonus.

We have indicated the approximate amounts that performers can receive per day of work or per month. You can make your own conclusions about whether you can make money on Toloka. If you have something to add from the material you read, or if you have any questions, please write to us in the comments and we will respond to you as soon as possible.

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