What is Yandex Wordstat and how to use it correctly

Prostudio Digital Agency
8 min readAug 28, 2020


How do I select statistics based on search queries and parse keywords in Yandex Wordstat? How do I work with it? How can I build the semantic core of a site using this parser? And what are the plus, minus, exclamation mark, quotation marks, and parentheses operators? Let’s look at all these issues today.

Table of contents:

Online Wordstat Parser — what it is and why it is needed

Wordstat is a service designed to collect statistics on key queries for specified cities and technical devices that users enter in the Yandex search bar. In other words, you can use this parser to get information about the basic or exact particulars, as well as the number of words on the required topic.

Today, Wordstat is a very useful tool in SEO optimization services the site or its specific page. In addition, using this service, you can analyze any industry that interests you and understand in more detail how popular it is among other users. Of course, SEO specialists use a lot of other services besides it, but in most cases, the initial analysis based on the provided information from the client begins with this parser. Of course, wordstat is not really a parser, since It is an internal Yandex service that provides information about the number of user queries in the search engine itself.

The base frequency is General information that you get when you write a query in Wordstat without syntax, declension, or an exact word form. It shows the total number of all words or phrases that contain phrases included in this query in any word forms and queue.

The exact frequency is the number of times a person uses a particular word or phrase in the search engine over a period of 30 days.

In addition, using Wordstat, you can easily determine the seasonality and regionality of keywords. Basically, this is an uncomplicated service. Let’s now look at the details of how to use Wordstat.


How to work with Wordstat

How is the frequency of keywords checked in the search results?Wordstat? To begin with, let’s start with a simple and clear example.

Before you start working in this service, you need to register with it (i.e. have a Yandex account).

Registering with Wordstat

Then you can enter the search query that interests you in the search bar. In order to review the functionality of the service, let’s take a frequently asked user question: “phone repair”.

How to work with Wordstat

As you may have noticed, the output is divided into 2 columns:

  • The left column shows all the statistics for words that are typed in conjunction with”phone repair”. Therefore, the number that shows the frequency of the query does not refer directly to the two words you are looking for, but rather shows the total number of queries by counting all the word forms listed below that are located under the given phrase. To collect the exact frequency, you must use auxiliary operators.
  • Right column-displays similar semantic queries with the specified topic. You may have a very logical question: “How does the system determine the similarity of requests?”. Without going into details, it looks like this: Wordstat collects all the information about each user: what queries they entered and for what period of time, and then conducts some kind of analysis, comparing similar queries with each other for most users over the past 30 days. Example: during a period of 30 days, 100 people requested: “the development of an online store”. Of these, 40 people requested: «website promotion». As a result, the system tracks the same requests from the same users and generates a ready-made solution in the right column of suggestions.

How to upload words from Wordstat to Excel

Here everything is very simple. You need to:

  1. Install a special browser extension.
  2. On the Wordstat page, a window will appear in the left corner.
  3. Then enter the required query.
  4. You will see a “+”icon next to each word or phrase received in the search results.
  5. You need to click on the “ + “ located near each query you are interested in, so these words will fall into the window.
  6. There are two icons at the top of the window — copy with and without frequency.
  7. Select the appropriate copy method, then paste it into Excel.
How to download words from Podstata in Excel

Of course, you can just copy them without supporting services, but it will take you a little longer. After understanding the basic functionality of this service, let’s look at how to correctly select keywords for an accurate entry in a search phrase.

What are operators?

To Refine information based on keyword search results, you need to understand what operators are.

Operators are specialized symbols that serve as an auxiliary tool for determining the exact frequency of the search query. List of operators:

  • quotation marks;
  • plus;
  • minus;
  • exclamation mark;
  • round parenthesis;
  • square brackets.

Quotation marks

“” — using this operator, you will get information about exactly how many words you entered in the query without additional word forms. In other words, if you wrote “mobile phone repair”, then there will be no information about “mobile phone repair”. But this operator does not fix the word combination, from declensions, plural and singular forms. That is, you will be shown information on: “phone repair”; “phone repair” and so on.

Usage example: “phone repair”.

Wordstat-words in quotation marks

Exclamation mark

!- defines the request form. In other words, you will get accurate information about the exact phrase: “repair phones”, without declension, case, number and time, such as:” repair phones”;” repair phones “ and so on. Also, we should not forget that the exclamation mark should be placed before each word, without indents.

Usage example:!repair !telephones’.

Wordstat-exclamation mark before the word

Square brackets

[ ]- shows the word order in the query. You can use this operator to study requests for tickets from one city to another. For example, if you want to find out the number of people who are interested in traveling from St. Petersburg to Moscow, and not Vice versa, then this operator will help you with this. Since the number of requests for “Saint Petersburg-Moscow tickets” is 5,916 for the last 30 days, and: “Moscow — Saint Petersburg tickets” is 14,528 for the last 30 days. Therefore, as you yourself may have noticed, the indicators are very different and without this clarification, you would have received radically incorrect figures for the search query. Going back to the example of “phone repair”, you can use this operator to understand the word order and analyze queries in this area in more detail, so that you can further generate an ad or make headlines on the selling page.

Usage example: [phone repair].

Wordstat-words in square brackets


“+”- there are some words and prepositions that Wordstat does not take into account. This operator forces these words to be visible to the service.

Usage example: phone repair +this.

Wordstat-plus before the word


“- “- in turn, removes unnecessary words that are in the output list.

Usage example: phone repair-cheap-center-price.

Wordstat-minus sign before the word

Round parenthesis

«( | )» — allows grouping search phrases.

Usage example: repair (for phones | computers).

Wordstat — the words in parentheses

Answers to frequently asked questions

Very often we hear the following questions from novice SEO-optimizers and marketers. Therefore, we decided to create a list of short answers to them.

What are desktops?

By selecting the “desktops” section, you give the service a command to show only information about search queries from laptops and computers.

What are wordstat desktops?

How mass verification of query frequency is performed

Here everything depends on the subject and volume of the base frequency of requests. In other words, by performing this procedure, you conduct a detailed analysis of each word. Thus, you need to collect all classes of query frequencies:

  • high frequency-more than 10,000 requests in 30 days;
  • average frequency-from 1000 to 10,000 requests over 30 days;
  • low-frequency requests — less than 1,000 requests per 30 days.

However, the division data is conditional, and it all depends on the query subject. Therefore, in some cases, using the above extension, you select the necessary queries and transfer them to Excel. Sometimes the number of words on the topic you are interested in is too large and it is better to use auxiliary programs for compiling the semantic core, such as Key Collector.

How to remove a captcha

If you want to disable captcha you need to:

  1. To install adblock.
  2. Log in to the Wordstat service.
  3. Click the adblock button located in the upper-right corner.
  4. And disable adblock while on the Wordstat page.

How to view the request history

If you want to view the search history, you need to click on the white circle located to the right of the phrase “search History”, which is located under the search bar of Yandex. Direct.

How to view the query history in Wordstat

As you may have noticed, the chart shows information by month, but you can also find out the output by week.

The absolute value is a practical definition of queries at different times.

The relative value is the ratio of queries for the selected keywords to the total number of Yandex queries. In simple terms, this chart shows the popularity of a keyword relative to all others.

The request history can be very helpful when selling seasonal products, such as renting water transport, since the issue rate may differ drastically in summer and winter.

Final outcome

In conclusion, let’s see what the exact frequency of a query in Wordstat looks like in its entirety.

Usage example: “[! repair ![+this].”

Wordstat-final result

This way, you will get the most accurate information for the search query. In other words, fix the query in terms of number, time, declension, number of additional words, and sequence. If you still have any questions about the material you read, please write to us in the comments and we will respond to you.

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