Pro Supply Global: Why Paper Bags With Handles Are The Better Option?

5 min readFeb 21, 2024
Why Paper Bags With Handles Are The Better Option?


Paper bags with handles have become an increasingly popular choice for environmentally-conscious consumers and businesses alike. Paper bags with handles offer sustainability along with convenience and style. Here’s a closer look at why paper bags with handles may be the better option for your needs:

  1. Environmental Impact: One of the biggest advantages of paper bags with handles is their low environmental impact compared to plastic bags. Paper bags are biodegradable, meaning they break down naturally over time without releasing toxic chemicals into the soil or waterways. Most of them are also made from renewable materials like recycled paper or sustainably harvested trees. Plastic bags, on the other hand, are made from petroleum. They do not biodegrade, and both their production and disposal contribute to climate change and pollution. Globally, plastic bag waste also kills marine life and litter landscapes. Paper bags are a reusable, renewable alternative.
  2. Reusable and Recyclable: While plastic carrier bags are typically used just once before being discarded, paper bags with handles lend themselves better to reuse. As long as they are not soaked through or overly abused, paper bags with handles hold up well to multiple uses. For example, a sturdy kraft paper gift bag with handles could be used multiple times as a gift bag before ultimately being recycled. A grease-resistant white paper takeout bag with handles may serve several lunches or dinners before being composted or recycled. With some creativity, consumers can get a lot of mileage out of their paper bags with handles before recycling them responsibly. This leads to less waste of time.
  3. Customization: Another advantage of paper bags with handles, especially kraft paper bags with handles, is how customizable they are. While plastic bags look pretty generic, paper bags can showcase a company’s branding and personality. Retail businesses can order paper bags with their logos, slogans, or other designs printed right onto the bags. This turns their bags into reusable walking advertisements for their brand. For special events like weddings or birthdays, hosts can track down festive paper gift bags with handles printed with the event details or themes. This allows the bags to coordinate with the rest of the decor. No matter what the occasion, it’s easy to find paper bags with handles to match it. This customization can build brand recognition and get conversations started.
  4. Bag Style Variety: Paper bags with handles have an advantage over plastic bags when it comes to available shapes and sizes. While plastic bags are typically limited to being thin and made in standard grocery/retail sizes, paper bag-style options seem endless! On the smaller end, there are tiny white paper bags with handles perfect for holding little gifts or treats. Step up a few sizes and find natural kraft paper bags with handles ready for pie deliveries, fabric purchases, or heavier gifts. Extra-large paper bags with handles that work beautifully for oversized or odd-shaped items. For ease at checkout, rectangular and square paper takeout bags allow meals to be easily packed up. Origami-inspired paper bags boast flat bottoms that make them easier to load up and sit upright on their own. No matter what size or shape items need carrying, there is likely a paper bag option available that’s up for the task. This range of size and style outpaces standard plastic carrier bags.
  5. Strength & Durability: Don’t be fooled by their lighter weight and soft texture — quality paper bags with handles are deceivingly tough! Thanks to advanced paper processing techniques, materials like kraft paper produce strong paper bags. Revolutionary new materials like ValoFlex offer even more long-lasting solutions. Double-layer handle construction helps paper bags with handles support heavier loads without tearing or getting overly stretched out. Sturdy bottom panels prevent sogginess and accidents. Water-resistant coatings allow paper bags to stand up to small spills or rain showers. While no carrier bag lasts forever, modern paper bags with handles boast serious strength and durability that exceed expectations. When produced responsibly using ethical forestry practices, they offer a sustainable packaging solution.

6. Visual Appeal: In addition to their versatility and smart designs, paper bags with handles simply look nice. They have a certain visual warmth and texture that polished plastic sacks cannot compete with. Kraft paper bags with handles look organic and pleasantly rustic. White paper bags with handles keep things fresh and bright. Even basic brown-folded paper bags have an appeal all their own. Prints and colors allow branding while also looking fun. Overall, paper bags with handles win on aesthetics alone. They look good while doing their job responsibly.

7. Eco-Friendly Brand Image: Eco-conscious consumers actively look for businesses that align with their values. Offering paper bags with handles instead of plastic bags is a small change that sends a big message. It tells customers that a business cares about limiting its environmental impact. It shows that they are invested in making sustainable choices whenever reasonable.

If a business’s customer base leans especially green, promoting the availability of paper bags with handles could encourage more sales. While plastic bags are unfortunately still common, they may soon carry a negative stigma. Switching proactively to paper bags with handles can keep a business ahead of the curve in public perception. It also contributes to a healthier planet all can enjoy.

8. Quality & Value: Between their smart branding opportunities, extreme versatility, and attractive appearance, paper bags with handles deliver noticeable value. They provide an environmentally responsible function that holds up beautifully under frequent use. When produced responsibly using ethical sourcing standards, paper bags with handles match plastic bags in price if purchased in bulk. Custom printing costs may increase prices slightly in some cases but deliver return value through effective advertising.

For most applications, there is little reason the increased quality and sustainability of paper bags with handles should cost substantially more than standard plastic bags. Businesses are willing to purchase upgraded bags in larger quantities to keep costs affordable. Conscientious consumers are getting used to paying more for ecologically sound choices that match their values. Investing in paper bags with handles often pays dividends through improved customer loyalty and retention over time.

Paper Bags With Handles Offer the Best Choice

From custom-printed kraft paper gift bags with handles to daily white paper lunch sacks, paper bags with handles have a lot to offer both business owners and their environmentally-minded customers. They represent a sustainable, customizable alternative to standard plastic bags.

With their renewable materials and appealing textures, paper bags with handles have an approachable earthy aesthetic. Despite their lightweight and soft feel, modern manufacturing techniques give paper bags impressive strength and versatility. They are at home carrying everything from light snacks to heavy gifts or grocery runs.

As public favor turns against environmentally damaging plastic bags, more businesses should consider offering paper bags with handles in their place. Affordable bulk purchasing keeps prices reasonable while helping build an eco-conscious brand image.




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