A journey to the fifth dimension has begun

2 min readOct 22, 2022


What is the fifth dimension? Much has been written and said about the Fifth Dimension. Many see it as a new reality that we humans will live in when the transformation of our planet is complete.

Many equate it with Heaven because it fits their religious beliefs. Others identify it with their personal spiritual development. Others believe that it is a dimension, ie. two levels above the third dimension as the world we now live in is scientifically explained.

Too much can be said by each or by different philosophical schools about what the fifth dimension is. However, it is not possible to catch them all and analyze them, but they are all based on a common denominator.

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Departure to the fifth dimension

The fifth dimension is an entirely new level of reality somewhere else in space or among the thousands of possible dimensions that the multidimensional universe may have. We won’t change planets, or transform into something else, or go somewhere else, or be abducted by beings from other dimensions or our own to take us home and usher into their world, which they probably won’t we can harmonize or perceive, as it would be something inconceivable to our mind and the capabilities of our senses.

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