The Bible of the Dead — the path of the soul after death

2 min readSep 11, 2022


The ancient Hellenic “Guide of the Dead” or as it is more commonly known, the Bible of the Dead, provides excellent information on the spiritual heritage of Egypt and also on the journey of the human soul after death.

Let’s take a look at the history and contents of the Most Famous Book of the Dead, revealing the dark mysteries, the supernatural properties it contained, and the practical instructions for an effective afterlife.

Death predominates in the history of human civilization, confirming the mortality of every living thing that walks this planet. The concept of death has terrorized the human species for millennia, and its elimination has been done in various ways, some of which are enshrined in several religious beliefs. Egyptian culture was, of course, no exception.

A typical misunderstanding that the Bible of the Dead gives rise to is that it is an ancient Egyptian religious dogma.

But to better understand this book, we need to think of it as a practical guide for those who have passed away, providing instructions for navigating the soul world, but also how a soul can avoid the “barriers” of the Underworld to successfully complete the route to the “place of souls”.

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The Bible of the Dead: The Story

Sir Wallis Budge was an English Egyptologist and philologist from the British Museum. Among the thousands of ancient objects he acquired during his career was the Papyrus of Ani, the version of the Bible of the Dead.

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