What could the parallel worlds be?

2 min readSep 26, 2022


Progressive scientists do not deny the concept of the existence of parallel worlds that could consist of antimatter. Thus L. Lederman, professor of physics at Columbia University, states:

“The cosmological concept of a true antiworld whose stars and planets consist of antimatter atoms (the “negatively charged” nuclei surrounded by “positive” electrons) does not contradict the foundations of modern physics.

This is what R. Dolya also writes about some of the realities visited:

“Many worlds are surprisingly similar to ours, but the people and the relationship between them cause sincere admiration — these are worlds of harmonious people and harmonious relationships. Some of these planets are inhabited by luminous beings.”

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Their worlds are so beautiful that the soul experiences incredible delight and joy. There are no technocratic civilizations on these planets, but they are surprisingly well maintained. There are no residential buildings on them, only gigantic temples of stunning beauty, where people spend most of their time.

Temples give the impression of a place of power and a place of primary work for the inhabitants of these planets. Around their temples there is always an aura of light blue tones and a state of all-encompassing happiness.”

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