6 Things You Need To Figure Out Before Buying an Access Control System

Protect Burbank
3 min readNov 7, 2019


Securing your California firm must be your priority as breach rates are raising steeply. When it comes to implementing access control, ignorance is not the best policy. Getting yourself familiar with what to look out in access control systems can save you not only a lot of money but also protect your firm from intruders and thefts. This blog is shared to help you understand some factors that should be considered while deploying access control in California firm.

Assessing Why You Need Access Control

Specify the reason why you wish to install a door access control system in your company.

What kind of security are you looking for? Is it just blocking the access of unauthorized people to enter the premises or is it about creating levels to avoid data leaks, theft, or prevent employees from entering restricted areas? Do you need to find out the details of who head in and out at different hours of the day?

Ask such questions to yourself, set your objectives and then lay out the installation plan.

Know What Systems Are Already in Place

Have you done access control implementation before? If yes, specify them and find out how much do you want to expand. If expansion is more than 30%, it is best to replace your old systems with a new advanced one, especially when it is allowing you to have more control and security.

Kinds of Readers You Want to Prefer

With the help of readers, you can easily define the levels of security for certain designated areas in your premises. For places with highly confidential and sensitive information, you might want biometric readers and for restricted areas, card readers can be considered. Card or chip readers may also be installed in areas such as meeting room and stock room where you want to restrict the access of outsiders.

Systems You Need to Integrate

For companies, especially large in size, it is not practical to change every system that you currently have. So, determine whether you need to integrate some existing devices or not. In case you cannot integrate systems, no matter how good a system is, you have to let one of these go. It is best to choose an access control system that can be seamlessly integrated for long-term operation.

Need for monitoring

Decide on what kind of system you are planning to install? Are you looking for a system that doesn’t need monitoring or the one that needs constant monitoring and audit trails? This will help you in determining what kind of access control device you should buy for your company.

What about maintenance?

Find out what warranty terms and conditions are subject to a particular kind of device and the type of spare parts you might need to replace if something goes wrong. So, arm yourself with some knowledge on the type of new and advanced access control systems. Don’t hesitate to ask the manufacturer or service provider about what after-sale services are offered by them.

Consider these tips before investing in any system for access control. You would be pleased to know that modern access control chips available in California also act as a wallet. All you need to do is to find the right supplier. Exploring the latest options will not only make your company secure but also please your employees.



Protect Burbank

We have been installing security cameras, phone system and access control systems for the past 15 years. http://www.protectburbank.com/