Key Senate Republicans: Health Care Must be Bipartisan

Protect Our Care
2 min readAug 1, 2017


Republicans Ignoring Trump’s Demands

Despite President Trump’s twitter threats demanding the GOP continue with partisan repeal efforts, Republican Senators — including many in leadership — are acknowledging what the American people have said all along: it’s time to abandon partisan repeal. With the announcement from Sens. Lamar Alexander and Patty Murray that bipartisan hearings will begin the first week of September, it’s clear the only path forward on health care is a bipartisan one.

Sen. Lamar Alexander, Senate HELP Committee Chairman:

Sen. John Cornyn, the number two Senate Republican:

Sen. Orrin Hatch, Senate Finance Committee Chairman: “There’s just too much animosity and we’re too divided on healthcare… I think we ought to acknowledge that we can come back to healthcare afterwards but we need to move ahead on tax reform.”

Sen. John Thune, the third-ranking Republican: “Until somebody shows us a way to get that elusive 50th vote, I think it’s over.

Sen. Roy Blunt, a member of GOP leadership: “Do I think we should stay on health care until we get it done? I think it’s time to move on to something else. Come back to health care when we’ve had more time to get beyond the moment we’re in and see if we can’t put some wins on the board.”

Seven in ten Americans want the Trump Administration and Congress to work across party lines to keep what works and fix what doesn’t in the current law. It’s time Republicans lived up to the promises they made and work with Democratic colleagues to improve our health care.

