Protect Our Care Statement on President Trump’s Sabotage Executive Order

Protect Our Care
2 min readOct 12, 2017


Washington, DC — In response to President Trump signing of an Executive Order this morning, which independent experts and state insurance commissioners agree will sabotage the country’s health care, raise health care premiums, deny access to coverage for millions of Americans and end affordable coverage for those with pre-existing conditions, Protect Our Care Campaign Director Brad Woodhouse released the following statement:

“President Trump’s Executive Order is a disaster for America’s health care which is exactly why he is doing it,” said Woodhouse. “Angry that Congress wouldn’t repeal the health care Americans depend on, President Trump is purposely trying to sabotage the law by creating garbage insurance which will undermine the market, raise premiums, reduce coverage and expose millions of Americans again to discrimination based on pre-existing conditions. If you were born with a health problem, or will ever get sick, you should be be very worried today. And to be clear, every dollar in premium increases, every denial of care you need and everyone discriminated against because of a prior illness will lay at the feet of President Trump and Republicans who support this approach or refuse to fight back.

“But even if they choose not to fight back we will. President Trump doesn’t get to have the final word on this — the courts, Congress and the American people will have the opportunity to be heard as well. This order is repeal of American health care by other means. Neither Congress nor the American people stood by for that failed legislative effort and there is no reason to stand by now and allow a president to sabotage the American health care system out of spite and pure politics.”

