Going Back to Normal was Never an Option

Proto Menona
5 min readMay 8, 2020

My personal philosophy compels me to always move forward and on occasion, upward. Sometimes diagonally in a duck and weave motion. Never backward though.

Life as We Know It

Covid-19 has imposed many losses on us, losses of life and freedom. We grieve the casualties of our situation and it has driven some people to actively protest quarantine and social distancing. These protesters may be taking the most extreme measures in resisting our present reality, all under the rhetoric of “going back to normal”.

It is reasonable to look back and figure out how we got here and understand the past. That is how we learn and inform ourselves to improve going forward, but only if we face the future that stands in front of us.

Photo by Jill Heyer on Unsplash

From day one, I have heard people talking about when this whole thing will blow over and everything will be back to normal. We are in this situation for a reason though, our previous normal was inadequate.

Regardless of where you place blame; the United States government for how it handled this pandemic or something else, this tremendous loss we are suffering is something that hopefully…



Proto Menona

Dreamer, wanderer, writer. Aspiring to do too much in too little time, but that’s life’s fault for being too short.