Trade Like a Hedge Fund with Protocol AI

Protocol AI
3 min readFeb 28, 2022


Strategies + techniques of hedge funds open & permissionless

Written by the Protocol AI team

One of the greatest challenges to successful crypto trading for retail traders is the lack of resources and trade secrets which are available to the world’s most successful hedge funds. Automation is key to scaling up your trading but successful algorithmic trading systems require significant resources such as co-located servers and large amounts of data.

The current problems that exist in DeFi

Developing, testing and deploying a trading strategy on crypto markets is also a complex task that requires a lot of insider knowledge.

Protocol AI can help crypto traders trade like a hedge fund by overcoming the lack of resources and opening up the trade secrets institutional traders never talk about.

Existing algorithmic trading platforms and educational resources available to crypto traders primarily provide strategies based on technical analysis which attempts to identify predictive price patterns.

Unfortunately in practice trading models built in this fashion have very short useful lives and need to be rebuilt from scratch every couple of months or even weeks as the market changes. Seasoned hedge fund traders know this and so are more focused on high-speed trading strategies which provide a service to the market instead of attempting to trade off elusive price patterns.

These services include things like:

  • price discovery (relative value or news trading)
  • providing liquidity (market making)
  • providing insurance (selling options).

High-speed trading algorithms based on servicing the market are tried and tested methods which have been employed by hedge fund traders for years but have never been an option available to retail traders due to insider knowledge and lack of execution infrastructure.

Protocol AI’s experienced team of institutional traders will provide a range of AI optimised strategies based on the principles of relative value and liquidity provisioning which can be deployed instantly by crypto users. Combined with Protocol AI’s high-speed co-located infrastructure and aggregated global price feeds, crypto traders will finally have a way to trade like a hedge fund and compete against the crypto whales which dominate trading.

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About Protocol AI

Protocol AI solves the trading problem by letting participants create their own custom bots in a few clicks without programming — all optimized with super fast and advanced AI. Algorithmic driven machines learning combined with ease of use, allowing for anyone to participate gaining insights to strategic trades quickly and easily.

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Protocol AI

Algorithmic trading platform that bridges human intelligence with artificial intelligence operating on fast blockchains like Polkadot, Avalanche & Solana.