Introducing ProtonAI

Proton AI
2 min readMay 17, 2024

Trade Smart, Profit Together. Empower Your Trading: Test Strategies, Compete, and Earn Real Rewards

ProtonAI is an innovative project leveraging the Ethereum blockchain to offer a variety of trading tools and services, particularly in the realm of paper trading. The platform focuses on providing users with the ability to test and refine their trading strategies across multiple asset classes, including cryptocurrencies, stocks, and commodities.

The platform’s paper trading feature serves as a sandbox for traders, offering a risk-free environment to refine their strategies across a multitude of asset classes including cryptocurrencies, stocks, and commodities.

Going beyond mere simulation, ProtonAI hosts Capital Raiser Competitions, where traders can showcase their skills and compete for valuable prizes, fostering a culture of excellence and innovation within the community.

ProtonAI’s AI Integration adds a layer of sophistication to the trading experience, providing users with actionable insights and data-driven guidance to make informed investment decisions.

Furthermore, ProtonAI is committed to inclusivity and community involvement through initiatives such as revenue sharing and token gating. These mechanisms ensure that the success of the platform is shared among all stakeholders, incentivizing participation and contribution.

Alongside its innovative solutions, ProtonAI’s tokenomics model, anchored by its native token $PRAI, fortifies the platform’s stability and sustainability. With a total supply of 1 million tokens, a 5% tax on buys and sells, and LP locked and ownership renounced, $PRAI encourages community participation while ensuring ecosystem integrity.

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Proton AI

Trade Smart, Profit Together. Empower Your Trading: Test Strategies, Compete, and Earn Real Rewards