An Introduction to Derivative Outstation (D.O. 119) — Part II: Main Contingents

In this part of our Blog Series (click here for part I) we will provide a brief introduction and background to the main contingents part of D.O. 119: The Externos, Night Crawlers and Lucis.

ProtoReality Games
4 min readApr 2, 2022


​​Externos are treated as the outsider by the D.O.119 government. They had abandoned their polluted homeland for the search of the promised land. The government used to allow them to live in the district because they needed tremendous workforce to rebuild the place. Years later, resources became increasingly scarce, Externos were lured into a trap and kicked out of the mainland. Starting their journey in the wasteland outside the central area in the city, Externos are scrappy and resourceful people who pride themselves in their strong family dynamics, forming clans that function similarly to small communities.

D.O. 119 — Externos
D.O. 119 — Externos

Since they reside in the outskirts, Externos are savvy in the business of acquiring and transporting stolen corporate goods and turning them for a profit. Using their proudest technologies Cyber Motorbikes & Droids, they make their own living out of industrial recycled materials, stolen equipment from the Corporate. This clan never forget how their contribution was taken away, they secretly follow a plan to gain back what they deserve in the district.

Their favourite vehicle is Motorbike, which provides them mobility to stay away from being arrested by the Corporate enforcement in their stealing business. They also use motorbikes to join the Racing activities in the central district for earning extra money & enhancing their connection around the city.

Night Crawlers

“They say if you wanna understand the streets, you gotta live ’em. Gangs, fixers, dolls, dealers — you were raised by them all. Down here the law of the jungle dictates the weak serve the strong — the only law in D.O.119 you have yet to break.”

D.O. 119 — Night Crawler
D.O. 119 — Night Crawler

The Nightcrawler is one of those being no stranger to the streets of D.O.119. Their journey begins in Section 9, a large district that borders the corporate landscape of the City Center and is home to the majority of the people of the City. Having lived a life in the streets fighting off “badges” and navigating gangs around, Nightcrawlers have the wealth of knowledge about the city, knowing every street and just about everyone who lives there. Opposed to their silent silhouette, Night Crawlers keep their activeness to fight against DEPP — Divine Enforcement Police Department because of their brutality & corruption. Their street smart and connection with the people who live there can help them.

They do whatever job they need to cover their identity, from those workers to synth dealers. To avoid being caught, Night Crawler enhance their favourite vehicle — Cars (to max level). That’s the reason why you can see a lot of Car Shops & Outfit stores in their area.


Lucis is all about holding one’s own while navigating around people consumed by money, power, and respect. Lucis begin their adventure in the heart of the D.O.119’s business district, also known as the City Center, surrounded by sleek skyscrapers with boardrooms of executives shaking hands on underhanded deals. The Lucis is one rooted in corporate deception and knowledge of the top-of-the-line. They have privileged information granted to them by their employment in the biggest Corporations. It makes them ruthless, powerful, and very knowledgeable. Lucis use this privilege to make the rest of the citizens not to give a d*mn about the imminent disasters spurred by the corruption.

In a corrupt city like D.O.119, where money rules the world, naturally the organizations that possess the ability to manipulate the game are the giant corp with abundant financial resources. They created the laws of D.O.119 and also created the Enforcement to execute them.

With superior technology and sources, they possess artistic transition time and spatial reproduction, thereby generating and testing the performance characteristics of the D.O.119. They like to use Spaceships as a means of transportation to show their authority.

D.O. 119 — Lucis
D.O. 119 — Lucis

Stay tuned for part III of our Blog Series where we will dive into the storyline of D.O. 119!

