It’s Super Soaker season

You know- you just KNOW- you wanna spray someone

1 min readMay 12, 2024
Photo by author.

Water soakers have come a long way since the earliest plastic water pistols.

The best water pistol in the known universe was invented by young man, Lonnie Johnson, who definitely had the right stuff. As a kid, Johnson once took his sister’s doll apart to find out what made its eyes close.

From there he became a mechanical engineer and topped that off by becoming a nuclear engineer.

His adequate education in place, Johnson then invented the world’s greatest water pistol.

The Super Soaker is not the best water pistol ever just because the Super Soaker has achieved one billion dollars in sales.

The Super Soaker is the world’s greatest water pistol ever because of its range. When your friend 15 feet away gets soaked there is that irreplaceable look on their face- that combination of surprise, shock and betrayal.

It’s so worth it.

And because your wet friend is still in shock, they’re still in range.

So you can soak ‘em again.

If it’s Super Soaker weather, it must be spring.




Editor of 'Page One: Writers on Writing', and 'Writer's Reflect.' You're welcome to write for either publication. I love writing and reading on Medium.