Here, I got really lucky! A Free Mint and 28,000 tokens — that’s a jackpot. You can achieve this too — go on reading — and open as many crates as possible!

Disclaimer: This article is not financial advice and is solely based on personal experiences. It is for entertainment purposes only.

In my previous articles, you’ve learned a lot about the fundamentals of Robot.Farms airdrops. You’re now familiar with items, rarities, points, and quests. Today, we’re diving into what you can do with all these treasures — you open crates to earn tokens for the airdrop, and much more! But before we delve deeper, let’s take it step by step:

In Robots.Farm, crates play a central role in obtaining what defines the game and your profits.

Here once more the basic process:

Play quests to earn items and crates, which can be used to open crates and receive tokens for the airdrop, along with Mint Passes for NFT access to Robots.

So, what will I find in crates?

  • Tokens: The core component for the airdrop. Tokens are distributed during the airdrop, so the more tokens you have, the better. That’s your goal — to accumulate as many tokens as possible.
  • Mint Passes: Mint passes grant you discounted access to minting robots, a topic we’ll cover in a separate article.
  • Free Mints: This is a legendary item that allows you to acquire a “Free” robot during the minting process. It’s an extremely rare and coveted item. Secure it by opening many crates.

Crates range from Level 1 to Level 20, and the number of tokens and the probability of mint passes vary dramatically depending on the level.

For instance, at Level 1, you can expect 100 to 300 tokens, with a 1% chance of a Free Mint.

It’s relatively rare, but the good news is that the odds improve significantly with higher-level crates.

A Level 20 crate can yield a staggering 5,000 to 35,000 tokens! That’s equivalent to up to 100 Level 1 crates, and a mint pass is guaranteed at 100%, with a 65% chance of a Free Mint. This is fantastic!

You might wonder why we don’t just open Level 20 crates exclusively. Well, the number of items needed to open crates grows as the rewards increase dramatically. At Level 1, you have a few common and rare items, but at Level 20, you’re dealing with 76 epic and rare legendary items. Additionally, Level 20 crates are seldom found during quests, and the likelihood varies between quests. The premium quest, “Mining,” delivers the best results but also costs the most points.

This is where the game gets exciting. There are numerous options even with crates alone, and your strategy varies based on your goals and playstyle.

So, choose wisely which crates to open, which quests to complete, and what your strategy will be.

But what if you don’t have enough items to open crates? Not to worry — you can purchase items and crates. There’s an in-game market and external marketplaces like Element Market. I’ll cover this in more detail in the next article.

For me, this is a fantastic approach that provides endless fun. So, be sure to take advantage of the airdrop opportunities and maximize your profits and enjoyment through the game. I love it!

Details on strategies, tactics, and my approach will be covered in my strategy article. So, don’t miss out on any articles — subscribe and stay tuned!

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