Computer Chair Buying Guide
6 min readJan 15, 2020


If you work in an office, then you will spend majority of your time sitting in office chairs. They may not sound so interesting, but uncomfortable and bad quality office chairs are the primary culprit behind back pain and other spinal injuries.

According to this study, an average American office worker spends up to 15 hours a day just sitting in an office chair. Desk bound office workers would be surprised to learn that they spend a whopping 1900 hours in an office chair in a single year. And this is not only true just for office workers. People at home are also spending a quite a lot of time sitting than moving around.

This can be particulate stressful for the spines. Despite calculations and research studies, people spend more time choosing an attractive office table than comfortable and sturdy office chairs. It is only fair that a lot of thought and effort goes into buying office chairs that you will use majority of the time at home or office while working.

So, to avoid any impending back problems, choosing an ergonomic and sound structured office chair is a must.

We have compiled a set of important guidelines that can prove to be quite handy when you are shopping for office chairs that are comfortable and ergonomically-constructed. Choosing office furniture can be a boring business. But with our interesting guide, you can find something that everyone will love sitting on.

Why Do You Need To Focus On Buying High-Quality Office Chairs?

In the course of a few years, many research studies have been done to support a single fact — people are spending more and more time at the desk than moving around. Several ergonomic studies have also pinpointed that comfortable office chairs offer support and can be a leading cause of maximizing the productivity and efficiency of office workers.

Bad and uncomfortable office chairs will give sufficient reason to office workers to stretch out their back several times a day or to send more time out of their desks to relieve back pain. This can prove to be hazardous for overall organizational productivity. To relieve the stress on your mind about your workers’ health, choosing the right office furniture is a must.

A solid high quality office chair can eliminate the woes of back strain, carpal tunnel and leg problems. A good office chair can help you and your worker be more comfortable can boost productivity.

Worried about the cost of such an expense?

Think about how much money you lost over the year due to employee absences and turnover. Spending on premium quality office chairs will lead to fewer absences and employees will be ecstatic to know that you are thinking so much about their health and wellbeing. As a result they will be willing to go the extra mile for you.

How to Find the Right Office Chair?

Office chairs are an integral part of an office furniture décor. They should be comfortable but they should also look good. Nobody wants a hefty, bad-looking chair sitting in front of their desk, clashing with the interior of the office.

1. Think About the Support

Office chairs need to be structured soundly and should have an exemplary lumbar support for the lower back. Most of the time, workers sit on the chair and if it not designed to specifically cater to the comfort of the back, they will have a screaming pain at the end of the workday.

Better quality office chairs are equipped with an adjustable lumbar support. This allows workers of variable heights to adjust it to their size and frame. This can be instrumental in avoiding sciatica, which is a debilitating health condition that escalates from a simple back strain.

2. Consider the Adjustability

Almost all office chairs available in the market or online have adjustable arms and heights. But, being satisfied with just two adjustment features is selling yourself short. Look for better adjustment features when purchasing office chairs such as:

  • Arm width
  • Lumbar support
  • Height
  • Seat
  • Back angle
  • Backseat width and its height
  • Tension control

Most of the time, they are controlled by dials, while others can be controlled via a hand-held pump handle. These are essential adjustment features that make up five important points for a perfect office chair.

Some high-quality office chairs have up to 15 adjustments features that help provide the perfect fit of every worker. They are quite expensive. So, if you want a pocket –friendly option choose office chairs with at least 5 adjustment features.

3. Think About the Mobility of Your Office Chairs

Are they easy to move around? Do they creak like supermarket carts when workers are trying to move them around? Do they swivel without any protests?

These are just some considerations that must be considered while shopping for office chairs.

Most of the chairs available in the market have a wheel base. However, what most of us don’t know is that not all wheel-based chairs are made to move easily on carpets. This is why wheels snag on carpets and can ruin the look of them in just a few months.

Choose office chairs that are specifically made for the carpets and you can also prolong the life of your office carpets. This feature is essential as it is easy to move the chair around than trying to reach for far away items and causing back strain.

4. Swivel or Not?

All office chairs must have the swivel feature. It must have sounded gimmicky a few years ago but now every office chair has them. It is instrumental for allowing a person to move around freely to retrieve and to reach objects and can prevent arm strain and fatigue. Swivel feature is important for providing access of all parts of the desk.

These are just some useful tips for buying office chars that everyone will love. An ergonomically designed, solidly constructed and beautiful looking office chair will enhance your workers’ productivity and integrate an impeccable design element in your office décor.

5. Fabric Can Make a Difference

The fabric of the chair might not seem like such a big deal, but when you are sitting in a chair for a better part of your day, it can become a deciding feature of comfort or being ill at east. Breathable fabric is a must when buying office chairs.

It is also important if you want your chairs to coordinate well with other office furniture and décor. To help your office décor be cohesive and synchronized, opt for an office chair that complements the feel and style of your office.

The fabric of the chair should be comfortable for sit on and shouldn’t become hot. It should have enough cushion to support the weight of the worker from feeling the base of the chair.

6. Try Before You Bu It

Trying out a chair before you place a huge order is a good choice Ask your employees to try out the chair to ascertain if it is comfortable to sit on for longer periods of time. It should fit all the employees naturally regardless of size and height. This is essential for making a wise purchasing decision.

To implement a calming and serene working environment, choosing the right office chair is rudimentary. Here are some guidelines that will help you choose an ergonomically sound and an amazing looking office chair that all your staff will love.



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