How to effectively gather evidence of workplace bullying

3 min readFeb 17, 2020

The key to being listened to and believed is ensuring you have information to back up your claims. Here are some tips on what to consider when gathering evidence of workplace bullying.

Make and keep a record of what has happened

The first thing you need to do is work out what evidence you need to gather to support your case. It’s more likely you’ll get the result you want if you’re well prepared. Think about;

  • What happened
  • When it happened
  • Where it happened
  • How it made you feel
  • Who was involved.

When documenting workplace bullying it is absolutely vital that you don’t keep evidence on workplace equipment or property.

Make sure you write this down and if you have copies of emails, text messages, social media posts or any kind of notes that might have been left on your desk or locker then take a photo of these too.

You should save any notes or evidence on a totally independent solution such as PRSRVD. Always be sure to keep two copies of something and make someone you trust aware of what you are doing — it would be useful to give them information too.

Is your employer supporting you?

You should make sure your employer has done everything they’re supposed to do. To do this, get copies of your contract and any internal policies on things like bullying or equal opportunities. Keep copies and make notes where you feel they have let you down and how this makes you feel and the impact it is having on your work.

You don’t need to have documents to show how you were discriminated against. Discrimination often happens in a conversation or a meeting — your notes on who was involved and what they did can be evidence.

Be aware that in some countries (and certain types of employment) that recording conversations without consent is considered to be illegal. Don’t take the risk if you think that it could ultimately harm your case. Be sure to always check how the law might affect you.

Always keep within the law and any employment policy.

Check if there were any witnesses

If someone else saw or heard what happened, ask them what they witnessed. If it backs up your complaint, ask if they’re happy for you to give their name when you raise the issue.

If in doubt, write it down

Whatever happens, keep a diary. It’s often a long process and bullying can develop over weeks, months and years. By keeping a regular log of everything you are more likely to see action taken. Even if it’s only your account, it is still something that can be corroborated at a later date — and it could also be happening to someone else, even if you don’t know about it.

PRSRVD is an evidence gathering app that makes it easy to collect and share evidence of stalking, harassment, bullying and much more. Find out more




The app that helps you gather evidence of stalking, harassment, bullying and more