Todo App with Mobx-State-Tree and ES7 Decorators in React

Dawid N.
2 min readNov 9, 2018

Want to understand how to make an app with Mobx-State-Tree models and React components? Just take a look at this Todo App.

Start by creating app and set up of Decorators.

create-react-app mst-todo
cd mst-todo
yarn eject
yarn add babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy --dev

Configure package.json by adding

Add Mobx-State-Tree and devtools.

yarn add mobx mobx-react mobx-state-tree mobx-devtools-mst

Create jsconfig.json in root directory to avoid highlighting of decorators

Our App should be made of form, list and maybe simple text, which would show us a total number of todos.

