These are 3 ways to improve your creativity.

Priyanka sahoo
May 13, 2024
Photo by David Clode on Unsplash

Think less and write more

The act of writing requires the synchronization of all our senses.

Hence, increases our focus state.

Focus is inevitable for creativity. So start adopting the habit of regular writing to initiate the flow of creative juice in your brain.

Switch your smartphones with books

Reading books creates new neural connections.

In other hand feeding our brain with junk is harmful for our mental health.

Start switching your digital devices with books to enhance your creativity.

Indulge yourself in outdoor activities

Nature is the greatest healer.

Indulging ourselves in outdoor activities uplifts our mental state and increases our creativity.

Adopt these small habits to increase creativity and mental power.

Keep learning, keep growing.

Thanks for reading.



Priyanka sahoo

I am an aspiring nonfiction writer. My topics of intrest self improvement, science, technology,history and culture etc.