Biomimicry- When “nature” inspires “science” ?

Priyanka sahoo
Jan 18, 2024
Photo by Bob Brewer on Unsplash

Biomimicry is the process where we take inspiration from nature to solve complex problems of science and engineering

There are numerous examples of Biomimicry present around us like the design model of wind turbines actually inspired by fins of humpback whale.

The design of bullet trains is inspired by beak of kingfisher bird.

The ventilation systems we use in tall buildings are inspired by termite mounds.

It is also believed that the design of aeroplans is inspired by the body structure of birds.


Nature is full of inspiration. It has the answers of all possible questions that we have in our life. Connecting with Nature not just gives us inspiration but also heals our inner soul.

Keep learning and keep growing.



Priyanka sahoo

A life long learner in the school of life, sharing thoughts, experiences and knowledge, that have gathered so far.