Performance tips to have in mind while writing React components

Samim Pezeshki
3 min readFeb 9, 2018


As I was fine-tuning the React components I am working on, I tested and played with different ways I could re-write the code. I am compiling all the tips I learned, the performance tips to have in mind while I am writing the code.

  • Pay attention what you are sending as props into the component. React components trigger a re-render when props or state changes. Send props that change less often. For example, see the code below:

The index and selectedNoteIndex are passed to the component as props, this way changing selectedNoteIndex or anything that changes the index, changes the props and it triggers a re-render for all the components created by map! Another way to write the code above would be:

Now only a Boolean (selected) is sent to the component as props and the comparison is performd upper in the hierarchy.

  • Break large components into smaller ones. DRY. Big components are hard to maintain and fine-tune. Big components are all rendered at once. Turn the parts inside maps into their own components. For example, even if you have to pass index into the component in the example above, break the component into two parts, one that needs index and one that does not:

This way at least a part of the DOM tree is not re-rendered.

  • Have small states or none at all. Side effects and states are one of the main sources of bugs. Keeping state in sync with the props needs implementing the React life-cycle hooks which takes maintenance time. Try not to copy what is available in the props into the state. For example, to keep track of which row is selected in a table, you can save the entire row (as a big object) in the state or just save its index (as a number). Saving the entire row is tempting, you may think it is easier to access the row by this.state.selectedRow instead of this.props.rows[this.state.selectedRowIndex]. But the first approach leads to unknown consequences down the road. This may not totally be a performance tip, but having it in mind helps to reduce unwanted consequences tremendously..
  • Use JSS (or its one of its derivatives likewithStylesin material-ui) instead of inline styles. Whenever you are using inline styles, you are creating a JS object. It might be OK for one-time usage. But for example, using inline styles in maps would be a terrible idea. Extract inline styles into their own object and reuse them, or better, use JSS for even more performance.
  • Reuse functions just like other objects. For example, when you want to pass a function and use it inside a map, instead of creating the function inline, like submit={() => doSomething(} , create the function in the class and pass the reference like submit={this.doSomething}. If you create the function inline, you are changing the component’s prop each time (because the newly created function has a new reference) and a useless render will be triggered.
  • Now that the component is small and the props are well known and documented (use flow or prop-types), you can easily implement shouldComponentUpdate and boost performance.
  • You can use PureComponent instead of Component wherever possible. Use it with care and enough test as the last resort. Make sure shallow comparison of all props is what you want. If all props are known you can implement shouldComponentUpdate yourself instead of using PureComponent.
  • UPDATE: Avoid having states up in the hierarchy. Use redux. When you have a state up in hierarchy, updating it will cause a render across the whole tree. You can store this state in the redux and connect it only to the component which needs it. So only the component will get updated when the state in redux changes.

In the end, always analyze the performance in Dev Tools while fine-tuning. Sometimes it surprises you by showing that the things that you may have considered beneficial for performance actually have made it worse.



Samim Pezeshki

Researcher, gypsy programmer in Emacs, optimization gnome, open source aficionado, learn addict student, introvert, music dweller. Do what you love.