Travel photography is NOT dog photos and portraits.

Bharath PS
3 min readApr 1, 2018
Photo by Vijay Anand

What comes to mind when you think of travel photography?

Quick. Off the top of your head.

Did you think of telephoto lenses?

Did you think of full-frame DSLRs?

Portraits of people you meet along the way? Is that it?

Or maybe landscape? A photo of sunset with a bird flying, perhaps? That must cut it, right?

Or maybe a photo of a furry Himalayan dog that’s running down the street? Surely!

What if I tell you that’s not it? What if I tell you that everything you thought of, is everything that’s wrong with what travel photography entails?

Hear me out.

I recently went on a 12 day trip to the Himalayas. Halfway along the trip,
I faced an existential crisis as a photographer. I forgot which way the lenses went and where the shutter button was.

Why? I was in a place that’s extremely popular. All the photos I felt the urge to shoot, someone had already…



Bharath PS

I think about art, existence, life, and light. I also shoot Jagërbombs. I sometimes do all of them at the same time.