Scott MunroinInovia ConversationsM&A During Covid-19 TimesWe are living in very uncertain times — nothing that any of us have experienced in our lifetimes. While many of you may have lived through…May 13, 20201May 13, 20201
Scott MunroinInovia ConversationsThe Cardinal Rules of Buy-Side M&AEvaluating opportunities and cautions for acquirersFeb 14, 2019Feb 14, 2019
Scott MunroinInovia ConversationsWhen Should VC-backed Startups Hire a Banker/Advisor?I was a sell-side investment banker for over ten years. I am writing a series of blogs to share with you my experiences as well as to…Jun 29, 2017Jun 29, 2017
Scott MunroinInovia ConversationsThe Art of Negotiating an Acquisition LOI for Startup FoundersI was the founder of a boutique investment bank called Pagemill Partners which was acquired by Duff & Phelps in 2011. Over the course of 13…May 9, 2017May 9, 2017
Scott MunroinInovia Conversations10 Reasons Why Tech Deals Blow Up in Due DiligenceThe most frustrating experience for a management team, the board and the investors is to be in the exclusivity period preceding an…Apr 10, 2017Apr 10, 2017
Scott MunroinInovia ConversationsExit Preparedness for Venture-Backed Startups — And Why It MattersIn my 12 years doing sell side M&A, one of my most surprising observations was the fact that very few companies proactively thought about…Feb 28, 2017Feb 28, 2017