10 Fundamental Requirements For Effective PSD to HTML Conversion

Sam Maniar
4 min readJun 7, 2018


10 Fundamental Requirements for Effective PSD to HTML Conversion

PSD to HTML conversion could be best described as the process in which a well designed PSD file is converted to HTML codes. It is a workflow that helps in creating a website par excellence. There are certain things that when followed helps in taking care of the conversion process.

Here is the list of 10 fundamental requirement that needs to be considered for the PSD to HTML Conversion Services to be effective. Read on to find out.

1. Communicate the requirements and process :

Before any technical project is taken into consideration, it is mandatory to talk out the details and requirements well in advance so as to avoid any differences at a later stage. With clear communication, you can end up with quality results. Hence, ensure that there is a clear conversation with the client during the entire process. Also, see to it that the designer and the programmer share a cordial relation so the conversion process proves to be effective in nature.

2. Understand carefully the website structure :

Before converting the design, make sure that the website structure is very well understood so that you get effective results. Being clear with the header, footer, navigation and many such important points will prove to be effective in the conversion process.

3. Make sure to take into consideration high-quality slicing :

When you set out to slice the design, make sure that you maintain the quality so as to yield fruitful results. Be extra careful and particular when you are slicing the layers so that you do not leave out any layer. This might result into a low-quality website.

4. Make the right use of the reset CSS, global CSS and the CSS frameworks :

Make generous use of the reset CSS, a compressed batch of CSS rules, which will considerably reduce the browser inconsistencies that may spoil the reputation of your website. The global CSS could also be taken into consideration for making changes or updates on more than one page or the entire website. This will considerably save you your time and energy as you can modify multiple changes with Global CSS. Not forgetting the quality of being responsive it is advisable to use a CSS framework for creating a website that could fit in each and every design that it is being accessed on.

5. Always stick to the standard browser resolution :

If you wish to avoid the element of responsiveness in your web solution then it will be best to stick to a standard browser resolution. This will help your website to be on point, irrespective of the browser that it is being accessed in. This will immensely help in giving a great user experience.

6. Let the elements stay on the grid :

Allow the elements to stay on the grid. This will prove to be beneficial during the conversion stage and will also give the website a neat and crisp look. When you make use of the grid, it becomes easier to locate the different elements of the website, making it easy during the development stage.

7. Be careful while integrating the PSD files to HTML :

Integrating the PSD files to HTML demands great coding skills. Hence, it is advisable to choose a professional who has a profound knowledge of HTML codes. Once the designs are very well integrated into HTML codes, you can lay your hands on websites that actually work. Talking about integrating PSD to HTML, you can also consider the automatic conversion tool. This will surely save you your time and energy, but will not be as effective as manual coding. Hence, choose to take the manual path when integrating the PSD file to HTML.

8. Always stick to manual coding :

It is always advisable to take into consideration manual coding. You will get a clear and well-defined website when you opt for the manual coding. Also, when you hand code the designs, it becomes easy to find out errors and rectify them. This sure is time-consuming, yet worth every time and effort put in.

9. Take into consideration semantic coding :

Creating a website should not be the end all and be all, rather creating a website that ranks on the Google Search Engine is something that should be aimed at. For this, it is necessary to make generous use of semantic tags during the conversion process. When you make use of semantic codes, you get to enhance the visibility of your website in the search engines.

10. Do not forget the testing part :

Testing is a mandatory requirement that just should not be ignored so that you could end up with a reliable and authentic web solution. It is evident that mistakes are bound to happen and hence it is necessary to test each and every web solution before it is deployed. The PSD to HTML Conversion Services cannot be complete with the testing part. This will help in creating web solutions that are commendable in nature.

Final Note :

Above-mentioned are some of the fundamentals that need to be taken into consideration when converting the PSD file to HTML. Apart from these, it also immensely depends on the knowledge and expertise of professionals who will carry out the conversion process.

Hence, choose professionals who are experienced and have an innate knowledge of the conversion process so that you get to lay your hands on an authentic website.



Sam Maniar

PSD2HTML is one of the most reputed and leading IT firm that offers the best PSD to HTML services. :- http://psd2html.org/