For Now, All That AI Will Kill Is the Mediocre Writer

For now.

Peter Shanosky
6 min readMay 14, 2023
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

AI will change our world. On that, we seem to have a general agreement. We diverge when it comes to the threat AI poses to the structure of our society, work lives, and other items. Some say that the technology is bland, lifeless, and limited in application. Others say that many, many jobs are about to become obsolete. I happen to agree with both groups, as I often do.

I think the primary difference between the two tribes, if you will, is that one group is viewing the technology as it currently exists and another is looking at the potential of AI and the speed at which it is progressing. As an example, I do not see AI to be a threat to say, a loan processor, in the short term. There will continue to be people who request and review loan documents and communicate with would-be homebuyers. For now.

On the other hand, given how quickly we’ve seen this technology develop, learn, and come to fruition, I’m also fairly certain that the same position won’t exist in 15 years' time. Perhaps much, much sooner.

There is one group that I’m quite confident will be pushed to extinction, however: the mediocre article writer.

Writing for pay

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Peter Shanosky

Former commercial lender enjoying a less stressful existence. Writing on macro issues and micro impacts. Fiction novel coming soon.