You Can Beat Your Fear Of Singing Karaoke

How to overcome your stage fright and more.

Paul Neathery
4 min readFeb 17, 2022

Have you ever sang a song at a karaoke place?

If you haven’t maybe you know how nervous and scared it can make you. If you have sung karaoke before then maybe you can remember being afraid at first but now it’s easier.

Or maybe you are a strong person and just went up and sang.

Well, I had performed for years before going to my first karaoke bar but this was different. I had performed playing guitar and singing in other bands where there are other guys next to me on each side.

But this time I would be alone on stage with just my guitar and I didn’t know anyone at the place I was going to.

Yes, you read correctly. I perform at karaoke with my guitar. It’s great practice and it’s a lot of fun. My nickname became, ‘Paulaoke.’

Before I went to my first karaoke performance, I wrote down all the places that had karaoke for every night of the week. This way I could go and play my music any night that I wanted.

As I progressed I would usually perform 3 to 5 nights a week. Sometimes I would hit two bars in one night just to get in extra practice. Yay!!



Paul Neathery

Magical, Musical, Writer/Musician/Teacher/Father….. Writing about life and more…. Join my email list to get my articles: