Cheeto Face…How to actually make fun of someone purely based on skin color and get away with it.
Maybe you dislike Donald Trump.
That’s fine.
Hopefully it’s simply because you disagree with his ideals. Problem is, when you ask most anti-Trumpers why they dislike the man with the most original hair style in America, it always seems to be based on name calling and unsubstantiated accusations.
“He’s a racist!” you say. Yea, how? The man has been in the public eye for more than 30 years in both business and entertainment at their highest levels. Never once was he accused of racism until his run for presidency against the Democrats. The Democratic Party is the party of the KKK and racism by the way. Look it up, and then decide if you want to ignore facts so you can create an opinion predicated on feelings over facts.
“Oh, but you forgot about his comments about Mexicans and Muslims!” Haha. How far did you anti-Trumpers need to stretch to reach that conclusion? The man stated we need better border security.
Because we have a lot of crime and criminals spilling into our country from our southern border. Yes, that includes Mexican’s whose crimes statistically include a higher number of rapes, and Muslim refugees that our own government and FBI have admitted are not being properly vetted to ensure our safety.
But alas, our modern day culture is one of finding a way to feel insulted, slighted, and victimized. It doesn’t matter if Trump tries to clarify or explain because, to the anti-Trump crowd, it’s not what you say or mean to say that counts, it’s how it makes them feel. They have chosen to feel he’s a racist, so be damned if he really is or isn’t, they’ll accuse him as one and believe it because they want to. It’s a good way to make anything he actually says irrelevant (mob mentality has never been stricken with complexity).
So what do these weak minded people who clothe themselves in itchy fabric of irony decide to do? Cheeto face (i.e. crushing up cheetos and dunking one’s face into the cheeto powder in order to imitate Donald Trump’s skin color). Now, for the record, I laughed at this. It’s funny and I really don’t care, but here’s a major problem for the anti-Trumpers.
The people who profess to fight things like fat shaming, racism, bullying, unkind/hateful words, transphobia, etc., are abandoning everything they claim to stand for by not opposing this. In fact, they’re illustrating how irrational emotion driven idealism works.
How does The Donald’s skin color affect anything he says? Even if you don’t like him and have made your decisions based on his words, policies, and past actions, how is his orange skin relevant or ok to make fun of?
Does the progressive left and it’s social justice warriors get to completely abandon their ideals just as long as it doesn’t fit their agenda?
Those who proclaim to be the enlightened true advocates of social justice and anti-racism think Donald Trump’s skin color is something to be made fun of, laughed at, and illustrate that he is bad.
The anti-racists are marginalizing and laughing at another person because of…..SKIN COLOR?