Everything Comes in Threes

Ian Glendinning @Psybertron
1 min readApr 11, 2018


Triples and Triads.

Every layered, taxonomic or network model of anything.

1D — The identity of every thing being distinct from not-this-thing and the distinction made.

2D — Levels or layers (in 2D orthogonal to any axis in n-dimensions) come in threes. This layer, the next layer and the interface between the two is the most obvious. But each layer comes in threes — the layer and it’s two interfaces to adjacent layers (network node-edge equivalence). But once you unpick each distinction, it has relationships between the two (or more) things it is distinguishing, etc. Fractally, each component, each identity is a triple.

Most recent collection here Penrose-Foucault-Pirsig.

Originally published at Psybertron Asks.



Ian Glendinning @Psybertron

Blogging since 2001 primarily via Wordpress on www.psybertron.org asking What, why and how do we know? A rationalist keeping science & humanism honest.