What is Past Life Reading? The Benefits of a Past Life Psychics

Renata Adair
7 min readApr 13, 2024


Have you ever felt an unexplained connection to a place or person, or wrestled with fears you can’t quite trace? Many turn to past life readings for answers to these perplexing questions. As a past life psychic, I’ve seen firsthand how these readings can help individuals uncover the roots of mysterious affinities, persistent challenges, and deep-seated fears. They seek understanding of complex relationship patterns and a deeper sense of life’s purpose, finding solace and direction through insights revealed in their sessions. Let’s explore how reconnecting with your past can illuminate your path forward.

What is Past Life Reading?
What is Past Life Reading?

What is a Past Life Reading?

A past life reading is a process where a psychic uncovers details about your previous lives. The idea is that our past lives influence our current experiences, relationships, and challenges. Understanding these past influences can help explain certain aspects of your present life that seem mysterious or unconnected.

Past life readings can be done in person or online, making it easy for you to explore your past at your convenience. If you’re just curious, there are also free past life readings available to get started.

Through these readings, you can learn more about yourself, understand the origins of deep fears or connections, and gain insights that can lead to a more fulfilling life.

Top Past Life Reading Sites

For those seeking to explore their spiritual history through past lives readings, several top sites & apps stand out for their reliability and user satisfaction.

  1. Spiritual Blossom: Spiritualblossom distinguishes itself with its focus on fostering personal growth through past life discoveries. Each session is tailored to the individual’s needs, facilitated by expert mediums who specialize in revealing and interpreting the spiritual journeys of their clients. The platform offers flexible scheduling and a user-friendly interface, making it easy to connect with seasoned advisors who can guide you through your past life experiences to achieve greater self-awareness and closure.
  2. Mysticsense: This platform is renowned for its thorough vetting of past life mediums, ensuring that only the most gifted practitioners assist you. It provides an intimate and supportive environment for an online past life reading, complete with a variety of communication options to suit personal preferences.
  3. Oranum: Offering a unique blend of past life readings and spiritual guidance, Oranum stands out with its introductory offer of free minutes, allowing new users to sample their services at no initial cost. Their past life mediums specialize in detailed and deep explorations of your spiritual past, helping uncover patterns that may influence your present life.
  4. PsychicOz: Known for its user-friendly interface and flexible communication methods, PsychicOz provides access to both phone and chat sessions with skilled psychics. The site prides itself on affordability and transparency, making it easier to find a trusted advisor who aligns with your spiritual and emotional needs.

Each of these platforms offers a gateway to profound insights and revelations, supported by skilled practitioners who guide you through your past life journey.

How Past Life Readings Work?

Curious about how past life readings work? The process is both intriguing and enlightening. It begins with the psychic tuning into your energy, often using tools like tarot cards or guided meditation to help focus and open pathways to the past. During a session, the past life psychic might prompt you with questions or guide you through visualizations to trigger memories and sensations that hint at your previous lives.

How Past Life Readings Work?
How Past Life Readings Work?

These sessions can be conducted in person or via a past life reading online, allowing for flexibility and comfort. Many seek free past life reading online options as an accessible way to start exploring their historical connections without commitment. These free past lives reading services often provide a brief glimpse into the themes or eras that might be significant to your spiritual history.

The goal of these readings is not just to uncover who you were, but to understand how those past experiences influence your current life. This understanding can bring clarity to persistent issues, improve relationships, and foster personal growth. Whether you’re facing unexplained fears, recurring dreams, or simply a curiosity about the past, a past life reading offers a unique perspective that could unlock answers and guide your future decisions.

Read also: Cartomancy Readings: Divining the Future with Playing Cards

Benefits of Past Life Readings

Engaging in past lives readings with skilled past life psychics offers several compelling benefits:

  • Emotional Healing: Unlock the origins of deep-seated fears or anxieties by connecting with emotions from past lifetimes, which can lead to profound healing.
  • Self-Awareness: Discover traits and skills carried over from previous existences, enhancing understanding of your current passions and strengths.
  • Relationship Insights: Gain clarity on dynamics with current loved ones by exploring past connections, helping to improve understanding and empathy.
  • Life Direction: Past life psychic reading can provide guidance on life’s purpose by linking past experiences with present challenges, aiding in decision-making and personal growth.
  • Closure: Address unresolved issues from past lives, offering a sense of closure and the ability to move forward more freely in your current life.

These insights not only enhance personal development but also enrich your interactions and emotional well-being in your present life.

Preparing for Your Past Life Reading

To make the most of your session with past life psychics, preparing beforehand can significantly enhance your experience. Here are some steps to get ready for your past life psychic reading:

  • Reflect on Your Intentions: Think about what you hope to understand from your reading. This could be insights into specific life patterns, relationships, or inner conflicts. Having clear intentions can guide the session and focus the energies.
  • Keep an Open Mind: The nature of past lives readings is inherently unpredictable. Remain open to whatever experiences or information may come through, even if they initially seem unrelated to your current life.
  • Create a Comfortable Environment: If you’re participating in an online session, ensure that you’re in a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. This tranquility aids in connecting more deeply with your psychic and your past selves.
  • Meditate or Relax: Spend some time in meditation or relaxation before your session. This can help clear your mind of everyday clutter and reduce stress, making you more receptive to psychic insights.
  • Prepare Questions: While spontaneity can be valuable, having a list of questions or areas of life you want explored can provide structure and ensure that your most pressing concerns are addressed.

Approaching your reading with preparation can lead to a more fulfilling and enlightening experience, allowing you to fully benefit from the insights your past lives have to offer.

After Your Past Life Reading

After Your Past Life Reading
After Your Past Life Reading

After your session with past life psychics, it’s essential to take time to process and integrate the insights you’ve received. A past life psychic reading can uncover deep-seated emotions and memories, and reflecting on these can be profound and transformative. Here are a few steps to help you navigate this journey:

  1. First, consider journaling about your experience. Writing down what you recall from your past lives readings not only preserves the details but also helps you explore your feelings and thoughts about the revelations. It’s a good practice to note any initial skepticism, surprises, and especially any resonances that felt particularly strong.
  2. Next, think about how the insights might relate to your current life challenges or questions. Are there patterns that now make more sense? Are there relationships that might benefit from your new understanding? Sometimes, insights gained may not be immediately clear; give them time to unfold and manifest in your awareness.
  3. Finally, if you find yourself puzzled or needing further guidance, consider a follow-up session. Sometimes, additional readings can provide clearer direction or more profound healing as you continue to unravel the threads of your past lives. This ongoing exploration can be crucial for deep emotional healing and personal growth.


What is a past life reading?

A past life psychic reading involves a past life psychic using various techniques to reveal your past incarnations and how they impact your current life experiences and relationships.

How can I find a reputable past life psychic?

Look for past life psychics with good reviews, certifications, and experience. Platforms like Mysticsense or Oranum offer profiles and user ratings to help you choose.

What should I expect during a past life reading online?

During an online past life reading, expect to discuss your current life issues and feelings. The psychic will guide you through the process, possibly using tools like tarot cards to uncover past life influences.

Is it possible to get a free past life reading online?

Yes, some sites offer free past life reading online sessions as a brief introduction to their services, though these are typically shorter and less detailed than paid sessions.

Can past life readings help with personal growth?

Yes, past lives readings can offer insights into persistent personal challenges, helping you understand and overcome obstacles by connecting past life experiences with current issues.

How often should I have a past life psychic reading?

The frequency of past life psychic readings depends on your personal needs and goals. Some find a single session enlightening, while others may seek readings periodically as they navigate different life stages.

What do I need to prepare for my first past life reading?

For your first past life reading online, have specific areas of life or questions in mind, maintain an open mindset, and ensure a quiet, comfortable environment to help focus and relax during the session.



Renata Adair

I contribute as a psychic expert to psychicweb.org, writing and offering guidance to those seeking insight and connection through my unique abilities.